The real USA.
You mad brah?
The real USA.
You mad brah?
I'm sure she pees the LGBT flag.
Someone post the webm
>olympic "athlete" semi-famous but only for political stance
can i be an olympian?
She got fucking schooled by a literal nobody. Plus, isn't it haram for a Mudslime cockroach woman to walk along unsupervised by her slaveowner man?
Oh, did she won something?
Why would be mad? She's a great athlete. She has like 30 gold medals.
Stop using Brazil flag to shitpost you scum
The real brazil. You mad bra?
She immediately lost
Am I the only one who thinks her head looks like an uncircumcised penis?
Someone post the webm of the cute French defeating her.
>the best the USA could apparently throw into fencing
>gets completely btfo
It's like she was put in for reasons of political correctness.
I don't think that I'll be considering the opinions of a country that has thoroughly embarrassed themselves during the olympics.
Your country is literally filled to the brim with trash. Your poor areas are worse than detroit.
You couldn't even clean up any of the beaches where olymic events were being held. Fun fact: The olympic committee tested the waters there. 1.5 million times the normal amount of toxic microbes were found in there. The equipment had to be constantly bleached. The athletes had to shower immediately after every event. Had to use hand sanitizer after touching anything. And they were told to keep their mouths shut so the water didn't go into their mouths.
Fucking....gross. 0/10. You are an embarrassment to the entire world.
Also, Michael Phelps was the flag bearer. Deal with it.
Better than Germany
Isn't this a Webm? Anyone have it?
Mad that she ended up contributing about as much as a wet fart.
>cute french
>isn't cute
Okay, riot boy.
>your country is a shithole, therefore muh country is great
No. Your country still is a shithole lad.
Our slums are literally better than your entire country.
Also, how's that president of yours doing?
we need to ban muslim culture
If you took away niggers and swimming, Americans would have a total of 13 medals. So what's your choice /pol? Living with niggers or losing to the chinks?
Against French.
>Take away major part of the olympics
>Suddenly less medals
Wow, crazy how nature do that
I'm pretty sure nobody of those who built America were mudslims.
In her defense she was probably possessed by the ghost of Charles Martel at the time.
You mad, Mohammed?
>the USA will become a muslim nigger country majority in your lifetime
hope we got a wall by that time
Can a homosexual tell me what's going on here
Holy fucking kek.
Your country is a third world shit hole brazilionigger
Islam lost. Kek.
She got her ass handed to her, she's not a real American she's just a bitchy Muslim living here.
It's time to redefine what it means to be American.
>if I just take away this extremely prominent Olympic sport than America sucks
Wow, do go on. What happens if I take away whatever sport others had medals in?
NOT the real USA because of one vital parameter: Pisslam's Sharia law is 100% ANTITHETICAL to the US Bill of Rights. It's such simple logic: any fucker who supports the Sharia human rights atrocities will NEVER be a true American. Why can't liberals just learn to accept that about their Pisslam whoremasters?
>isn't cute
why is he such a fat fuck?
>quiet blonde shooter
Oy vey think of the schools
Swimming itself gives out more medals than the next 20 sports combined. Gymnastics is the closest and it doesn't even give out half as many medals as swimming
She or the other 3 US lady went there for the Team medal and they got their desired bronze, none of the 4 actually had any interest at the solo 1on1, which was proven as the french team ultimately came 8th.
This lady incidentally was actually the only one in the team of 4 with actual USA family ancestry.
I don't know, but I wish I did.
I think im in love
She looks like a pig.
>openly hostile
why were they hostile?
did she actually score any medal?
She was the only 'American' in the 4 person team
listen you jerks
this is REAL wrestling even the old greeks did it that way how looks that gay in youre eyes?
Cuteness ain't the Olympic Criteria, Only criteri at th end of the day was USA achieved the Bronze and France came in 8th.
an Olympic Bronze is no mean feat bro, it's still a very proud moment for any athlete.
Ginny is such a qt
She'll be deported soon. We don't keep losers.
She got stomped by someone who wasnt even considered the best by her peers. Fucking pathetic.
But.. but why does that one man put his crotch up against that other man's butt doggystyle and then starts thrusting?
>Put up on a pedestal
>Her attire is hidden under a helmet
>It's only slightly different to what everyone else wears for protection
Liberal America, you guys need to get your fucking priorities right.
Speak for yourself Brazil
""""""""""Your"""""""""" country is mexican, pothead.
I have never seen a Muslim in real life.
sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit, what a sore loser
I had never seen a muslim in my life until I went to Australia just last month.
You are lumping on two diff events of solo/team in Woman's Sabre, as I mentioned in previous comment the USA team went there for the team medal and they got it by beating very strong Polish and Italian opponents, they had very little interest in solo events as only two of the four even bothered to register for solo fights
better than a fucking monkey
Why is there always this one faggot from Bangladesh in the threads about this muslim shit? I swear, it's like the 3rd thread I see about this, and there's always a faggot from Bangladesh defending her as if she was her sister or some shit. You look pathetic.
>The real USA.
You can tell it's the real America because they have to tell us its the real America all the time...
>favela hue monkey telling ANYBODY their country is a shithole
Infidel! I'll make Islam great again!
So you like to fuck pigs? What a disgusting burger. That's why America is a shithole.
>You look pathetic
Not as pathetic as you keeping track about every post some user from some unknown country posts here in diff threads, eh?
Weird... Why doesn't Africa win tons of medals then?
she goes to the best shooting school in thew country too.
Brazil is a shithole. Don't throw stones in glass houses, buddy.
Is that a face-hole in her mask!
I love that shit!
Easy access!
Open up Sally SuckIslam Silly!
bruh. I been looking for this gif for weeks. thank you. Also your post was we-tah-ded
Your Olympics were the shittiest ever. Choke on a bag of dicks, Zikafag. Clean your fucking water, cretin.
>Defeated instantly by France
>No medals
>Badmouthed America
>Hated by sane America
>Banished to the back of the American olympic group
>Liberals whining she didn't get to carry the flag in the parade despite winning absolutely nothing
Really causes internal cognition, huh?
I want to have the French girl's babies.
They do, wearing various European national jersey tho, also try beating them in long distance running.
No problem, SeƱor Jamal.
Solid Olympics
No more news at all.
No need for bias, just get rid of the news entirely!
Leave it to Anglin to give us unbiased news!
The sport was shooting, mass media is against guns of all types, even olympic rifles.
Our media either didn't cover it at all, or did so with a snide tone and passive aggressive comments about shootings.
Take that! Le Nigayer!
>passive aggressive comments
zio bolshevik comments
Wow relevant for once, grats ahmed
>Our media either didn't cover it at all, or did so with a snide tone and passive aggressive comments about shootings.
The Jews, in one sentence.
Meme it!
See something you don't like?
Are you a Jew?
Ignore it!
Make nasty hateful remarks disguised as a joke!
The more you successfully conceal your intent, the more Jewish you become. One day you will have a total psychological break from the Goyim, and they will take your pseudo-intellectual Goyshit as fact!
So fucking what? Are only Americans allowed to swim?
.... or maybe just one bronze
Both of those guys look like they are same race.
To be fair, I'm not sure I would shake a jew's hand either
>that pack mentality
literal apes. This is why whites need to start traveling in groups and carrying hammers in the back of their cars. Shit like this makes me lust for nigger blood
>orangutan claims frog looks like a pig
Brazillian education
what does education have to do with it? its a matter of personal Kim K is a goddess to some of your countrymen while she's absolute nasty ass fuck pig to me!