>dude weed lmao
>dude social media and post-ironic normie culture lmao
>dude we're all about social responsibility but watch this obese brooklyn jew get ferried around in luxury cars and stuff his face with food lmao
>dude time lapses of city streets and shots of people wistfully looking out car windows lmao
>dude weed
Dude weed lmao
Other urls found in this thread:
But is great though.
dude no one watches it lmao
desus and mero is kinda amusing when they roast drumpf but the rest is garbage
they got Viceland on aussie free to air now and it was some good docos like the golden days of Vice, but most of the shit on it is dude weed lmao and dude trans kids lmao...
I literally think they just troll on Sup Forums and think of things to piss them off. Their most watched recent videos on Youtube have like a 5% approval rating just because Sup Forums slams the site and votes it down
Could you imagine what an alt-right Vice would be like?
dude it feels so good to be white
dude look how fucking white i am
dude white genocide is real
dude the jews are taking over the world
dude jews
does anyone else have nostalgia for older vice videos? Back when they did dangerous and interesting stuff and fucked around but it was entertaining
Now it feels like the life has been sucked out of it and their struggling to make videos that people want to watch anymore
>he doesn't like Fuck That's Delicious
How to spot a pleb 101.
seems good so far
It DOES feel pretty good to be white though
i stopped paying attention to vice after that liberal documentary. i enjoyed that, but after the liberia doc they just went to complete shit and i stopped paying attention to them. just seems like a bunch of 30 year old dude weeeed bros now
>alt-right tv
>this is the news anchor
We could get World Peace back if this existed.
ntstb put me off because of the incredibly stupid name but fuck me if it's not hilarious and insanely creative
I'm sold where do I sign up?
Oh it's an awful name but it's so funny.
we all know you're happier doing nothing for money, Sam
t. Flyover state
>DUDE (SJW cliche) LMAO
>is party owned by News Corp
make your predictions:
how long will this last?
I liked that Huang's World episode on Japan.
Fuck That's Delicious is GOAT too. Shoutout Big Body.
I'm not right-wing, I just think Viceland and the youth culture it represents is idiotic.
dude mainstream views disguised as alternative views lmao
was north korea the best thing vice ever did
that was VBS, pre-corporate vice
>look mom I posted it again
It's just a ride bro