blessed be are the sheep of my flock
Nothing wrong with mexicans, they are only taking back what was stolen from them
ben garrison?
Things that would never happen.
Keep thinking that way...
Didnt you sell it or something?
Why not buy it back?
>lose a war
>want the land back
Well at least you admit that you aren't white and are a nation of niggers who complain about colonization.
>62% is better than 0 amigo
Hi Jeb
The only problem with that picture is... We would behead all of you - cucks, ape, and blood-sacrificing pagans - at the same time.
Shouldve drawn us taking a head or two!
This is honestly one of the reasons I left Christianity, besides just not being able to believe in it.
god you people are such niggers
read a book
Are you Indian or Spanish?
>Protestantism is christianity
>Sold it with a gun pointing at the president's head Well yeah we want to do the same.
>having any ability to take something over spare their ability to crank out useless retard babies
>Open borders
You know he is even more anti immigration than Donald "Romney is too mean to illegals" Trump?
then nothing belongs to you.
They're getting it back, don't worry
Spain was getting invaded by Napoleon, I would enlist to claim Mexico for Spain again.
Yeah, because Catholicism is such an upstanding example of not mixing races into a poor, brown shithole.
Protestantism is what does that.
>As if your words mean something...
You definitely know a cuck drew this
I wonder how many in Mexico would be loyal to spain rather than the cartel state of mejico.
>move to America to escape Mexico
>Mexico follows you like a schizophrenic ex
You would be surprised
literally only exist because of Napoleon, all of the Americas is Spain.
>>move to America to escape Mexico
That's what we want you to believe.
>If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down. For it is written: "'He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.'"
>Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"
Every Anti-Spaniard in Spain will be killed, Mexico is Spain.
what anime is that on the left?
Its like saying:
>usa literally only exist because of Britain, all of the Americas is British.
See how ignorant you look.
Thanks Colombia!!!
Spain will get back all of the Americas.
I would do her a very good Spain.
Wishful thinking doesn't make it a fact.
Stay in crisis
Ok but gib mexican gf pls.
No it's a corruption of Christianity the only true Christianity is Catholism and Orthodoxy.
Protestantism a man made cult.
Keep crying christcucks.
>Mfw atheist
Feels good man, nothing to worry about, you can just chill and go through your day not caring about any religon shit. XD
No need Iberian racial comrade, we can exterminate all the Injun spawn to secure these resources for our race.
Because you can't get one in spain?
our superior blood will win us against the war, we just need to exterminate the Jew and Moor in our societies to have only one people, one interest, and one leader.
You have a lot of work to do then...
Delusional, kid, detected.
Either we are superior and thus deserve all that we can obtain or we are inferior and our existence holds no meaning.
The struggle will tell.
None of them love me. Latinas semm lovely and sweet. Pls gib latina gf, spanish girls only fuck moors and niggers.
Spanish girls are useless
Your race is all that you have.
My race don't fuck with me or suck my cock.
Living as lonely Capitán Alatriste does not work for me. Mandatory celibacy for life
>implying Jesus would approve of defending your people
Haha, that's funny.
All christism is universalist garbage.
>we are inferior and our existence holds no meaning.
usa projecting hard...
> Ted Cruz
> For open borders
Just because someone is anti-Trump doesn't mean they're pro-open borders.
Trump literally said the mass deportations would be only symbolic, and that most people could come right back in.
Make Mexico Spanish Again
Damn, how sad can you be, dont worry bring some spanish girls here and i'll teach them how to treat a man.
>Trump literally said the mass deportations would be only symbolic, and that most people could come right back in.
ch ended the rule of Spain in 1821
You can have them all.
Fuck off ISIS. If you fuckers keep at it, Islam will go the way of Polio.
Fuck you you will never take arizona and the based gun laws
>t. American spic
> Trump said Wednesday in an interview with CNN's Dana Bash that as president he would deport all undocumented immigrants and then allow the "good ones" to reenter the country through an "expedited process" and live in the U.S. legally, though not as citizens. "Legal status," Trump suggested. "We got to move 'em out, we're going to move 'em back in if they're really good people."
That is literally amnesty.
What are you?
Are you a some sort of uber gypsy vampire that started your own shanty town on the edge of Romania or something?
Lol Keep searching dude, the result will be the same.
Lol, Triggered?
Dont worry we will be gentle after the reconquest.
Beaners destroying white americans is good, will make the conquest of the USA easier when beaners descend the state to chaos and inferiority.
This is called "liberation theology" which is the ideology of the current pope
>we want the land back
>so we can fuck it up
>Beaners destroying white americans is good, will make the conquest of the USA easier
Good, Good thats what i was thinking.
Do they speak English in Unknown?
Absolutely my american friend and whites too.
They speak Unknownish
you realize mexicans are coming to the united states because mexico sucks and no one likes it
That's what we want you to think.
Honestly what's the point in trying to take land back when you know your people will fuck it up and screw everything up again?
is it the same thing like with blacks and reparations? Just because you lost something 150 years back your still mad about it?
It's unfair how everything is fair game unless the "white man" wins or takes it, the hypocrisy is unbelievable.
You lost it in war, and USA was nice enough to give you the territory you have, should have just annexed all of mexico
>Implying we are like americans.
That statement would be valid if were the ones who stole it.
Wars of conquest are not theft.
We took the entirety of Mexico.
We could have kept the entire thing.
>was nice enough to give you the territory you have
Or maybe they couldn't take all of it, because their military was limited.
Calm down Paco.
No debiste confiar en los gringos y echarnos de ahi, no erais una colonia, erais parte de españa entonces...
You must spread these to kids to bring back true American Christianity again
That is a great Pic leaf fucking saved.
...really makes you think.
>We could have kept the entire thing.
No they couldn't, the usa military was limited.
Why, are you getting triggered by a mexican?
Post more of this quality OC artwork, my good snow nigger.
Help us bring the message of the Gospel to America’s youth and counter the ill effect of the liberal agenda being promoted aggressively in America’s public schools by helping to provide Truth for Youth® Bibles for every teenager in the United States.
The Truth for Youth® is given to every teenager who commits to give the Bibles to their unsaved friends in school. Over 2.5 million Truth for Youth® have already been distributed and thousands of young people are receiving Christ through these efforts!
One goal for giving the Truth for Youth® to teenagers is to restore religious freedoms in public school. The main goal of the Truth for Youth®, however, is to bring the message of the Gospel to America’s young people so they might receive Christ and become His disciples.
Any day now.
>erais parte de españa entonces...
No después de la independencia.
But you did steal it, you stole it from the indians, and the only reason no one is saying that is because you aren't white.
Which is the crux of this entire point, la raza supporters are just jealous they aren't white, so they decide to cry racism and protest for taking back land they stole form the indians.
But if you call out the mexicans for taking land form the natives during the 1600's-1750's no one will listen.
You got your ass handed to you for santa ann's mistakes and you payed for it, ironic being the conquest of the strong started with you guys when it applied to the natives, but when the conquest is done upon you mexicans by another power (whites) you don't like that feeling, it's all ironic, you take and kill another peoples land, which by the way you have tortured and killed much more natives compared to the USA, but when the USA does it you get a pissy and act like a little bitch, like somehow the rules of conquest only apply to you but when another people/country does the exact same thing it's somehow bad.
You're just plain losers, you la razarist's, the whole lot of you.
but if we are already finishing
current sentiment among the left is that mexicans basically are the natives
what's the general admixture in northern mexico? seems like most of the ones that come to america are diminutive and sloe-eyed like you'd expect a native to be