Trump supporters BTFO
Trump supporters BTFO
I have great teeth
And I'm overtly racist
Now what faggot?
haahahha upvoted my fellow redditor!
>overtly racist Drumpf supporter
checks out.
>le ebin reddit may may
go back to Tumblr Sven
This is true.
Hillary will win!
Thank you Reddit
Still waiting on you to explain your plan for immigration reform, how to avoid following France's mistakes, and where you'd like to see this country in 200 years.
why are there so many trip fags lately?
Truly makes you reconsider your right wing political ideologies.
We need to discourage racism and islamophobia so they can better integrate into our culture. France's mistake was being too tolerant to Islamophobes.
This was a pretty funny meme until he won 50% in Massachusetts, the most educated state in the nation, as well as one of the most liberal and affluent.
Have an upvote regardless.
wtf wow... i hate trump now
I truly expected better from the American people. But I understand how easy it is to misplace the blame of poor policy decisions on democrats, especially given the poor state republicans left our education system in.
I don't think that answered any of my three questions.
How do you plan to reform immigration to help people start new lives in this country, and integrate well?
How do you plan to avoid France's mistakes, which were an influx of uneducated Syrian refugees with minimal work skills and the inability to speak the national language?
What is your plan for the future of America in the next 200 years, especially in terms of welfare, immigration, gun laws, and sustainability?
Do you feel welfare should be expanded to help lower class families, or do you feel welfare is in fact a symptom of a broken system and a lazy band-aid?
I don't understand why CTR is paying people to shill on this site. You never had a shot at swaying any opinions or gaining mindshare. You should have focused on Reddit. With all the resources you've wasted on arguing with the omega trolls of Sup Forums, you could have tried preventing the_donald from becoming the most popular sub on the world's biggest SJW hugbox forum.
Shows how truly inept the dems are at organizing anything.
ctr isn't real
I'm not running for office, but thankfully someone very experienced is. If you wish to know more about Hillary's plans I suggest you visit
>Ebin reddit may may dude :DDD
"Introduce comprehensive immigration reform. Hillary will introduce comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to full and equal citizenship within her first 100 days in office. It will treat every person with dignity, fix the family visa backlog, uphold the rule of law, protect our borders and national security, and bring millions of hardworking people into the formal economy."
Can I ask where the plan is there? There's not a single concrete thing there.
"We're going to reform immigration. And its gonna be fair." is literally all it says.
On the same fact, despite HOW HARD you are advocating Hillary, you don't even know her policies or have an opinion of your own, other than "well it's not my place to have an opinion, but Hillary has experience and she's not a racist, so I'll take her opinion!".
>protect our borders and national security
Just in the last thread, you were quoted as saying that borders are arbitrary and pointless. But here is the very person you are advocating for saying that they are going to defend the borders.
Sad, sad, sad. Sup Forums, these are the people that support Hillary Clinton.
I'm voting for Hillary based on gun control (though she isn't tough enough on this) and education reform. Her immigration plan is a step in the right direction but falls short of what I would hope for.
You have like 350 million out there and reduced it to hilldog and drumpf for presidency.
Everybody is an idiot in US, not just one group.
How does one get stars? I support Hillary and don't have any
>gun control
If you dislike the constitution, you should not be living in the USA. Emigrate to a country that does not support the freedom to bear arms and piss off.
As for education reform, literally nothing is wrong with the system, aside from common core, which should be abolished.
There is no reason why in 2016 you need assault rifles with more than 5 rounds.
>toothless grinning redneck
See, it's funny because he doesn't have enough money for dental care, or he's too uneducated to care one way or the other, due to living in a lower economic bracket. For some reason this is funny to me, a left-leaning champion of the working class. You see I care about the poor more than anybody, but nothing tickles my funny bone more than ugly stupid poor people.
Which is why we need to invest in reforming education and healthcare, I'm just saddened that so many poor whites have been over taken by years of right wing propaganda.
I'm not sure you got my point
The term "assault rifles" AND "current year" memeing? We're really bringing out the big guns now, aren't we?
Is there a reason that "assault rifles" specifically should be limited to 5 rounds? Would you like to define an assault rifle for me as well?
Trump supporters are disgusting
>stop the invasion
>secure our borders
>this is a bad thing
Any gun with military features. They shouldn't just be limited, they should be confiscated and destroyed. You can keep your hunting rifles with a reasonable 5 round limit to magazines.
>"I ain't racist, but"
Didn't know this was a leftist meme outside of Sweden desu
Define "military feature."
What are we considering military features? That's a very broad term.
>confiscating and destroying firearms
You do realize that legitimizing the 'THEY'RE COMING FOR MUH GUNS!' paranoia is going to cause national outrage, right?
Removable magazines
pistol grip
semi auto
Ironically the worst school systems in America are run by Democrats while getting the most funding than any other schools. Ironically, teacher unions, which are unsurprisingly supportive of the Democrats. is one of the biggest reasons schools are so shit. I am going to bet that our best public schools have a majority Republican school board.
But yeah, keep on blaming your problems on Republicans.
This again.
most people will give up their guns willingly the rest will be treated as any other citizen harboring contraband.
Would you care to explain how a pistol grip makes a weapon more dangerous?
>100 year old technology is now a "military feature"
Why don't you just fuck off to some commie shithole if you hate freedom so much?
>there are people who believe grade school ad-hominems are substitutes for intelligent discussion
retarded game to play.
>most people will give up their guns willingly
The NRA has anywhere from 3 to 5 million members.
Now, how many NRA members do you expect to peaceably give up their guns?
If it doesn't improve the weapon why do you need to have them?
>most people will give up their guns willingly
In Hillary's Fantasy Land
Expecting people to just give their $1000 rigs up willingly without being compensated.
Wow genius, ever heard of a trip?
you're right, he term "ain't" is totally low status in terms of social validation and anyone who uses it should be regarded as what they are: the untouchable class.
Hey Mods Mods Mods? Why can't I report a thread like this? It clearly violates the sticky.
your life doesn't improve mine why do you need to have it ?
What did our God Emperor mean by this?
If they will not give them up they will be treated as criminals plain and simple.
Nice ad hom there buddy. NOT AN ARGUMENT
Gungrabbers BTFO
>$.02 have been deposited to your account
thanks for correcting the record :)
Agreed, "ain't" is such a barbarian word. It just makes me shudder when these low class peasants use it.
But have you heard the African word "nigga". SO exotic, SO foreign, SO cultured. I absolutely love that word.
masturbating would be a better waste of time than this. get saged pussy
and according to Trump crime is going up , so.
but user I'm much more intelligent than you are
Violent crime has gone up in cities thanks to chimp lives matter.
wtf im #illForHill now
He means what he says at his Rallies he tries to get along.
>And I don't think you have been outside your maaams house.
If it doesn't make the weapon any more dangerous, why should it be banned?
Are you advocating banning something not because it poses a danger to the American public, but because you deem it to be unnecessary?
Pistol grip vs rifle grip is an option. Just like you have the option of choosing Linux or Windows on your computer.
So we should ban guns to stop criminals from arming themselves.
>Two tanned blacked whores with a lot of makeup
>American "beauty"
>How to spot an unintelligent retard
geez I wonder why he never makes a post that doesn't contain a fallacy and is longer than once sentence.
Guns in cities are practically already banned.
wtf I'm #mentallyhill now
Incorrect. We should revoke black citizenship and deport them back to Africa.
5 million people instantly become criminals, most of our law enforcement and military are red pilled and won't support the second amendment being picked at so are you gonna come and try to take my guns shill?
that's the lighting, dumb fuck.
Yes the Republicans had power during bill clintons reign of terror.
In the 1990s, the "Standards & Accountability Movement" began in the U.S. as states began writing standards (a) outlining what students were expected to know and to be able to do at each grade level, and (b) implementing assessments designed to measure whether students were meeting the standards.[2] As part of this education reform movement, the nation's governors and corporate leaders founded Achieve, Inc. in 1996 as a bipartisan organization to raise academic standards and graduation requirements, improve assessments, and strengthen accountability in all 50 states.
This is the fucking gay shill that posted on my thread. Fuck off to Reddit.
Primarily by illegally obtained handguns in cities.
Shouldn't you be advocating for higher restrictions on handguns? IE: People with a previous felony conviction cannot legally own a handgun, handguns require extensive background checks / license, etc?
You have five million armed Americans who are now counted as criminals and being actively sought after by US forces. While a small fraction of your military forces (read: the amount that doesn't outright refuse to go after gun owners) wage a war on gun owners, your country is in a state of civil war. You are now susceptible to an attack by Russia or China.
Bans which are invalidated due to loose gun control laws in neighboring states. You can just drive to any state and buy a gun from a gun show without a background check.
Don't call me gay or a shill. You're being homophobic and an antisemite.
fox news hates djt
I'm in favor of banning all semi auto weapons. Including handguns and concealable weapons.
Fuck off nigger.
Niggers don't own cars though
Gun shows have background checks.
>le reddit may may
noose yourself shlomo.
This Thread needs more Right Wing Death Squads.
Only big box retailers, small setups don't have access to the system.
I agree, and this also includes the government. They should not have power over the people. Obongo's security staff should be carrying muskets.
Oy vey, shut it down!!!! Btw, shill is not referring to Jews, it means someone who is payed by someone to promote something. Although I bet your Twitter account has echoes around it.
I can conceal a fucking nugget with the right clothing. Concealable is a very broad term.
So, you ban semiautomatic weapons. Now you have chimps shooting each other with bolt-action rifles. Now what? What do you do then?
There is no need for guns in public in a civilised nation, I agree. However, due to the threat of a racist republican killing Obama I understand why he has extra security.
I can do a background check on you and I am neither of those.
Fox News is a well known liberal rag
Obviously we ban bolt-action rifles, and we use the amendment for what it was truly meant for, and that is muskets and cannons.
Perhaps we discuss banning those as well, but I doubt we would need to, look at the success of Australia's gun buy back.
Fuck off shill. You are why we want right wing death squads. Die you commie fucker.
Wooooooooooow hypocrite. So now you want police to have total control over the black community? You don't actually support Hillary, do you? Another drumpf plant trying to make us look bad.
Once police are reformed the people of colour in this country won't have anything to fear if police are patrolling impoverished communities.
You are why we need gun control