In what ways do women have it hard at all in modern western society?
In what ways do women have it hard at all in modern western society?
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Ugly women have it fairly rough.
rape culture
male gaze
lower wages
sometimes a guy will offer to buy them a drink, but they dont want a drink. I'd imagine that's difficult.
they get called beautiful everyday. It's sexist and harassment!
They have it hard when they get fake tits because it makes them feel and look like rocks. Who in their right mind would vote for someone who marries a whore and encourages his daughter to deface her breasts like a porn star?
prejudice in certain field. thats about it
men have that too anyway
They still have it easier than Males of the same aesthetic. Having a vagina is basically getting to play life on easy difficulty.
tits or gtfo
Men they're not attracted to make them uncomfortable.
Watch this video and tell me this woman isn't being oppressed.
they don't, at all
being a woman in a western country is literally easy mode to the max
Because they are told they can be anything they want to be because of feminism but really, most women are capable of very little on their own. So they are forced to choose between burning out and settling for some low test-faggot when they hit 30 so they can have kids to stave away the suicidal ideation and living how women are supposed to live; low stress, easy lifestyles where they are happy but are ostracized by other women.
tits of gtfo
See? Prime examples. Women are not valued nearly as much as men and are bullied into sex, silence, and agreement no matter where they go.
they don't.
but when a woman tries to be "independent" then they lose all the help they normally get.
Fucking faggot
This was Ivankas wedding
Trump was clapping harder than anyone, full of joy to see his daughter paired with a beloved Jewish bull
I always cringe when I see dudes perving on chicks. I'm far-right but I do feel a bad for them in that regard.
However when you add everything up they definitely have it easier than men.
Go back to watching CNN shill.
>crying that people find her attractive
her complaint is that people never compliment her on anything other than her looks. maybe she hasnt considered the fact that she may not have any other good qualities
No such thing. Even rape is a social construct designed to shame women into disliking natural sexual contact.
jesu chrise
I couldn't finish that facile video
You mean, you always cringe when you see average and low-value males perving on chicks? It's quite well known at this point that women have no problem with any type of sexual forcefulness if the guy is good looking.
>women like rape
You fucks are beyond saving.
>fishing this hard for (you)'s
they have to look good to not be considered dead by the world
Most of the faggots on Sup Forums couldnt live up to that
>rape is a social construct designed to shame women into disliking natural sexual contact
having standards is unnatural now?
Dang that's one groovy Jew
>questioning the hivemind is fishing for you's
You assholes are as bad as reddit when it comes to being incapable of considering different viewpoints.
>rape culture
>male gaze
These would all be valid if you also applied these criticisms to Chad. But no, women have made it obvious, abundantly clear that all that stuff is OK when Chad does it.
>lower wages
How? Women overall, as a gender, get paid less collectively than men do, but that's because more men work better jobs, and women don't want to take those jobs.
Yea it's weird that people with similar opinions would gravitate towards a similar website.
And you're as bad as reddit in the same way that most of reddit don't think they are part of the "have mind" so much so that complaining about it is more common than being part of the "hive mind. "
The wage gap is well-documented:
And we don't care if it's a Chad or a fucking Jamal, we don't want to be raped and beaten in this culture that condones and perpetuates violence.
Some dude looked at them while they were at the grocery store the other day user.
Like, they literally feared for their lives because it was so creepy. Ugh.....
>letting your Aryan daughter matter a Jew
>not cucked
Can you give me an archive link? But on, women don't actually earn 77 cents or whatever working the exact same job a man does, because they are women. That is illegal.
>And we don't care if it's a Chad or a fucking Jamal
Of course you don't care if they do it. Like I said, it's very obvious these days that women don't mind being abused, groped, objectified, etc, the guy just has to be good looking and "alpha". Feminists and sluts admit it all the time. It doesn't bother me, what bothers me is how you all admit and then deny it. People see your trickery.
>not an economic journal
>not a CS journal
>doesnt even have a degree in any data-analysis type field
no you inbred fuck. what you said is a caricature of most feminist view point but it's far enough from their viewpoint to be dismissed as a joke.
You calibrated your post just well enough to get you's from gullible posters
Oh and by the way everybody is raised with this wimminz are victims mindset. anyone who got out of it is very likely to have thought about it more than the average person. I dont have to reconsider shitty view points everyday. i considered and dismissed it years ago. now its just spam to me and im glad your views are bullied into silence here
well it depends
some women have life on easy mode
other women get dealt the worst hand of cards that exist
its not far enough *
Even the people who researched the wage gap admit that the statistic doesn't show that women are payed worse than men because of sexism.
It's because of the different choices men and women make.
no* not on dammit
>Oh and by the way everybody is raised with this wimminz are victims mindset.
True, but to be fair, Sup Forums has that too. Sup Forums actually thinks that women in modern western society are oppressed because guys won't date them anymore. It's pathetic. Sup Forums is pathetic, a place for woman worshiping males and slutty femanons to come and project their bitterness onto people like me who will come to talk with them.
They have to deal with the almost complete lack of successful, confident males willing to take them by the hand and lead them into the light of subservience and utter bliss.
Seriously, you need to step up your life and be the males that females need you to be.
Women were valued when they did things that women were meant to do, like homekeeping and caretaking. If women want to play with the big boys then they have to deal with getting shit on, because that's what guys do to each other. Stay in the kitchen if you can't take the heat.
>white women are privileged whores
>billions if eastern women forced to be sex slaves, beaten and raped on a daily and work 20 hour factory jobs
do white men think faggoty ugly aging white women are the only women that exist in the world?
They are expected to be more and more like men, having jobs and knowing about politics and all that. That's much harder than they used to have it.
>Sup Forums taking the b8
did you type that with meaning or have you just rolled your head on the keyboard ?
>Ivanka's wedding
>bride has black hair
Nice try schlomo
Did you not see "modern western society" in the post?
they can't get the kind of cock that they crave because it is in great demand but low supply
t. 11 inch dicked billionaire
no but seriously. The biggest problem is the readiness at which women can see a life which they envy. In the past women weren't able to look up hyper rich famous couples in seconds on the internet
now they all desire that
before they would only desire for you to be more successful than the immediate neighbors
I'd fuck you and spit in your mouth, bet you'd love it like the rest you dirty whore
I thought Sup Forums was misogynistic? Now they worship women? Shiettt.
I typed it with absolute meaning, based on what I've seen here for 2 years now, especially in the last 6 months. On and off, since I do take breaks here often.
hard on the knees
>huffington post
You're not even trying are you faggot?
Also here is your (((you)))
Yes, they do. People randomly sperg out about "HURRRR TOO MANY MEN ARE OPTING OUT OF SOCIETY" and I have been spammed with "virgin" replies and fedora memes like fucking crazy lately, even when I make causl posts criticizing women.
This board is cucked. These people call themselves pro-male, honorable traditionalists and they're all pathetic woman worshiping loser cucks.
>this is what men actually believe
>lol huffingtonpost
>lol the left won't even read or consider articles from breitbart. those morons!
Thanks, it's good to have people write right before myself what's on my mind.
This. It truly surprises me how much Sup Forums hates degeneracy, but partakes with anime watching, playing video games, living the NEET life, coming up with excuses that is because all women are degenerate and that the system is against men, and a ton of other stuff that basically perpetuates low birthrates, decrease the amount of potential white partners for women, thus pushing for more race-mixing, hating on based mormons, and a ton of other stuff. Get off your asses, work hard to better yourself the best you can, live strongly by your values, don't beg for women, but rather become something that women will desire, show that you expect her to be a certain way, such as more traditional and less degenerate, and you will find that they will begin to conform to those ideals. The fact that blacks have taken over the masculine tone on society just pushes women towards them and their ghetto standard, it makes them and other partake in slutty and trash behavior.
Men of Sup Forums, get off your asses, put on work for yourself, become strong in mind, body and character and take what's yours. There's no way we can win this culture war otherwise.
Men genetically have a tendency to want to protect women.
Even the most misogynistic man would save a woman over a man
>manchild cries that womynz r meen
>ignores the fact that men are mean too, because humans are generally assholes
>sobs when people laugh at his stupidity
sounds about right
>bullied into sex
No such thing. That's what women are for. Any woman who doesn't have sex is just wasting everybody's time, including their own.
I'm not going to give them clicks. Give me an archive link.
The rest of your points don't matter anyways, since you only care if low-value or average males objectify you. Chad gets away with it, you admitted it, therefore your points are null.
not really
would you consider a paper on medicine from someone who knows nothing about medicine?
how about a paper on astrophysics by someone who knows nothing about that?
then dont act surprised when i shit on some blogger who pretends to understand data analysis
Protecting women over the Internet? That sounds pathetic.
I never said that women were mean, you failed edgelord. Of course men can be "mean" too. It's not about that. It's about Sup Forums claiming to be so pro-male and traditional, yet when push comes to shove, you all support slut culture, favor women over men, and see no issue with women having "equal rights" and chivalrous special treatment. You're all phonies, and you yourself are clearly angry about this criticism. Stop trying to be an alpha male in my thread.
Excellent b8'o m8'o
almost fell for it, now let's see those tits
Women have the challenge of ruining lives and destroying nations.
This is nice post
you just mad nobody wants to rape you
>i dont hate women for daring to wear bikinis to the beach
>thus i support slut culture
>bonus points: used "alpha-male" unironically
yeah, i cant possibly see why you get spammed with fedora memes
Nice generalization there senpai
Lose the edge. Did I say anything about bikinis? Slut culture is quite a broad thing. There were once people on here who didn't like women wearing stuff like that to the beach, I remember them. They migrated to Otherchan, it seems.
I used "alpha male" in the sense that this board is full of young males who think they are literally "ALPHA MALES" because you give other men a hard time and you see no problem with women having "equal rights" and chivalrous special treatment. Then, when you see that this mixture doesn't work, you sperg out and hate "men these days", instead of looking at the actual problem, which is the culture and how everything adds up to favor women.
I want that other person to come back and start annoying you guys again.
B...b...but muh alt rite
They can get cervical cancer.
>butthurt MRA complaining about edge
>assuming i hate "men these days" because some ill-defined "mixture" doesnt work and apparently im angry about it
>assuming im some sjw because i realize that different genders face different problems
wew lad.
>wage-gap doesn't exist
>talks about earnings
First off you need to understand the difference between wages and earnings. Wage is compensation for an "unit" of work. Earnings is your accumulated wages. The wage-gap calculation doesn't make this distinction. It's a broad average of earnings that doesn't take into consideration the amount of hours or type of work that is done. Women earn less because they don't work as long (and hard) as men (
Men are generally employed in areas that pay better. The world is yet to see proof that women are systematically paid less compared to their male counterparts.
Many ways in which they have it hard could be argued. But then again, this thread is bait and exists for the sheer reason of allowing males to bash anyone who dares defend that there are indeed ways in which women can have a hard life.
So let's leave it at, OP is just a faggot, trying to stir up some fighting.
Oh, you watch anime. I figured.
I'm not an MRA, you failed edgelord. No point associating with Internet movements. Why are you so angsty here? I'm merely telling you how it is, and you just can't take criticism. This mixture of feminism and chivalry is what is ruining gender relations, and furthermore, the western world. It's not the only problem, but is indeed a large problem.
Yay bait, woohoo women are whores yay
third post best post
Women wombs have a ticking clock on giving birth to healthy children. Autism rates are increasing because older women are trying to squeeze out babies with the newest medical techniques.
Women want to have BOTH a family and a career, but it's hard for them to maintain both successfully.
Prime targets for getting raped wherever nigs may roam.
Can never escape her physical appearance mattering to her success.
Buying bras and tampons.
khazarian caucus dances. Look up lezginka
It's actually believable!
>rape culture
>male gaze
What the fuck is this shit?
>sex culture that over-panders to women in America
>men giving women a little too much of exactly what they crave: visual attention
>working jobs that pay less and not demanding raises/quitting
>this is just how the media works because everyone is dehumanized as an object to (((them))) and pic related
Story time, I guess.
I was dating a chick, got called to meet her at a bar. Obviously she was getting free drinks from the lonely men around her. Anyway, I pick her up with her fat friend. I say "Yeah, of course you're going to get free drinks. Any halfway decent looking girl can do that no problem." Fat girl takes exception to this, because obviously, she is not 'halfway decent'.
I insist this was not an affront to her, because honestly it wasn't. Several months later she started exercising and dieting. I guess the takeaway is that women do everything that men tell them.
wait, women can have jobs and also be treated well?!?!?!?! muh western civilization!!!!
and what mental gymnastics did you have to perform to get there?
they don't.
Women desire superior men.
Western women have been told they are the equals of men.
Therefore, western women can never be satisfied in their relationships with men.
i guess the modern woman is more likely to be a single mom of 3. must be stressful raising kids alone. but other than that their life is a social party 24/7
>getting raped is worse than getting killed
Well then you could just resist until death
Looks matter to all human's success a significant amount (see short guys trying to get laid)
You don't have to buy anything and you can complain to the (((media))) if you don't like what they propagandize
>because i'm not autistic
Into the trash it goes.