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yes it is

drop the proxy fritz

and how it is?

to be like what?


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Fuck of mohammed, you gonna sit and watch


Reminds me of an article I read today, where Macron said that if France were given a referendum under comparable circumstances the French people would've voted for a Brexit. This is why, according to Macron, it was a mistake to leave such a complex affair in the hands of a simple "yes or no" vote. To put it in Rousseauvian terms Brexit was the volonté de tous, but not the volonté générale. By deferring the decision to the masses rather than weighing what's the greater good, the political class in Britain had falled those it supposedly represents (but it has failed them for decades so it's nothing new under the sun).


i know some retarded "engineer"(putting pipes togather on ships) that never in his life worked or lived in britain once he finished school (turkey brasil mainly) and the fuckface is an avid brexitvoter

Based Macron
European Empire when?




You regained your sovereignty! No longer will eurocrats dictate how you live, like some shadow country swallowing up britain's dignity and hard earned dosh.

>No longer will eurocrats dictate how you live
No, aunty May will

Superpower by 2030

god i would give my left nut to see this happen
such a shame


Oh jeez what happened now?

>One of these is not like the others, one of these does not fit.

Jokes aside, I wish you the best of luck.

What was it supposed to be like?

Would unironically move to Canzuk and become an Anglo

Ps: Just get the Red Ensign back, you Shitlords.

>No longer will eurocrats dictate how you live
That was a potential outcome, that was for most voters the expected outcome, but it's the least likely outcome and even if it happens the worst possible outcome.

The two options right now are soft Brexit and hard Brexit.

>Soft Brexit
Congratulations: the only thing that changes is that the British can now no longer vote on the laws Brussel binds them to.

>Hard Brexit
Sovereignity, but at the cost of trade with its biggest trade partners.

>swallowing up britain's [...] dosh
Except even the most rose colored projects show the British economy contracting. We've already seen British GDP dip and major companies such as Deutsche Bank relocating. Macron has already made it public he expects to gain at least 10,000 jobs out of Brexit and Frankfurt is poised to take 100,000 jobs from Brexit (although admittedly we're dealing with respectively a lowballed and a highballed estimate).

This kind of reasoning is precisely why so many Brexit votes feel tricked. If you get the facts straight and still support Brexit then more power to you, but at least get the fucking facts straight.

The British were just supposed to save about 200 million and use it to fund the NHS with no negative consequences whatsoever, if Farage and Johnson are to be believed.

>Frankfurt is poised to take 100,000 jobs from Brexit
kraut fairy tales
Very few fairy tales are backed by studies.

Yes it was

The welfare of society is too complex a matter to be left in the hands of commoners

Plato was right, always. Democracy will be our undoing, as it was for Athens.

ah yes, it is the EU which is burning.

If a country can manage an exit successful it's England.
Until recently I was in favour of the EU, until I realized the damage it does to Europe. Nothing against the European market or Schengen, but a EU superstate lead by literal autists is not an option.
Godspeed England! Show of the path!


Yes it was.

>the bbc and guardian told me brexit is bad!
ah yes

there's always a cozy lot for him in Pensacola

I was there. I was in /brit/. I warned them. They didn't listen. Those fools.

Haha if you're the pro-EU Finn we've argued loads. I used to get really drunk and fight with you and the rest of the Sup ForumsEUIDF

The only way Brexit would be a disaster is if remaincucks water it down and ignore the democratic vote, so any failure is all on them

>I used to get really drunk and fight with you
I am not surprised, Engländer

Hence why both French and American enlightenment authors championed republicanism, not democracy.

The problem, especially in Plato's system, is that there's no safeguard ensuring the elites serve the state and not their own self-interest. Well, other than maybe the Right to Revolution enshrined in both French and American enlightenment thought.

>yank owned media companies and the literal 1% who can only gain from market instability told me brexit is good
ah yes
"we're tired of experts"

>yank owned media companies
name one?

Reuters. Though admittedly they're fringe media in 'Murica.

oh look it's that one desperate brit living in Germany. Clocks ticking Nigel, hope you haven't got long term plans here

fringe? they're an old company, and I mean ollllllllllld

The one people were especially fond of quoting is breitbart
There's also the fucking sun and that one godawful english only rag whose name escapes me but has that stupid bloody crusader as the mascot

Rupert Murdoch is technically an american citizen.

To Leave voters, what was their main concern for voting out of the EU, not including just brown people ?

Germany. Brits have an irrational hatred/fear towards us. Also, jealousy but that isn't irrational. We are simply doing better than them

there was this debunked meme that we send like 300million pounds or something like that to the eu every week, people slapped this claim on the side of a bus and lots of people believed it.

I'd call hatred and fear of Germany anything but irrational. You motherfuckers violated EU law purely to bring in even more shitskins than the EU is already bringing in, then forcing white countries like Poland and Hungary to take their "fair share".

The greatest crime in human history isn't that you guys started two world wars, but that you survived both of them unscathed.

The big problem right now is we have no money for public services
We do, it's just not being used on it
The arguement was that the EU imposes stupid restrictions(it does, occasionally) and costing our fishing industry(it is)
The truth is that EU regs and trade brought in far more money than it lost, which people didn't seem to comprehend
There's also a strange stockholm syndrome in britain where everyone fucking hates who they're ruled by but keeps voting for them
In England everyone hates the tories and everyone hates labour and they still vote for them
Up here we hate England with a passion but we still vote in people who look to England's interests before Scotlands
it's distressing and sickening

>You motherfuckers violated EU law purely

prove it

>countries like Poland and Hungary to take their "fair share".

it's called reciprocation. They take a ton of our money, they can take a few thousand migrants that will eventually leave anyway because Poland and to a lesser extent Hungary are nera 3rd world tier

not to mention their duplicitous automotive companies, cheating emission standards, and performing animal and human exhaust testing

>name one?

Unironically Facebook

Yeah and you're incredibly naive if you don't understand where that comes from.
We "won" the war against the (ultimate) evil forces of Nazi Germany, and for what? To lose our empire and then end up under your jackboot 70 years on later anyway? It's not irrational in the slightest.

It's also not the biggest reason for voting leave in my opinion, but whatever.

Why can’t Germans stop gassing people?

Things are still shit here.
FYI :- We are still in the EU.

you're thinking of the daily express

That's the one, cheers

For me because it seems like a slow, sleepwalk to death otherwise. We are very far from perfect here, but still a lot better than most of the 27. If we can't get our own house in order what business do we have building a supranational (VERY undemocratic) organisation?
>muh economics and shieeet
Not an argument. We need to have a serious discussion about where we're heading. My opinions have softened a lot since the vote, but I don't know whether that's the constant propaganda or what.
This is fairly accurate. It upsets me that everyone hates the English though. But as you said down here it's "Muh tories, muh London" - so shit doesn't change. D&C.
Every single manufacturer does the same to be fair. That's why you can get such incredible gainz from a simple ECU remap.

>under your jackboot
>nazis mentioned
>everything phrased in terms of aggression and mistrust

This is exactly what I meant in my post. Get over yourselves and realise that it is no longer the mid 20th century. Honestly it's pathetic.

>wahh poor us we defeated the big bad guys and now faded into irrelevance
>poor us people on the continent are laughing at us
> poor us we'd better shit the bed and isolate ourselves

Whilst Germany went from a divided nation that was literally half controlled by communists for a few decades, had most of her infrastructure destroyed, had a brain drain of huge proportions, a massive lack in man power, literal poverty- managed to pull herself up and once again become the strongman of Europe. I'm not jostling for who's better here but honestly stop whining, it's embarrassing.

England is the biggest and most influental of all the constituent countries. It would be strange if it didn't get the most hate, since it after all holds most of the power and gets most of the money. I do, of course, mean "London" when I say "England"
Fuck l*Ndon
The thing I REALLY don't get is that the poorer counties in England still voted tory, even though there was absolutely no reason for them to ever believe voting them in would do anywhere other than London any favours
And even then it's not like anyone who actually lives in London has a good time, only those who work there and live abroad

Dude I was just trying to explain it.
Keep thinking it's all negative and about aggression and mistrust. It's literally how our entire nation "myth" is framed. WW1 and WW2 DECIMATED this country. We gave it all up, for the supposed greater-good, and now we're being ruled from Berlin anyway.
How can you not understand that that doesn't sit well?

>England is the biggest and most influental of all the constituent countries.

by which metric?

I wish Europeans could get along without recriminations about the past in this new era. That poison is in a way bothering my country as well, it's sapping to anyone that wants to step forward into our new world.

Why is the EU undemocratic ? Because you do not vote in the European elections and then complain that its an authoritarian organisation ? Do you really want a referendum for each decision that goes through the European parliement ? Refer to

Well, the Tories actually lost seats in England.. They gained them in Scotland, kek.
It's just a tribalistic thing "blue vs red". It's not like Labour look out for the traditional, white working class voters either is it. I agree poorer people in blue seats are complete cucks for voting Tory, but not everything is about economics. Tories are the one who promised (lied, obviously) to tackle immigration.

because you're not controlled by Berlin. What kind of brainlet cretins would you have to be to come to such a preposterous conclusion?

By the British chauvinism metric.

I did, I voted for UKIP. If you're really asking that question then you should research the institutions. The parliament can't even propose legislation, it comes from the Commission, who are elected by way of secret ballot from EUParl members. The whole thing is completely fucking corrupt to the core and this is the only thing that the actual Left and Right agree on, all across Europe.

Population? Size?
Literally every metric imaginable. England is 55M or so of the 65M total.
During the financial crisis, where do the powerbrokers turn? It wasn't to Barroso, Schultz or Rumpoy, it was to Merkel.

Holding the seat of power, holding the most voters, bringing in the most money, being the home of most of the lords.
Yeah, the tory vote up here was fucking pathetic. It's 100% down to the SNP not understanding how fatigued voters are - they need to stop engaging with the tories and labour on matters of independence no matter how wrong the cunts are, and just not give anyone a way to rag on about it.

Also, literally no-one knows how our laws are going to change after brexit, since we have a lot of EU law that'll need to be remade
None of the people who make laws in Britain normally have any clue who'll be making them, no-one knows how long we'll go without certain laws, if we'll just transfer the EU law, whatever
It's a fucking mess

Who cares? The endgame is total centralised government of an EU superstate. That is unironically the best path for Europe and its people. But then again, your petty nationalism will cloud any sense of long term relevance you might perceive.

wtf I love Rothschild bankers now
It's such a non-argument
If you spend the past 70+ years deliberately misleading and dumbing down the electorate you cannot then complain they are too low information to vote.
It's people like him that made this mess.
There was an email from the John Podesta dump that really summed this up.

The commission isnt elected, what the fuck are you talking about ? There is one commissioner per country and its policy depends on what party is leading the nation they come from, its like a European government.

>population and size makes britain the most influential

Are you that fucking dense? Are these the famed brexiteers? Why not try a metric that means something- economies and exports, think you'll find you're by no way the most influential or powerful of the constituent countries. Honestly a very stupid post.

>holding the most voters, bringing in the most money, being the home of most of the lords.

bad bait.

I'm talking about the constituent countries of the UK, not the EU, spacker

And where does the real seat of power lie?
International finance and the big multinationals.
Sleep walk to death by all means.
I am an unironic EU federalist, but not by stealth, and not in this undemocratic fashion. I am a democrat first and foremost.

>It's a fucking mess
It is. Probably why I've softened on it a lot. Legitimately not sure how I'd vote if asked to again, even though I'm a pretty hardcore Brexiteer.

>german reading comprehension

Oh sorry, that's the Council.
It's very hard to keep up with it all because it's all so fucking shady. There are two different organisations even called the Council I believe.

Yes. Within Britain England holds the seat of power for the reasons he and I have listed.

Hey random one, but if the UK was federalised and more democratic, would you still support independence?

>When you have a master's degree in political science and spend your free time shit posting on Sup Forums

Alri’ el mutto?
Many have said the same thing
It’s wasn’t a failure of the political class but David Cameron being cocky
A shame macron didn’t come into power sooner though we wouldn’t agree on increased centralism and unification
Drop the proxy

The European Council is litteraly just the Head of State/Government of each member state.

There's no excuse for corruption in the EU, but there's no excuse for anything Westminster does either
It is genuinely a case of "anything but them", there has been nothing but fucking shite from westminster
The fucking war, cutting the NHS time and again, the entire DWP, May's stint as home seceretary and destroying basically all of our border control, appointing fucking farage as an MEP
In terms of Scottish independance, no
The only reason I want out is to get away from the maniacs in power right now
In terms of EU membership, if we could sustain being outside it, I'd support it
The EU isn't as bad as the UK, but it's not good either

Voting for brexit was a big mistake, white man.
Just imagine the possibilities of a federal european state.

Do European unironically think this way?

erm yes.
we judge nations based only on their skin colour.

Nah, only Sup Forums influenced idiots do, its much more about their own country than Europe.

This makes sense. No one in Africa thinks of themselves as black, same goes for Asia and its ethnic groups or even here with the few indegenous that remain.

>dude lets have a monetary union and convert everyone's debt into euros making it 3x as worse unless you're german

Reminder it was all their idea, not outs. We wanted to keep the Mark.

I agree that the Euro was implemented way too early in the European integration, but Germany still has around 2 trillions in debt

You made your choice.