Brit/pol/ - Keep Brit/pol/ white Edition

Thread Theme:

>May, Putin to form anti-globalist alliance with President Trump

>Norway warns Britain, don't fall for the EFTA meme

>Treasury and City reach consensus, Norway option is still cuckoldry

>Cuckwrangler pledges to keep Labour unelectable for foreseeable future

>Labour election hopes dealt further blow in muslim electoral fraud crackdown

>Quintessentially British moderate muslim: 'killing infidels is just not cricket old beans'

>Syrian economic migrants complain about all the free stuff and lack of war

>900 out of 1,602 unaccompanied migrant children arrested for rape

>Biggins trolls JIDF on live TV, (((producers))) say he'll never work in Hollywood again

Other urls found in this thread:

1st for memes

>Brit made thread

Nth for Gordon's rage.

inb4 people arguing about Germans

Reminder this is BRIT/pol/

nth for CHILL OUT

When is May returning from vacation?

Merkel already did

You Brits are fucking lazy

I want to see parliament banter

Two golds ahead of China now lads.

>RAF to protect Ireland

Hardly much to talk about in the realms of British politics.

Best to talk about British - or any - history, philosophy and languages.

Top kek my man. Lancasters incoming.

Its coming home

They should be told to fuck off unless their willing to give up on their little tantrum and come home.

Chinks must be very mad. I bet their families are getting shot as we speak

>RAF will shoot down planes over Ireland If they are hijacked by terrorists.
Terrorists asking us for help against other terrorists.
Oh sweet irony.



Septembre, familia.




Who's the best shipgirl and why is it Warspite?


I don't mind protecting Ireland but we should really ask all these dependencies to contribute something to our military budget.

>the absolute state of Ireland

>that time he literally went REEEE

They're not even going to fucking pay for the fuel?
Jesus, we really do get taken for a fuckin ride, don't we?

> Germany will never be superior again

I thought the idea was that the terrorist hijacked planes are shot down safely over dublin before they can be a risk to anyone who matters.

>two golds and silvers ahead of China

>only 5 behind China in total medals

Both golds and cumulative medals seem a bad way to rank it.

It should be gold being three points, silver two, bronze one in my opinion.

USA 163
GB 94
China 93

Please gib video i must see this.

>2nd in the olympics
>United Ireland in my lifetime

Fuck me lads, it's good to be british.

God bless our country lads
Greatest country in the world

I wonder how you won those medals?

oh fuck hang on I'll see if I can remember what it was from

Too American

Last line should be something to the effect of "now bloody well bugger off"

Why aren't you a Maoist, brit/pol/?



My RAF and art threads have always been welcomed by most. They had a nice atmosphere.

>tfw you will never fly life or death combatmissions to liberate Europe
>tfw you will never melt krauts as they sleep in their beds

Because I am a #polpothead

Let those times live in your heart.

Reminder that Brit/pol/ has always been Civic Nationalists, which means we tolerate foreign flags and tripfags, as long as they accept our Brit/pol/ culture and integrate.



How can anyone settle for a best?
I can`t even pick a best idol and I`ve been with idolmaster for years.

Are tunnocks, limmy's show and Andrew Neil the only good things to come out of Scotland?

Thanks lad

>How can anyone settle for a best?
She's the only pure British ship, unless you count Kongou as pure British.

>all this Russian snooping

What are they up to

I want them to live in the nightmares of germans.

Who else here genuinely saddened by the fact that they'll never live during the Empire at its peak?

Brilliant. My Great Uncle was a navigator in a Lancaster, he was shot down bombing railways in France.

Agree, the sperging out over different flags is worse than the different flags themselves. As long as they don't derail the thread with circular discussions, which admittedly is a problem sometimes...

Will this not just be the start of gradual re-unification of the Kingdom?

That has nothing to do with the flag of the OP. It is Brit/pol/. Why does it have constant foreign flag OPs. Australian, Filipino, Russian, Finnish and now Romanian. One after the fucking other for three weeks constantly, and whenever a Brit tries to make the OP it gets split and derailed by the trolls. You are probably all the same troll. Why don't you just take your proxy off and show us all your israeli flag.

Brits made the threads last night and today.

It's the only most recent thread that has been made by a foreigner today.

It's always a pride to have wartime aviators in your family. Had one serving during WW1, and another in WW2. Fighter pilots, the latter being the nephew of the first. They joined the Romanian airforce, so switched sides during the war quite a bit.

I have also an Algerian War flight mechanic grandpa, and a great-aunt who successfully hid a downed British pilot around St Malo.

Really makes you think

can't find it sorry bud, there's just so much of this shit

Finis Britanniae?

Sad to hear that. I genuinely only spammed pictures, then started making threads when no one was arsed to.

Back when shitposting was an event

Went for a walk in the Malverns earlier today. Is there anywhere else on Earth that is as comfy as our Great Britain?

Sat at the top and ate my lunch, just took in the beauty.

>willingly doing exercise

Absolutely haram

Threadly reminder.

It's Silly Season.

There isn't much real news atm.

Keep your heads lads. Soon be Party Conference Season.

There will be no peace until foreign flags stop posting Brit/pol/ OPs. It's been one after the other for the last three weeks. Where is the aussie? The filipino? The russian/finn? They come in, take over the thread with constant spam for entire days on end. Eventually start posting OPs. Delete/don't update the links and replace them with random low energy/effort shit. Post generic OP pics related to their own obsessions, rather than politics or Britain. And then disappear once people get fed up of it. And then the next one immediately appears to take their place. How long must this continue? This is Brit/pol/. The eternal anglo masterrace general on Sup Forums. Not a revolving door whorehouse for subhumans to cuck us.

Some guy behind me talking about how it's technically legal to marry your cousin so it would be totally fine if he hooked up with his.

Wish I was a merchant in the 1800`s tbqh

And before that the State Opening.

Keep them coming. Those hills are gorgeous.

Life was pretty shit for most people back then.

I only wish we ended up to Europe what Japan is to Asia. Sad how we let it all get fucked up so much.

Lads, I did a video taking the piss out of Alex Jones shilling, thoughts?

Just a beautiful sight desu senpai

You can be top again when the EU federalises.

The Aussies have a stronger sporting culture than us because that's all they're really good at. This is their worst Olympics for a while.

That's because we had to practically physically force the Finnish guy to stop by derailing all the threads he made and posting new threads like 50 posts early before he could. This went on for days till we got rid of him.

>State Opening
Will watch
>not saying her majesties gouverment at every opportunity you get

Delete these for your own good, Fritz

>you will never grow up in an upper-middle class manor in the Victorian era
>you will never run around and discover the secrets of your old house with your siblings
>you will never have a nanny who pretends to be strict but really lets you do what you want when father's off in the colonies
>you will never learn to read and write from picture books adorned with images from across the Empire
>you will never have long summer days full of playing cricket and hide-and-seek
>you will never be taken abroad to the colonies with your parents and see the wonders of the Empire
>you will never travel to London and see the centre of Empire, feeling perhaps for the first time true pride in your country
>you will never drive your county's first ever car with father and scare the villagers
>you will never slowly take over your father's business when he knows you've become a man
>you will never fall in love with a beautiful middle-class English girl and have lots of children yourself
>you will never relax in the glorious Edwardian summers, watching your children grow up just the way you did, and know that surely, just surely, they will look after the Empire, that it will never die

The Finnish guy was a bit annoying, I'll agree. The French guy seems to be alright, though. So was the Pinoylad.

No worries lad, thanks for looking at least.

Also who else /drinking European tears/ here? they seem to be really salty recently.

"hahah you'll never leave"
"article 50 will never be invoked you will never leave"

What will they say after article 50 is invoked?
"hahaha you'll come back and you know it"?


>reminder that anjem choudary has finally been convicted

They're like a dumped girlfriend who just won't give up. It's hilarious.

You sound delusional, some of them are annoying, others are fine.

That's a pretty awesome family history. My other great uncle also flew as far as I'm aware, but my Grandfather was only old enough to be recruited literally days before the war ended. The rest were soldiers.

I just want to spread some good vibes of art and history.

All the time

How did they know Paddys existed?

I don't mind any of them. But it's been like a relentless foreign invasion trying to conquer the OPs recently. They should be kept as pets or mascots at most.

They had boats

>tfw you will never execute these with a good old British Lee Enfield .303 SMLE

Why live lads?

I come from a military family, so listing all of them would be quite long. One of the knights beat up Ottomans as he escorted Carol I, the Prussian prince through Europe to climb on the Romanian throne, and on the French side, a great-uncle fought in Narvik.

Are you retarded nigga? There were some excursions into Ireland, and a few outposts set up. Let alone the trade they had. Romans knew of fucking China ffs

Oh blimey it hurts.

They knew about China because of the spice road to be fair.


So you can shoot them with a British Lee Enfield .303 SMLE

Honestly, I don't mind. If they make a thread for us then it doesn't really matter - less work done for us, I suppose. There's nothing wrong with OP not being British.

I don't mind hanging around as a mascot, but please have RAF threads regularly.

only one party did conferences right

>ywn be a chimney sweeper
>ywn be forced to fight in bongo bongo land
>ywn live in a grimey cramped back to back house
>ywn have family sent to the workhouses
>ywn starve
>ywn lose your fingers in factories as a child

> T R O T T