When will this joke die?
When will this joke die?
not before his daughter
in about five years when people who were too young for spongebob are the main demographic of this site
Once we nuke Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Puerto Rico, etc etc
Hey, BvS and MoS didn't even do that well here!
lmao, I forgot how upset it made some normies on here to joke about that
right here right now
Not funny dude. Take your edge to Sup Forums
It's not a joke, nor are his films. He just happens to live at the intersection of comic book fans who also appreciate art.
Fanboy bandwagoners to nerd cultureare not pandered to in his films, so they hate him. Elitist arthouse types refuse to entertain the notion that there is deeper subtext in his.films, because "comics are for.children," oblivious to how narrow-minded and unsophistocated that reveals them to be.
You either get him or you don't.
huehueheueuehuheuheuehue synder ao vivo
stupid american kino es batmen v supermen
>Take your edge to Sup Forums
it's not 2009, what do want them to do with his edge? edge their sissy cocks?
...why does South America like these movies?
I can't stop laughing. Help me.
>batman has a gun for prolonged period of time
because of all the gritty religious symbolism
When people realize it's not a joke
>I forgot how upset it made some normies on here to joke about that
If only those jokes were actually funny.
For example, you are lmaoing on absolute shit of a joke.
Keep congratulating yourself on how superior your tastes are fanboy. If you were one of the elitist crowd, your ass would be off discussing Jodorowski or something, most likely literally anywhere but here.
You're probably one of those easter egg faggots that thinks empty references like the "Staff of the Living Tribunal" pass for competent world-building and respect for the lore.
>Drumpfcucks like Marshit
It's like pottery
BvS was a great movie, deal with it.
I have the feeling it's more thanks to Terrio than to Snyder, though. Man of Steel was kinda dull.
The joke will die on its own eventually. It won't be the first time a Snyder joke killed herself.
I actually don't mind Snyder. To me, he's a poor man's Michael Bay. They're both great at making big, dumb, loud blockbuster action films that have a distinct look to them. You can tell just by the trailer it's a Michael Bay or Zack Snyder film. Neither of them are particularly great overall, but they're both solid.
Your bar is set quite low if you think they are solid filmmakers.
They're entertainers. They entertain fairly well. They'll never be on a top 50 list, but they're serviceable. Bay moreso.
I unironically dont understand why people hate BvS
>inb4 muh martha scene ecks dee
fuck off you are from hueland so it shows comments from hueland
They're like Ridley Scott. They know how to get a good looking shot, and that's about the extent of their talents.
My problem with the movie was that the character's motivations don't make a lick of sense half the time. I mean, Lex Luthor creates Doomsday because he's worried about Superman being an unstoppable uncontrollable force. Just... what?
the unstoppable force is an excuse, he wanted him dead to become the only ruler in the world with his new helping pet