How would you design Obama's national monument, Sup Forums?
How would you design Obama's national monument, Sup Forums?
I wouldn't
i guess thats hillary's hair behind him the election is so over already
Split him in half and have tiny black people and police fighting each other between the halves,
Well it would be a statue of an enormous ass crapping onto an American flag, I think everyone would guess who it represents.
First I'd ask the residents of Nairobi what part of the city they'd like it built in and go from there.
It would be like the Hollywood sign
But instead of Hollywood it would say "nigger"
Nah that's Andrew Jackson.
This. I do not want to remember the worst president.
Jesus, is he actually getting a statue of himself that big?
Ya know I think it's ridiculous that the left often accuse other right of being megalomaniacs, they themselves seem much more infatuated with themselves
it's not that big at all
I was thinking about this...the problem is the rope wouldn't be able to hold the weight of the statue. The tree branch probably wouldn't, either.
Out of black soapstone. Why the fuck do they always carve black leaders out of white stone?
A statue of Obama doing the mic drop. Put it right in front of Capital Hill on the way in the door.
fucking kek'd
The same way a dung beetle creates with precision a near perfect ball from a common piece of shit.
The niggers for a good job of it in Ferguson
Replace the Washington Monument with a bbc.
His monument would be a model of a city burning and being looted.
The looters would all have Obama's face because they're his children.
Why does he need a physical monument?
His regression of race relations will mean that his legacy should last at least 60 years. More if whatever chimpout they're throwing this week turns out to have legs.