They did it again.
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wow, I'm raging hard
They dindu nuffin wrong. Whiteys b racisss
>Black males murder five year old white girl in Milwaukee. No national outrage
This happened in the past, it is not presently happening, so you should have said "murdered" rather than "murder" you illiterate fucking amerifat.
wtf I hate niggers now
come on faggots use your guns like you always say you would
This happened hours ago not in the past.
>I bet you'd bring up Jesus too in regards to the slaying of a child because of their appearance..
Bumping. Keep spreading this OP. First I heard about it.
I'm fucking sick
send it to Sean Hannity and Drudge right now
step it up senpai
Hours ago is the past, fucktard. Notice how you fucking said
>This happened hours ago
>This happens hours ago
you fucktarded austrialian fuck
Shit posting aside, this pisses me off too.
can you post a source that's not dedicated to racewar pls
What would you do if you were forced to live your entire life under the boot of subjugation and white oppression? That child was going to end up just like its parents, they're fighting for their very future.
Nice proxy faggot.
Wtf. Fucking gas
>The house was located in a census tract that is 77% black and 14% white.
you got a none retarded news sauce op?
nice bait
dumb nigger or cuck apologist
My liberalshit parents won't believe this article until they see it on CNN or CBS.
REALLYMakez you thunk
fuck off amerifat
I live here and I know how fucking retarded and fat everyone here is
Japan is a much better place, people there are smart and not fat
Story seems awfully familiar. Didn't this happen last year?
That little girl should've thought twice about being born a white person. Didn't the dumb bitch know we had slaves in this country over a hundred years ago? Black people in 2016 have every right to kill people like her.
This is from 2014 but still...
they have been going door to door murdering white people in milwaukee the police to call the national Guard to roll in tanks on black lives matter.
>>Stating a fact from census data is retarded
Ahmed, what?
yeah, where are the americans laughing at "europoors that are not really free"
>muh guns
you only use the guns to brag on Sup Forums i guess
This shit happens on a daily basis when niggers are involved. They're usually killing other niggers though and rarely kill kids.
stay mad white bois
Not that I don't believe it, but that article doesn't have an author or a date.
White privilege :^)
If this happned at all, it appears to have been in 2014, although it keeps popping up every few months as if it were recent. No, that doesn't make it OK, but it also doesn't make it recent or noteworthy.
>can't in to maths
>checks flag
>not surprised
I agree. All the Irish that built America in the early 20th C. should go back to Ireland. As should the Africans that were brought over to America too.
she looks like a spic
If I were a Burger from WI, I'd be seriously planning retribution. Aka I'd go down there and burn Milwaukee to the fucking ground.
Use your guns. Kill. It's justified, legal, and moral to murder now.
We need to kill a thousand niglets in response.
Fucking niggers
yeah except BLM targets kids first and foremost because they gunnza grow up to be police.
I am not trying to cover it up fucktards, just learn fucking English and say it right
Say "niggers murdered a 5 year old girl in Milwaukee a few hours ago"
Replace "five" with 5 because it gains more attention
Remove "white" so it doesn't sound like a white supremacist news article, but like an unbiased one
and spread the fuck out of it
but say it as past tense because it is you fucktards
This happened awhile ago not that it isn't horrible. Nobody cares about 5 minutes ago anymore. Clinton just said at a rally today that Trump wanted to make a Free Zone in Syria. A place where terrorists could have a launching point. So nobody cares anymore in America. IT is all lost.
Thanks for an actual source. OP was being a nigger and trying to act like this was retaliation for that felon getting shot a few days ago.
THIS. its the current year why do this bigots still exist?
they massacred an entire white suburb idiots.
a bunch of kids where killed
The national Guard there is fighting BLM right now with tanks.
That white girl was obviously racist and bigot.
Anyone who has problem with that murder is racist and bigot.
You should all open your hearts and OPEN THE BORDERS.. lol..
/irony off
What Sup Forums doesn't understand is that there is an outcry over police officers killing black men, because they are abusing their power, position and authority to kill blacks and get away with it. THAT'S why there is such an issue.
When a situation like this happens, it's bad, but the black males were not abusing their authority or position to do it, and they will almost certainly do time for it, unlike the officers.
Story is literally from 2015
>the five-year-old girl was watching television on a couch when she was shot in the head.
>this shooting comes after a four-year-old girl was shot in the head while sitting in a car
Dude, what the fuck
Nah mate, this is too much
No, just no.
pics or it didnt happen
That doesn't give niggers the excuse to kill random people or children ffs.
>shit happens elsewhere
>Amicucks on Sup Forums: If that'd happen here we'd be killing these people in the streets!
>shit happens in lard land
Go on, post your Go!Cam footage of gunning down niggers.
>because they are abusing their power, position and authority to kill blacks and get away with it.
Except that, every fucking time, that turns out to be wrong.
You Milwaukee bros better start shooting some niggers. Don't let them get away with this.
Don't ever call me that again bitch.
You are in a time zone where the past is just about to happen?
It doesn't, but you're missing the point and you're a fucking idiot for doing so. Blacks killing random people or children is definitely wrong However, of course there will be no national outcry over this because there's not an abuse of power and they will pay for their crimes, legally
>black mobs targets and runs up on a house because white people reside there and open fire
>not note worthy
that's end of days shit.
All niggers deserve to die.
We need to wipe them out.
This is from 2014.
look at the youtube channel its on.
>the guy in the video is not from a movie.
I don't have a go cam tho
too be honest, this is realistically the only response that would permanently stop the problem.
You didn't see niggers murdering white people back when the KKK existed. Because the niggers knew what would happen
I would say "knew their place" but it is our own fault as white people that this is happening, because we are limpwristed faggots
i remember the guy talking about a beggar in london or maybe paris
explaining how the beggar put his hand through the car window asking for money and the american said that if that were to happen in the US the beggar would be shot
It change the fact that this girl is dead?
>defending the savage nature of misinformed niggers
Fuck you.
>news from 2014
you think Black and White are the only races or something?
I know that feel
Don't be too harsh to our overweight friends Lars.
Put a timestamp on the nigger corpse then and take a picture.
>it didn't happen recently so let's pretend it never happened at all
This is the first I've heard of this, and I'm boiling inside. Shoot those niggers without regrets.
so /pop/, are we going through the 60's all over again? Will we see Rodney King tier riots and chinks on roofs?
No it changes the fact OP tried to pass it as a recent news
I live in the Midwest.
I wonder why I never heard about this.
Must've been ignored for a real tragedy like the death of the Gentle Giant of Fergustan.
lol no I am not going to write formally to you and my implication was that you would say to forget about a year ago and in the same breath ask me if I have time to talk about Jesus.
Sure lets talk about Jesus.
Mathew 10:34 :
>its 6am gimme a fucking break.
Kys stupid nigger lover
This it's over a year old
WHOA that 32-yo white girl must have been living hard...looking 48 JFC
Wait.. There's only 9 of us? Damn. What happened to the others?
see what I mean its 6am I didn't even link the verse.
Mathew 10:34 : Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Yes it was about a guy waving a baby in Paris.
Some Americans claimed beggars didn't exist in America.
They have Niggers torching their towns and openly killing white people, - Yesterday hunfreds of Muslims stopped traffic in New York and Americans just make excuses.
thats just some guy talking
where are the pics of the National Guard fighting BLM with tanks
Pic Related??
>All communities are made up of only black and white people
Kill yourself.
Serbanon, you know we already have near South Africa levels of segregation in Milwaukee, right? Also, if a race war is gonna pop off here, it's actually going to be the Mexibros that lead the slaughter.
t. Lives amongst Milwaukee Mexicans
Just start to kill all the shitskins on a national level already, Europe will start to ethnic cleanse after you too, we promise.
This happened in2014 you mongoloid cunt. This isn't related to current events and is essentially clickbait and shitpost quality.
they are so delusional it's pathetic
It will be interesting to see.
>With the National Guard there I am suprised the media isn't.
>Consider what a Tank Round does to a cell phone.
blacks have been lynching whites in milwaukee they are openly boasting about it
Go take a look at the blm own twitter feeds they are uploading videos.
Then go there.
No one is stopping you.
Not defending them nor do I like them, just saying complaining about the lack of national outrage over this for this reason is stupid. NIce meme responses though.
What about the guy who reached to get his ID after the officer was informed he was armed so he wouldn't shoot, but he did anyway?
Okay but you're missing the point.