How can you still hate refugees after seeing these syrian orphans you inhuman cucks?
How can you still hate refugees after seeing these syrian orphans you inhuman cucks?
I want to strangle them death.
I don't hate them. I hate that their parents refuse to assimilate. I hate that their culture tells them not to assimilate. I'm beats that many of them and their parents do not follow the law. I hate that they expect to be handed things paid for by money that should be going to support an already weak infrastructure.
They aren't sending their best and brightest. Children aren't the dominant stream of refugees but single unskilled men.
Overriding fear of being exploded in the name of the religion of peace.
Your emotional appeal has fallen on deaf ears.
Little kebabs are still kebabs.
"Cept when the little kebabs grow up they'll spontaneously explode and fuck goats.
How can you still hate Nazis after seeing these German orphans you inhuman cucks?
If only we'd stopped the senseless massacre of German soldiers!
Are those Yazidi?
You are getting brown men in their 20s as 90% of the refugee flow , barely any children. Bet some of them even left their children behind to get gibs in Europe
>'Cept when the little kebabs grow up they'll fuck goats THEN spontaneously explode
By hating them, inferior bloods.
I would love to see them ground to pulp
Do you think any of their mothers let them "thigh" them to get them to do their chores?
> 1 post by this user
OP are you okay? you had a heart attack? a bleeding heart attack? plz resbond
This kids ar orphans due to islam the only one inhuman are islamist.
Also i think they can be saved from islam.
Post most children.
I wish we just built a safe-zone in Syria and had NATO defend it. Too fucking late for that now.
>1 post by this ID
Ach Kevin...
I'd shoot every one of them in the face by the way. Nits make lice.
Oh man so cute ... i will be so sad when they leave again :(
Wow, you found some child refugees without full beards.
They would be perfect additions to our society as long as they are raised christian and assimilated into the host country's culture
I hate that bottom left little shit, demonstrably holding the sign upside down, because he wants to watch europe burn
The bottom right three either looks like they are hiding a bomb or about to sniff a bag full of glue
Because these are the Syrian orphans we usually get here.
I don't hate them Muhammad, I just don't want them here polluting my culture and leeching of my hard earned money, simple.
If mama Merkel is so keen on them I'm sure they'll settle in just fine in Germany or Sweden.
>How can you still hate refugees after seeing these syrian orphans you inhuman cucks?
>Be Lebanese
>Syrians enter lebanon under false pretense that they would help the country
>Instead they try to take control over the country
>Have to hear all the bullshit from Syrians who enter country and say how much superior they are and how they own Lebanon now.
>Syria is now in mass chaos
>Syrians showing up in droves
Excuse me if I have no sympathy for Syrians, or even Islam for that matter.
Those little demons will grown up to be terrorist and terrorist breeder in 10 years.
Empathy is a fatal flaw when is directed towards those who will never return it in kind.
Because 90% of them aren't "children" and 60% of them are not "Syrian"
I heard USA took in a few thousand of them, out of those thousands, how many of them were christian? Like 35 or something, seriously. That's the problem with these "refugees", those who really needed the help, they didn't even get on the boat cause they were killed before that, you see no christians because they want it that way, so in a sense you are bringing in probably the worst type of people.
Just going from experience here. Not like I would know anything in the matter, it's not like I was born in the middle east or anything.
i don't hate them. i just think the best solution would be to quit blowing their country up instead of relocating all of them. anybody who claims to care about refugees should be opposing israel and the greater israel war.
because children grow up.
Why are the children not going to Europe but only middle aged and young men? Almost like the actual helpless people are stuck in camps around Syria and cowards are just running to Europe leaving them behind.
If Israel had simply exterminated all of the Arabs back in the 1950s, the Jews would have a beautiful, homogeneous ethnostate today and none of this incessant conflict would still be occurring. Likewise, none of the dirt-poor Palestinian sandnigger children who do nothing but drink shit-water, suffer in the jungle nigger desert heat, and throw stones at Jews and tourists would have been born into the shitty lives they have today.
>it's my fault they have shit parents
Guys... I found the kike enabler...
They've most likely already had radical Islam inculcated into them, will probably join Islamist cells before they turn 20, have 2-digit IQs, come from a garbage, savage culture, and will contribute to our demographic decline. They're sandniggers that are literally predisposed to rape and violence. I think I hate rapefugee children more than the adults, because they reap even more of the social comforts Europe offers and non-whites exploit. Get fucked.
Id like to see those kids to be able to play in a safe playground. But in their own damn country. Fuck off.
Don't you know the story about the lady who saved the snake?
They will grow up and they will blow up.
I do not hate them, I hate their culture and religion.
I will not accept them if they do not leave their religion and part of the tribal culture behind.
Burn them all.
Its a pity that europians are so cruel, hating those poor little souls. I wish my country would accept all the syrians possible, be it young or old. Muhammads, jamals and other good people of Germany, come to Russia, leave this god forsaken europe.
They'll grow up to become terrorists who want to kill me and my family. No thanks.
Supremely Underrated post.