What would you do if you found out your soon to be child will have down syndrome? Would you abort it?
I would want to without hesitating.
What would you do if you found out your soon to be child will have down syndrome? Would you abort it?
I would want to without hesitating.
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Abort no question.
Downies aren't so bad and can be pretty entertaining
Start a new life in argentina.
I dont mind anglos so I would keep it
Abort, absolutely. Not wasting resources on a genetic failure/dead end.
Abort, I don't hate retards but there is no point in having one if you have the choice.
mein fuhrer
Absolutely. Kill 'em all
The results they give you are hardly ever accurate; You can't confirm whether or not your child will have down's syndrome before you actually see them. My science teacher in middle school was told his son would have down's syndrome, and he didn't decide to abort, and his game of faith payed off, as his son is NOT a retard.
Abort the fucker.
Kek, I hope you get a mongoloid child and see how fun it makes your life.
roastie here
if we develop a reliable way to test for serious defects/disorders early in the developmental cycle (IE: we can detect downs, autism, etc within the first trimester), it should be a legal mandate to abort the child. there is no reason to bring a literal mutant abomination that's dysfunctional into this world, and then have taxpayers pay for its entire life just because "muh feefees! hes muh kid!".
tl;dr gas the tards, eugenics now
abort, then new spouse
Abortion is murder. I would keep the downie.
Uh, it's pretty unlikely to get it wrong. They literally just need to take a DNA sample from the fetus, and they can easily confirm whether or not it has Downes Syndrome.
First reply best reply.
>wasting your life looking after a retard that will never amount to anything and growing bitter at them for wasting your life...when everyone elses kids are doing well and raising families yours is doing fucking potato prints
fuck that! ill kick the gf in the gut myself
17th reply best reply
If you wouldn't abort you're more retarded than the babby in this hypothetical belly.
Any sensible person will abort.
These people ruin lives while the victims keep telling themselves what paragons they are.
Secretly they loathe their spawn for wasting 2 good lives.
Pol when it happens to them
Pol when it happens to someone else
>Abortion is murder don't have premarital sex you slut!
this, I would hate to doom a child to a life of suffering.
you have no idea what down syndrome is or how do they test it, do you?
>pol doesn't support eugenics
No you are thinking of the nig baby's are precious GOP, sure abortion is killing a baby/fetus what ever you want to call it, but if we didn't have it we would be over ran by jigaboos.
Fucking A right. Keeping it is just a poor decision.
To be fair, downies always seem quite happy.
Into the trash it goes.
It wouldn't enjoy it's life to the fullest. Also, I sure wouldn't.
Abort. The doctor should be checking for that as early as possible.
I only care if it's a healthy white baby :^)
Unless, of course, that baby is going to be raised by degenerate white trash.
Of course I would abort it lad.
19 out of 20 women told they'll have a down syndrome child will abort it. About the same numbers for dwarfism.
What that shows more than anything is hypocritical behavior on the right. In the US, a slight majority are in favor of abortion. I think it's a healthy majority in favor when you consider younger child-bearing people. Nevertheless, you can't hit 95% abortion rates for certain conditions without across the board participation, regardless of professed beliefs.
>Implying everyone on pol has the same opinion
I would go all abortfag on that downfag.
>implying I'm ever having babies
Snipped master face reporting in.
>borderline genetic dead end
>huge waste of money and time
>literally worthless
Abort. Only bleeding heart libkeks, women and christfags would put up with that shit. Wife would be broken up (as would I) but it would be for the best.
And on that note I don't understand why it's considered "edgy" to want such a thing. Sorry, I don't want to raise that for the rest of my life. Does anyone?
Instant abort.
If you're white, you betray your race by not having babies. You realize we're the minority when you count all countries?
why aren't you fucking then buddy
>They have no quality of life
>The parents lose years of their life for absolutely no reason
The only people who knowingly have children that have something wrong with them are either people who've tried for years to get pregnant without success or to show people how "progressive" they are.
Who was that kid that was born that was big Faceberg news? His parents even said he won't live past age 10 and there's no medical reason she couldn't have children again so why did she have the child (I would say "they", but it's not like the cuck she's milking ever had a say in it)? Well, those news interviews pay money and those Faceberg likes aren't going to materialise on their own are they?
It's funny because these are the kind of people who use emotional arguments, but it's just as easy to use logical and emotional arguments to fucking tear them to shreds. I know this thread is some sort of b8 or another because I've seen it about 40 times this week, but the parents are pieces of shit. Plain and simple.
>kill someone because they're retarded
I guess half of you guys should have been aborted for autism
Haha, be sure to wear your steelies
Abort, obviously
I love this picture so much idk why
since it's already possible to map the dna of a fetus you can decide if you want to keep it while it's still in the grace period most countries allow abortions in.
though the thing is, it costs around 200 bucks and most parents will be either too retarded to check
>muh child is a love child!
or they simply don't know this is already possible
on a side note, I think the future displayed in the movie Gattaca is the most desirable and I still don't understand why we should sympathize with the main character
Ostriches terrify me, big feathery land cunts. Naked women are good for a poke.
Kind of evens out.
why is that girl naked?
Trying to demonstrate how progressive she is. Species are a zoological construction site, apparently.
Immediate abort, if I had to punch her guts or steal the chemicals required, I'm not raising some lump that got greedy with it's chromosomes.
A lot of people ITT will swim in the lake of fire.
Let them live on minimum resources and completely sheltered for their childhood and then put them into slavery that they can handle and that will benefit the country, without letting them hear anything from the outside.
There is more of 40 ways of "getting" down sydrom.
Goes from ugly facr to complete retard, so i dont know what im getting here
>doctor tells me son has downs
>don't abort it
>hand raise it
>tell it about chicken tendies (tell him they're the best thing ever)
>on his 5th birthday give him chicken tendies
>restricted it after that
>star the good boy point system
>watch son become real life meme
>mericans in charge of eugenics
Keep it and then in about 6 years I can sell my plough horse.
Letting some fucker test your child for downs will put it at higher risk of other disabilities...
Funfact 2
Worldwide most women are tested without giving conscent during a 'standard' routiene not knowing that they are putting their child at risk of up to 25% depending on country and standards
Funfact 3
Your current mental and biological condition have a high impact on your child -> fat and mental instable have fun. Before having a child sort your job to be not too stressful, get fit, don't watch news. Cortisol levels have extreme impact on child delevopment. Give your wife a stressless time while letting her continue routiene labor....as not doing anything is also bad.
Those are the cuckservative christards
Sup Forums is a eugenics board, we're fine with abortions because it's always the tard babies and nigs that are getting aborted.
BIG BIRD COCK! How can human """""""men""""""" compete?