>bourgeois filth will defend this
capitalists deserve to die
Bourgeois filth will defend this
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could someone explain whats wrong with this picture?
theyre not capitalists, theyre parasites
Daily Reminder that lefty/pol/ is satire
>unironically being useful idiot
oh look it's that same greek autist
middle class is bourgeois
It really does initiate cognitive actions
>whats wrong with this picture?
the waiter is an oliphant.
The wealth being produced in the USA is being concentrated in the hands of a small elite, leaving the majority worse off despite the fact that that majority is critical to the functioning of this country's economy.
kys idiot
So, people who have worked hard, or their ancestors have worked hard should give up their wealth because of "muh feels" and people being too lazy to try and aim for the same prestige? Get fucked, you commie.
because according to Sup Forums jews are using the capitalist system to manipulate the inflation and exploiting low cost labor in order to make themselves richer
of course, when whiteys are doing the same, it's no problem
Bourgeois is the term for the class that owns most businesses and employs wage laborers.
And that leftists won't name the Jew, because the "elite" are all Jewish bankers who give large sums to Democrats.
>implying that there;s a finite amount of "pie"
>implying that anyone if entitled to it.
>implying OP is no a petite bourgeois
"""""""""work hard"""""""""
boy you have things to learn. Most of them just get handed the money they have. Show some solidarity and spare. I donate to charity. Everyone is equal in this world
>Be me
>grew up poor
>decide that this will never happen again
>work hard in school
>starts business
>starts off slow
>keeps working hard
>eventually grows it into a huge company
>employes many people, helps economy
>donates a good sum of money to help truly disadvantaged people
But of course, rich people are evil and they don't deserve anything. My bad
Are you fucking stupid? I said, either THEY or THEIR ancestors and why shouldn't they inherit money from their forefathers?
>poor has 4 kids
This. My dad worked 3 jobs and went to school full time and that fucker had 8 kids. No hes not black.
just stop being poor you retard
What are things that never happened for $500, Alex?
In Sweden there's a big tax on inheritance, it's about 40% if I remember it correctly. It think it's in Finland too?
That's disgusting, you're practically fucking communists.
>Everyone is equal in this world
I was posting this from the perspective of a rich lol
If rich people are only rich because of hard work and their own pluck, why do the jews control everything and control all the wealth?
*rich person
man i cant type today
So then
>retards think they can become rich just through "hard work," not rent seeking
Your ancestors being rich doesn't mean that you're just as intelligent or hard-working as they are. Also, it's not "le ebin feels" meme. Workers who are crucial to this country's well-being shouldn't be living in poverty. In fact, when automation replaces so many jobs, people who can't find a job shouldn't be living without utilities or other necessities because their boss wants another yacht.
Shush goyim, you're not supposed to notice the richest people in America are Chosen and obtained their riches through usury
>the wealth being produced
Exactly, the rich are the ones producing the wealth. They're the owners of businesses, they take all the financial risk.
If you don't like being poor, then start a company and produce a good or service that people are willing to pay you a lot of money for.
Wealth isnt a zero sum game and it doesn't just appear out of nothing. What rustles my jimmies about these kind of comics is that they all act as if wealth was some entity that the government is distributing.
kys, commie
>they take all the financial risk
Ahahahahah look at this goy
Usury isn't hard work or producing. It is forbidden by all religions save Judaism. even atheists understand the dangers of usury
So, you shouldn't be allowed to keep the money that your family have worked to en masse for the benefit of future generations of the family for the sake of other people who could make such fortunes with the correct application of time, mind and body? Get fucked, you commie.
so you're saying hard work is meaningless? ok
>Capitalists deserve to die
SO many dictators have said this same thing. In every revolution one idiot leads it, overthrows it, then just hordes all the wealth for himself and his friends.
So basically you're a fucking jealous idiot. Work harder and you can move up a bit.
Solid argument. I'm really thinking now.
What, you disagree with stealing money from the white middle-class to give to niggers, who jus need mo money fo dem programs? Are you some kind of a racist?
>Everyone is equal in this world
Toppest of keks.
>poor woman has 4 kids even though she knows she's only going to get three blueberries for a meal
yeah sounds about right
Why is Sup Forums full of classcucks?
of or characteristic of the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes.
Wealth needs both initial risk-taking and the power of laborers to be produced. Not only that, but the rich aren't necessarily the ones taking all the risks. Many businesses that would otherwise fail are sustained by the government because a society with many failing businesses would be too unstable.
Ah yes, because the redistribution of wealth (inheritance tax) isn't at all communist. :)
Remember Kid, the Rich pay most of your social security
Why do you hate those that actually generate the wealth that pays the taxes, that in turn pays your JSA?
americans genuinely believe that if they just Le Work Hard :^) they'll become as rich as bill gates/steve jobs/that Tesla guy/whichever other popular rich person
everyone itt should read that book Outliers by Gladwell. he even accurately explains why jews are so rich in the west and especially 'murrka
it's not 203 BC anymore gramps, the keyword now is "nepotism"
at the risk of sounding like im mememing out, old money is *old*
>they take all the financial risk.
what is an LLC
Inheritance tax was removed in Sweden IIRC.
>financial risk
They are too big to fall. They have no risk anymore when the government will spend tax dollars bailing them out.
Even though, I support trying to achieve such wealth, without having the state take it from others because you're too scrubby to work for it? Lol, fuck off.
The bourgeoisie ushered in capitalism by destroying feudalism in the 17th-19th centuries. Basic history m8.
>implying the rich actually pay taxes
they just dodge it through loopholes and offshore holding corporations
kill all rich people
can't this fag be put on blast for labeling the black family as poor, I feel like liberals would poop their pants over this
I never said that people aren't naturally given the liberty to keep money from their parents and family, and I'm not a communist.
Then what were you arguing against, because that was my point? Sounds like back-peddling from the meathead.
>Everyone is equal in this world
Shekel deposited
>Everyone's chill
Except for the fact that 100% of people are now living below what used to be the poverty line since LEL EVERYONE IS EQUAL XD
>Make tax 140%
>People evade it
If the rich have magic offshore accounts untouchable by any tax ever, why do you keep raising taxes? Won't that just mean your get even more of nothing?
More like
>The poor has a slice
>The middle class has a pie
>the rich has a storehouse full
>capitalists deserve to die
Nice strawman.
>both people at the table are single mothers
Horsey has some serious pottery going on, but of course the pedestrians don't understand his blatant satire of current progressive cartoons. I dare say he will be our next Ben Garrison.
Why do lolbertarians have this bizarre idea in their head that anything short of ancapistan is full blown communism?
The purpose of society isn't to serve the interests of wealthy people exclusively. The interests of the middle and lower classes matter as well.
It's not. That fact is something that any book of economics or history will tell you.
Income tax needs to be abolished and replaced with a consumption tax
>muh regressive taxes
Oh no, because authoritarianism isn't at all like real world communism. Oh sorry, I forget, 'real communism' hasn't been tried yet. :^)
Who here mentioned communism, aside from lolbertarians trying to brand their political opponents as communists?
>leftist economic thought
>fixed-size pie
Every time.
white man is rich. No white men are poor or middle class.
>yeah, fuck you. This is why I don't vote for niggers. Kill yourself, nigger.
Daily reminder Communism sucks dicks and its a meme
t. ex commie country.
>not being the pooper
>have valuable skills that are in demand
>be poor
Pick one
Poor people are poor because they're typically uneducated / don't have a way to produce decent income and are a single parent household.
The solution isn't taking money and redistributing to people who are incapable of making good choices, the solution is not having 6 baby daddies and dropping out of high school. That's your typical black person aka poor person.
Blame the real estate market for being over inflated and big government for outlawing mining and other resource mining jobs as well as allowing companies to move jobs overseas. Then blame everyone who doesn't build a wall and doesn't deport all the illegals which drive labor costs way done.
Socialists are by and far the least practical people around. They imagine so fairy tale where everyone just gets along and shares everything without any conflict. You have to be stupid or naive to think it's a sustainable economic model
*having PTSD*
>consumption tax
>unfairly taxing the poor even more because they can't buy in bulk for transit or cost reasons
sales tax is also already a thing and it's bullshit and no one likes it
t. quebec
Back to wheel communists
The workers generate wealth, not the parasitical bourgeoisie.
Who said anything about the state?
I'm saying that it's not a given that people should be keeping all their wealth when they weren't the only ones that created it and it could be put to better use than buying them a yacht.
top kek
I totally agree with worldwide communism now that I see my idol Squidward condemning fascism which is somehow the polar opposite of communism.
>>have valuable skills that are in demand
how do you get those valuable skills when post-secondary education costs millions of dollars to go to
>Socialists are by and far the least practical people around.
i see youve never been to canada
>everything I say is socialist is socialist and socialism is what I say even if I'm bullshitting for propaganda purposes
Don't you mean t. Canada
>Who said anything about the state?
Because you alone have the manpower (or authority within a sovereign state) to re-appropriate taxes? I didn't think so.
Why? Why shouldn't they? It was their ancestors who earnt it for them.
Why the fuck do poor people have so many kids??? jesus christ
people shouldn't have kids unless they can afford it without government assistance
>shitskins have no food
Beautiful, now get them away from the human table.
This, abolish 16th amendment, that shit was illegal, fucking Woodrow Wilson and his progressive bullshit.
>white middle class represented by white women
>be poor
>have kids
Consumption taxes + universal tax rebate
Well yeah that is how it fucking works
The wealth in this world is limited, the good and services
Money is the measurement of wealth, and what if everybody had 10 billion dollars because they worked hard? then what? Nobody gets shit that way and in a way you haven't moved an inch
We have goods and products locked behind money, only people who take their cut can partake in them, and some people think that's a problem, but guess what, there's no better way
As time progresses the standard of living will naturally rise as the top gets access to better things sooner and the bottom gets access to the baseline later down the line. eventually there will be no poverty as we know it. people may not have the newest sexdroid waifubot with artificial womb nor will they have the newest device that converts water into icecream like all the middle class and upper class people have and feel like they're in poverty, but they probably won't be hungry
>le horseshoe meme
Fascism is about nationalism, class collaboration, hierarchy, imperialism
Communism is about internationalism, class warfare, horizontal structures and anti-imperialism
If it was accurate the poor would have a quarter of the pie and the middle class would have a sliver of pie. The fact is if you're rich you can afford healthcare in the US and if you're poor enough you can qualify for all kinds of programs that provide expensive healthcare (chemo, surgery, ect) in good hospitals. Now if you're middle class and you don't have a job that provides health insurance you're fucked. Buying from a private insurance company (blue cross or whatever) is expensive as hell and even the cheap shit from the Obama care website is like $200 a month per person. At that point you're better off poor.
Laborers are compensated for their work. A high school graduate doing manual labor is paid less than a draftsman who is paid less than an engineer. Capitalism pays people what they are worth, your problem is with socialist policies that keep failing businesses afloat. That isn't capitalism that corporate welfare.
>What is an LLC?
Sure it protects your private assets, but it doesn't protect a business from failure and loss of capital invested. You can still lose your ass with an LLC.
That isn't capitalism tho, at worst it's corporate welfare and at best it's socialism.
I wonder if the "get rich or die (and kill) trying" is the ultimate red pill about human nature. We are still very far from an egalitarian (or communist if you like) society. But the desire for freedom and justice and class struggle never stop either.