Wtf is this shit
Wtf is this shit
The flag of South Africa
i believe they call them "flags"
Don't talk about my little brother like that.
Fight me irl, bitch.
This is the correct answer
Sir I think that be the German flag sir.
RIP 1796-2001
A convenient place for us and the Aryan filth to settle our differences
The leftover trash who were rejected for not being good enough to be Frenchmen.
Shut the fuck up Sven, Belgium is still less cucked than you are. Our politicians suck though, but the day of the rope is coming.
Now if only the Walloons would finally vote out the Parti Socialiste.
Why are waffleposters so butthurt all the time?
Just become Dutch clay already.
Why do you guys fucking wait?
Let the wallonians become French clay and we are golden right.
Goddamn the unification of the gendarmerie and the police was such a disgrace. They brought the gendarmes down to the level of the police, instead of doing the opposite.
And another thread about Belgium...
Your obsession is growing out of control, seek some help Torbjörn.
Yes, they belong to us french.
It's one thing if Switzerland was shitting on Belgium, because they've got their shit together. But Sweden?
South Belgium to France, North to NL and Eastern to Germany.
sounds good?
Fair point.
Dont act like there is no problem, Brussels is 25% muslim.
>dgw ge nooit ne gendarm zult zijn
>dgw ge nooit hooligans mee ne matrak in een zult toeken
hold me ;_;
Switzerland should bow to the holy god emperor Merkel.
Their time will come inshallah!
>women more opposed to immigration
are they waking up ?
I think there are way too many cultural differences between the Dutch and the Flemish. I don't know what Walloons think of a union with France.
Belgium is cute, not as cute as the Netherlands though, but with better fries.
Maybe without Brussels & Wallonia they would be even cuter.
But I have to admit that it's pretty small for a kingdom.
I know that dirty wallons can't make that choice, but one day, they'll have to face it: this country can't work anymore.
The home of this hero
Fair enough, Im only here for the bantz anyway and iam not Belgian so i obviously don't know what is the best for you guys.
I have met some Belgian immigrants here (Flemish) and they are some of best addapted immigrants i have ever met, Heck they speak better Swedish than Norwegians who move here and try to speak the language despite being natives.
I always get impressed.
That's the country that invented french fries, show some respect you swedish cuck
Oh there's a problem alright. Too bad there isn't a Belgian nationalist party. I loathe having to vote for separatists to remove kebab.
Waarom zelfs leven?
>Eastern to Germany
Finally we can get Prussian clay, eventhough I hope for the clay in the East.
can you post the video?
anyone know the name of the haircut he has? i wanna get it
We would like that back, thank you.
Oh alright, I seem to mistake bantz for legitimate criticism sometimes haha. Great to hear our emigrants behave.
Where is this?
Sint-Jans Molenbeek
The banter on that show was amazing.
I only know it as the flag of a NON COUNTRY.
Verhofstadt shot some very fatal bullets into Belgiums heart when he abolished the Rijkswacht and pushed through the Snel-Belg Wet and the right for foreigners to vote
Fucking merchant politician
Here it is
I do the same i have to admit, Your immigrants are very good ones, I didn't even know that my local Belgian in the neighborhood were Belgian until he told me lmao.
He had lived here for 3 years and already spoke Swedish in a way that i could mistake him for being a native speaker.
SS undercut
Rip brussels ;_;
based sheanbean
Vlaanderen is voor het Vlaamse Volk. Houdt u kneuterig gedrag maar in uw eigen land. Uw land is misschien gedegenereerd maar Vlaanderen zal Völkisch blijven.
>mgw een Hollander schild en wriend zegt
Gee no wonder a lot of my family are moving to israel now
Liberal politicians are even worse than socialists, how they got over 5% of the vote after 8 years of purple just shows how retarded voters are in flanders.
i took my german shepherd through that place oncewhen he was a puppy and they were scared shitless of him
it's not an undercut, the hair isn't slicked back
it's kind of like the guy on the far left in pic related
The 1992 demilitarisation was the knife that was never removed and sat there for 9 years. It's understandable even the Volksunie wanted to get rid of the Rijkswacht: don't forget they had their own secret service that gathered intelligence on (and blackmailed) politicians.
I'm too young to remember the gendarmerie. However, my father once told me he called them (late 80s I believe) when some people were trespassing his property, and they came and beat the living shit out of them.
Never forget 1796-2001
>posts about nationalistic pride
>posts pic of a globalist
you're the goodest of goys
Nee Vlaanderen moet bij Nederland.
Dit geeft me toch wel nog hoop. Ze hadden wel in zijn kloten moeten schieten
>"United" Kingdom calling others non countries
top kek
that's an SS undercut he just doesn't slick the hair back...
I have the same haircut.
Just tell the barber to buzz it on the sides.
We call it "Boxerschnitt", "boxer cut".
Usually have this cut when I don't just trim my hair to 3mm.
>don't forget they had their own secret service that gathered intelligence on (and blackmailed) politicians.
What was that SS called?
My granddad was a proud servant of the gendarmerie btw. Too bad I never knew him so I don't have many stories.
Meme countries matter!
They actually had two: CBO (central bureau for intelligence) and BOB (security and detection brigade)
I'm a first-generation Dutch immigrant, so the closest I'll ever get is marechaussee unfortunately.
thanks familia
Oh yes I know the BOB. They were so epic pople are still talking about them.
Do you think the Bende van Nijvel was a Rijkswacht extension of Operation Gladio btw?
I'm pretty sure any country can call out a non-country.
i.e. Belgium
Can you share some BOB stories? All the 'good' ones are shared mouth-to-mouth
I'm not well read into the Bende matter, but I think the Roze Balleten were a gendarmerie/BOB setup.
Where was the "United" Kingdom during the euro 2016 cup?
>joning the Dutch
Just as bad as the Walloons
>Op 22 november 1996 geven de advocaten Michel Graindorge en Xavier Mangée de namen van een twintigtal rijkswachters die volgens hen betrokken zouden zijn bij de Bende van Nijvel. Ze mochten als advocaten van de slachtoffers de dossiers inkijken en kwamen tot de vaststelling dat er tussen 1975 en 1985 in België een extreem-rechts netwerk bestond. Het doel van het netwerk was om de Belgische staat te destabiliseren en om een staatsgreep te plegen.
jezus fucking christus
because the scots cant play football at all so we have our own teams
My uncle used to be in the gendarmerie in Antwerp in the 70s and 80s
He always told me stories about beating up Moroccans with his batton
He and his colleagues all voted vlaams blok and some of them where full natsoc
He hates all regular cops and calls them faggots because they didn't have paramilitary training