X-men civil war #3

With the special guest of Rachel Summer


Remember when Rachel was a bondage amateur ?

Jew cowboy


When are the inhumans going to pay for all those deaths ?


This is the most dog locking lockjaw I have seen, normally he has something that make him look more human.

>protecting the people who have been killing your race

I dont want to say it but these x-men are a bunch of cucks

Also nice Ass

They're mutants, they were either going to die as fodder x-men, or end up as a red smear on the heel of a giant purple robot.

The Inhumans aren't supposed to be sympathetic, are they?

I have not read the next page but i hope storm says something like

>You are a queen, I AM A GODNESS

He looks goofy as fuck.

Not in an x-book.

That's the worse bit. They are trying to make the Inhumans sympathetic. It's just really difficult because well, they are being complete cunts.

Strange way to call person.


Come on man, get your shit together.

he has a point

What the fuck is up with the artwork

Woz ?

Lel, Ororo as Queen. Nobody wanted her there.

>if i told you before it might have caused an incident
>where as letting the spy in would totally not piss you off
What the fuck is storm thinking?

Is this guy a nu-inhuman or a z-list mutant ?

Holy shit, Bunn is using the new generation of Inhumans who got put in limbo by the new new generation of Inhumans!


he is from Paul Jenkins' Inhumans
alongide with the green flying girl named Tonaja

Wiki says he was created in Inhumans mini.

It's Icegay. I think...

>Putting me here is not smart...in Limbo maybe

lel, I dont like Fantomex look but he was one of my favorite characters in uncanny x-force



So... This an Apocalypse Nightcrawler or just Nightcrawler?


Mutants and inhumans are just two sides of the same coin, two high and mighty groups of cunts that need to be taken down several pegs.

>woz was orange in jenkins, purple in silent war, and now he is silver
How hard is it to stay consistent

>logan immediately goes to the windows to check the perimeter.
>he was right to do so
even better

>Woz only has 13 appearances

Holy shit, does this confirm Bunn loves continuity as Ewing ?

616 kurt



I want marvel to burn


No and don't see why people keep acting like marvel is trying to play them that way.

He seems strangely out of character? More in line with the AoA Nightcrawler? What happened to him?

Been out of touch with X-men.


Died, got back WITHOUT SOUL, was written by Claremont in [CURRENT YEAR], was tortured by Sinister I think.

>This fucking art
Literally DeviantArt tier

if only

Maybe for you big guy

he seen some shit doing the 8 month timeskip

the tetris gas, people killing mutants, etc

and yet you'll never draw for marvel. Makes you think

Henderson defense force is here, I see.

>How can you side against the Inhumans
Jesus are they even listening to themselves?

People have been killing mutants for decades, it's not a new development.

It doesn't hurt any less

Uh, uh, you're starting to sound like Scott Summers. Hating Inhumans is no-no.

Im not saying the art is by any bit good. I was just stating that for as bad as it is, user will never do better

Mutants have been killing each other for decades

So does humans. Your point?

The Eternals really need to get off of their asses and put all of these faggots in their place.

Sersi was supposed to be in Black Knight as queen of Amazons.

That just confirms he has read the best Inhuman series

That seems like a considerable step down for her.

Beats fucking drunk guys.

Is that Orion, Big Barda, Mr. Miracle and co. I see?

No cure for you user

Nah, just their lamer knockoffs.

Is it really a knock off if they were created by the same person and have completely different personalities and such?

Yep. Look at Challengers of the Unknown and F4.

how does it feel to be a pleb?

Rachel really is the worst daughter. has she *ever* really had Scott's back?

Gambit falls for it again

That one time during AvX she whooped Avenger scum

Yeah, and Wolverine went with "is this what your mother wanted?"

She also kept Scott up to date with info

That was well after she decided that she didn't even want his last name anymore, right? So, in the end, she had her father's back for half of one event a few years ago.

I think it's time for Scott to disown the lady who keeps disowning him.

>Ms. Grey

Has she taken her mother's name now to distance herself further from Scott or is this a mistake?

I haven't been keeping up on Inhumans or X-Men

What is the Inhumans' stance on the frequent Mutant deaths due to the mists? Do any of them think their lives are worth stopping/containing the mists for? Maybe keeping all the mists to a centralized locations so humans come TO the mists and not the other way around?

If she needs Scott, she's Ms. Summers. Usually she's Ms. Grey.

They sent condolences to the mutants, but they're not going to remove the mists. They also pretend to look for some cure

Afaik, it's not shown.

When she first came around, Scott was leading X-Factor in days when it was billed as a mutant hunting team and basically being a deadbeat dad.

Beast was working with them to develop a cure.

Ya know, I bet this happens to Storm a lot. Like, she's in an argument or a standoff with somebody and then there's a bolt of lightning across the sky and nobody believes it wasn't her.


She started going by Grey when Scott took up with Emma.

More like "Final Solution on the Mutant Problem"

That, too. Should've said that.

Seems like she pulls out the Summers when she gets serious. Or starts talking like Scott.

Wasn't it actually because her family got blown up by Shi'ar and she wanted to honor them or some bullshit like that?

Yeah. Both her and Nathan act like Scott's their dad only when SHIT GETS SERIOUS, YO!
Still, no Summers family comic. Bravo Marvel.

You can take Summers out of your name, but you can't take Summers out of yourself

Pretty sure it started before that, but that would have been the better point to do it.

I need this.

To think that Claremont wanted to give us Summers X-Men School

A couple of people in Germany were kidnapping mutants, killing them, and dumping their corpses in the woods. There was a lot of bodies.

>I need this.
Right? Just give them transforming vehicle so they can have adventures both on land and in space.
And they'd be all... EVIL!
Unless I remember wrong, of course.

I would like to see Rachel slap Jean's shit in, or act weirdly maternal.

>Still, no Summers family comic.
Astonishing X-Men volume 2 is the closest we'll ever get to that. Rachel was at college and Alex was in an alternate reality so they replaced them with two people that wanted to fuck Jean.

>our timeline is changing
should've said timetable. Timeline in an X-Men comic is never used this way.

What's a queen to a goddess?

One has throne, other has people who humored her and knew she's fake.