Justice League #3 Storytime

It's a "Superman is best and brightest and without him we're running around like headless chicken" episode

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come on step it up




What is this? Why isn't anyone storytiming Batman #5?



Well that is a fucking awesome cover.




I have no fucking idea what is going on.


Lois so far spent most of rebirth crying.

Evil spacemen come from space to kill everyone and people start serving them and SUPERMAN IS NEEDED and Lois whines and fuck me if this book is worth ink and paper.

She's a strong independent woman
She doesn't need you mansplanning how she spends her time



Odds of this NOT being entertaining?


Way low. Odds of it selling like shit, on the other hand...



And whining.


Blue beetle has better odds of being entertaining than this Justice League run so far

That kid is adorable.

Hm. Someone played at Majora's Mask

Prepare for Justice League: Attack on Titan edition

Read today's Superman and say that again

what's Paquette up to now, it would be a crime for him to sit on his hands while waiting for Morrison to write WW E1 2.

It's kinda fucked up that Jurgens actually gave her something to do with investigating about Nu52 world and the intergang plot.

What the shit, Hitch?

This shit took too long to get interesting

>Be careful, Flash!

fuck off, Hitch. fuck off with this pairing.



Welp. That's a weird and unsatisfying way to end an issue...

>what's Paquette up to now
Doing covers mostly

Hitch still acts like he's doing "I'm doing it for the art!" JLA. This book is garbage.

They're cute as hell.

> people actually buy this garbage

There was literally no build up to that end. Why did DC decide to put an artist as writer on their flagship title. Why is JL currently DCs worst title?

Does it take place before or after Red Dawn?
Most signs point that it's after, but i want confirmation

After, Simon mentioned Bleez in an earlier issue and there was an editors note saying to check out GLs, so I'm pretty safe to assume it takes place after

>tfw Wonder Woman panty shot
>tfw Rucka's rage approaching perpetual motion

hold up. The reaper actually look like The reapers from Mass Effect? Where the fuck is Shepard.

He wears cowl with pointy ears.

Justice League 003 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Thoth)


Justice League - Rebirth 01 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Thoth)

Justice League 001 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Thoth)

Justice League 002 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Thoth)

Justice League 003 (2016) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Thoth)

Very much so. They need to put him back on interiors for something worthwhile.

I did and I said that Tomasi is the only one who write her good there.

I'm actually surprised there's no snarky comment - or any kind of comment by Bruce that this is taking too long, especially since this Bruce isn't aware of ANY of them having any kind of relationship like this in the past five years....

Not really true. You guys haven't been reading Action and Superman if you're going to trot this out.

Perhaps but that cover just looks creepy.

If it was Martha Kent's recipe, Bruce would have known to take it gratefully.


She has been crying about superman in AC tho.

Very much so. I'd rather they charge that extra dollar and add 8 more pages. If this was a tv show, it would feel like a lot of rapid cut and fast pacing.

It needs a tighter focus. But this is why I usually prefer to trade wait.

Lois is best wife.

>"I need to know who you are and what you want here. Tell me."
>So, I'm going to stab you with this lightning spear instead of using my truth-revealing lasso


Why is Wonder Woman so dumb?

>I am Diana, Amazon warrior. Princess. Wonder...

What, no mention that you're also the literal God of War? Would have thought that'd rate higher.

>Hotter here than I can make it

I thought Superman's heat vision was hotter than the core temp of the Earth and is more like the core temp of the sun?

Speaking as someone who married a strong, independent womyn what don't need no man and had a kid with her, becoming a mom really does turn women into weepy sacks a lot of the time. Hormones are a Hell of a drug.

It is. He's also flown strait through the centre of various planets /stars and been fine.

Hell, he flew through an asteroid field of kryptonite (i.e. Krypton) and then through a red sun and was still able to punch out superman Prime.

I mean I don't normally get bothred by powerlevel sit but this is way off.

I don't know how many times I need to say it, but Lois and Clark says outright that his powers have been fritzing ever since they came to this universe, and are weaker than they used to be.

I am NOT a fan of how Lois is written here. If she's going to be one of those long-suffering moms who constantly worry and fret when the world needs saving, then you might as well fridge her now and get it over with.

She worries and frets, but she also accepts that it's necessary despite that, because the world needs Superman. Are you saying she shouldn't worry about her husband's life, knowing the sort of shit that he faces down on a regular basis? She's not stopping him from going. She worries like anybody should, but she's not going to stop him, and she says in the issue that he wouldn't be who he is if he stopped because she was worried.

And why the fuck is that? At this rate superdad is no stronger than dcau superman.

Probably something to do with him not being native to this reality. Didn't that happen before once, when he went to a different reality and said the sun there felt "greasier" and "oily"?

>buying anything by Hitch
>buying post-Flashpoint DC

Aquaman's part is the only good one in this book and look how much it gets


Have you not read any Rebirth stuff? It's pretty good (with the exception of JL, which is trash)

The fuck are you talking about? No she hasn't.

So do we think it's just a coincidence that they look like Manhattan?

This and last issue were better than the first 2, still not great, but it's getting better slowly.

Come on that's a cool pairing

And people say Sup Forums isn't den of cuckoldry.

>2 Green Lanterns
>Martian Manhunter's still not on the team

I mean, I know he's a jobber, but come on.

What the fuck is she crying about? The Earth's core shouldn't even feel warm to Superman.

>Superman is feeling uncomfortable in the core of the Earth when he's flown through stars
>his heat vision is less than 6,000 degrees Celsius
>forgetting that Nu52 Superman fought and defeated Wraith in the Earth's core

Jesus, what hack wrote this?

Green Lantern, Superman, Flash and Wonder Woman


Nothing to do with n52 supes, though.

Isn't New 52 Supes supposed to be weaker than New Earth Supes?

How is that cuckoldry? Then are both single, dumbass

Considering he was benching planets and he was said to be more powerful than the rest of the JL combined, I doubt that. All of Superdad's showings are decisively inferior, as well. He can't even get a handle on Doomsday, while Nu52 tore him in half.

doubt it will go anywhere yet
Flash is getting sweet brand new pussy in his main book

Yeah, I'm familiar with his FEATS. It'a just that I've read somewhere New 52 Superman is weaker, for some reason. I think it said because he's younger and not charged like older one.

Yeah its a bit odd.

>leaving 2814 into unsectored space
This just got interesting.

>want a cookie.
Justice league is good again

Oh interesting

I don't think so. They certainly aren't portraing Superdad's power with the same amount of respect.

So emotional spectrum, magic and speedforce

The fucks the power of the stars

Well its improving i did not care about the threat at first but they became interesting towards the end.

Its not auctualy going to last there just sinking the baz/cruz ship so future writers dont pair them up.

The fuck were they expecting with that costume.

A shame.
I do like the gl parts to though.