>your average Amerifat
Your average Amerifat
damn what a qt. sauce?
put in at least a little bit of effort, shitskin.
Who is this semen demon?
who is this boner condoner?
It's really amazing when you think about it. For 10,000 years the problem was not enough food. In just 200 America has conquered nature and accelerated the next step of human evolution.
holy shit
What the fuck
...th-thanks Sup Forums
am i supposed to masturbate to this?
Jesus christ and I just fapped.
w-where did these come from?
pls moar
I'm afraid that's all for now friends ;)
>horse grls
Good fucking Lord!
thank god
this is the best one
why do american so often make threads insulting themselves ?
So this is the power of freedom, huh?
Inoculation. You can't make me feel bad if I already hate myself.
If you can't openly tell your coworkers to go fuck themselves in the morning while getting a coffee, then you don't have good coworkers.
Bants among peers.
This is a fat hipster pretending to be country
Why do people from California try to be country?
This is pretty gross desu
the same reason blacks get offended when a white person calls them a nigger, and white people don't get offended when you call them literally any slur.
You don't worry about it too much because you're too busy being the best.
>not being American
Papa bear needs love too...
>implying anti-american thread dont get an automatic 300 replies
You're the only one in here butthurt.
Dude seems comfy af desu.
(You) salted?
Where do non-Americans even get the will to live?
...I did
mmm taste the flabby freedom
You don't wear overalls, shirtless, with a flag cape? I bet you don't even clap when your plane lands, when people bag your groceries, or at the DMV.
Un-American, OP. You should renounce your citizenship and immediately report to Canada for moose fucking lessons and apology classes.
o-omit this
>implying these aren't fucking awesome
kill urself op
These would make a fantastic calendar.