Judge Nap says NSA hacked Hillary's server
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Stay asleep, goy.
Preview of hillary presidency : "NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY GETS DELETED"
Shhh, help yourself to a magazine.
FPBP only applies to nonleaves
Hideo Kojima needs to make /can/ and segregate all the canadians into it.
>marrying and reproducing is bad
nice try shekelstein
>still upset he lost a war against birds
That's what happens when you don't have guns.
Shitskins should just keep it in their pants.
I now shill for the hill
I'm sure everyone did, if I was the head of an agency like that I certainly would. Getting blackmail on a Clinton is just good operating policy for a modern intelligence agency.
Considering she created a dossier to blackmail hers and Bill's adversaries.
>unironically doesn't fact check.
You understand I am not the one to fuck with right?
Pic Related : Is your Prime Ministers dead friend before he filmed himself some more with that baby.
>literally no gunz
fear not leaf for we shall liberate canada in the near future from the degenerate communists.
all the sources check out
Old news faggot
It doesn't surprise me.
A lot of intel and info sec people in the government really fucking hate Hillary, and want to see her crash and burn.