Should atheists be put to death?
Serious question
Serious question? why would you even ask that question?
Yes, 100%. They are the most destructive tendril of cultural marxism besides feminism when it comes to destroying cultures.
"I shall compose a grand symphony to the great nothing that I believe in!" said no one. Ever.
t. ahmed
Commencing dump
dude 420 lmao
why do you like sucking cocks OP?
Gagarin told us there is no heaven, only stratosphere.
Atheism and degeneracy on the rise
They should be given the opportunity to convert first.
t. Mohammed
t. Cletus
That's some muzzie tier shit OP
Only those who have any influence on public opinion, and this applies to all heretics. But we give them several warnings and only if they persist then we kill them. This is assuming a glorious Catholic society, of course. This is how it was handled back then and it's how it should be handled in the future. Our ancestors were wise and we are the fools to have tried to correct them.
I personally don't believe in a god, but I believe religion is necessary to install proper morals into a society. So I wouldn't want to put atheists to death, but I would like to see a rise in religion
>Gives old records of persons living in that day who talk about the miracles they witnessed
>God hates gays
God doesn't hate gays, God is upset about their choices, but everyone is savable.
Religion is the central system that brought education to the masses, even today religious schools provide education to billions.
Muslims certainly think so.
found the gay
No, not all atheists remain so.
Many are on missions from God to see and speak where God has not yet been.
Yes God made the universe and us to witness this universe subjectively
>god exist because hat
>le tip meme haha that'll show him
Go suck a priests dick.
Christian quote thread?
These criticisms don't address the fact that religion is necessary for adding proper morality to a society. In addition, for the critique that religion holds back science, I will direct you to the many, many monks that laboriously copied down information, and the fact that many primitive societies learned how to read and write from priests
I like the actual values and teachings of religion, like how not to be a filthy degenerate. I feel that the country should have Judeo-Christian values. I just don't believe in God, heaven or hell, or any of the other make believe stuff.
Religious retards are a new level of hypocrite.
If you don't believe in the background, then how do you know that these are the objectively correct morals?
You kinda have to believe in the dominion of a Judeo-Christian God to believe that the morality bestowed upon us by that religion is valid.
>Religion is the central system that brought education to the masses
Christfags ACTUALLY believe this
If you dont believe in hell or paradise then whats the incentive to be good?
The laws? Exactly.
>Needs fairy tales to be a good person
You are a subhuman.
>god doesn't exist because you cannot prove that he does
It kind of did happen after the savage Germanic tribes destroyed civilised Europe
No but you should. Christians are the most helpless, enabling fuckers on the planet. Completely brainwashed in every way
>God doesn't hate gays,
Yes he does, that's why killing them is condoned in the bible.
>Religion is the central system that brought education to the masses
Yes, they educated to some degree, but indoctrinated the masses with bullshit, much like cultural Marxists in our university's today. The good deed of educating the masses loses its virtue if what they're educated with is garbage.
Science is the only way to "god" or whatever you want to call consciousness in your little fantastic world. OP is a classic.
If you cant prove something then its not real this is how reality works otherwise I could blow up the sun by believing me shitting in a perfect circle would do so, cause and effect you fucking retard.
That's some Saudi / ISIS tier shit
Flag checks out, tho
On what moral basis should Christians be killed?
Which is more likely...
...Stories told by uneducated people about literal magic were accurately written about in books meant to instill a belief in literal magic, were translated accurately from their original language, and were legitimately stories told by numerous people and not one guy with an agenda.
...There is a magic man in the sky who has created the universe and everything, who does not himself have an origin.
The original point of public schooling in colonial America was so everyone could read the bible, poor or rich.
lrn 2 histury, fellow atheist ;)
Inshallah brother.
Thanks doc. When can I expect the other half of my dose?
But it's as much a crime to force Christians to live in a secular society that endorses pornography, abortion, homosexuality, fornication, adultery, consumerism, etc. Those values are being FORCED on us, in much the same way we would be forcing our values on others in a Christian society. So who's really the hypocrite, since we reject the religion of liberalism and its false notion of tolerance, yet you yourself presumably bow to this god.
Should Christians be put to death by Islam?
Irrelevant you should be killed because your idiots value emotion over logic and reason, you are the reason niggers are free today. You are the reason muslims are in Europe but sure blame us atheist its not like Europe being majority christian for alot of time fault or anything. You fucking OH LETS FORGIVE OUR ENEMIES guys pussies should have killed all the muslims when you had the chance now the morally righteous psychopaths that you are you look for someone to blame for our inaction.
>Those values are being FORCED on us
No they are not.
Literally move to Utah if you want to live in a conservative secular shithole.
but athiesim IS a religion
you're believing without proof that there is no god.
I'm not saying you need a higher power to have morals.
You do need a higher power if you want objectively GOOD morals. Because, in absence of an authoritative figure, who dictates morality?
That's right, other, fallible humans.
In absence of a higher power, there is no objective truth.
You don't get to be both a moral relativist and an objectivist, my man.
Do you feel a need to live and have a fear of death? Cool, me too. If we cooperate, work together, and agree to respect each other's boundaries, the sum of all those things will result in both of our lives made easier.
There's your framework for reality, making life easier to cope with. No god needed, just a simple agreement between two or more people.
And your argument to prove God's existence is...?
So 300AD to 1800AD can simply be ignored?
Hey moron we arent killing christians so its not the same..
Why do you think non-Christians have a monopoly on reason?
>You do need a higher power if you want objectively GOOD morals.
Morals are subjective.
Obviously because we arent mentally retarded like you christians.
>If you cant prove something then its not real this is how reality works
Prove to me that your mind exists otherwise it's not real - checkmate atheists
I exist therefore God exist - science can't refute this, neither can you
But say a person down the road believes that killing people is the best way for him to live? You and I may see one another as rational, but under a different set of values we may be the crazy ones. And without an authoritative objective truth they may very well be right.
And you believe without proof that there IS a god.
>inb4 muh bible
Because christians literally believe in a man walking on water and turning water to wine. They literally believe in a bearded man in the clouds.
Thats why you have no rights on reason
Then how do you know yours are right?
There is no mind only electrical impulses and chemicals.
What makes Christians retarded compared to all other groups?
Then you may as well end it anyway. If there's nothing more than chemical impulses then your only real choice for life is hedonism.
>Because christians literally believe in a man walking on water and turning water to wine.
Do we believe that happens all the time?
We dont care about right or wrong you stupid animal, we just follow laws that society civilized.
To be an adult christian you were either brainwashed alot as a child or you are retarded its that simple.
>Should most of the 120+ IQ population be put to death?
There is no reality only particles
Is it relevant? Anyon that claims a man can walk on water and turn water to wine is NOT using reason.
Im sorry but I am not a stupid animal like you that needs a purpose in life to continue existing or God's plan or some bullshit.
Yeah but what specifically makes Christians retarded, unlike all other religions and anti-faith/non-faith positions?
All Abrahamic religions are shit.
>I exist therefore God exist
Why can't the universe exist without God? And I'd prefer a serious answer this time.
Laws can change, definitions of "Civilized" differ based on beliefs of morality.
No, but the Bahamian is upset that his country is still 3rd world.
Don't hate atheists. Pity them.
But we don't believe Christ was only a man. We believe he was God as well
All religions that claim xyz is undoubtedly true are retarded.
(YOU), Ahmed
How are they shit compared to Dharmic religions?
So then you arent using reason, since there is no proof that such a god would exist.
Not necessarily God, just original causation.
Why are you alive? You were born, why were you born, your parents were born, etc. All the way back to "the big bang" what caused that?
If we find out what caused the big bang, then we have to ask, "What caused that" until we reach the original causation.
If you'd prefer you could call "God" "Original Causation"
So nothing is undoubtedly true?
Having differing opinions from others without being violent or advocating violence isn't enough to warrant death.
Your way of thinking isn't different from those of the SJWs, feminazis and BLM protesters. If you don't support their cause, you're branded as a racist bigot misogynistic cis scum right?
I do believe that some religions are needed to control and instill good moral values in people who lack empathy and a conscience. I won't begrudge them that option and will let them go in their merry way as long as they don't try to force me over to their side.
Is absence of evidence evidence of absence?
Hinduism is native to India, Christianity is native to the Middle East
Buddhism is more about spiritualism than about believing in a magical sky fairy
I'd like to know how you drew the dot between a religion claiming something is undoubtably true with nothing is undoubtably true
>But say a person down the road believes that killing people is the best way for him to live
Lets take it further. Lets say there's an entire society that says that wanton killing is acceptable. What would happen? If murder/killing goes unchecked, and the people begin to kill themselves off faster than they can have children, that society shrink in size, eventually wiping itself. That accomplishes the opposite of what you and I would want, which is to avoid death. Not to mention, setting the precedent for fratricide to be okay would bring a host of other problems, such as devaluing trust and giving more power to those who are better at killing as opposed to those who are better at managing human resources.
There's more to this topic, of course, and it covers a very large scope of ethics.
>but under a different set of values we may be the crazy ones
So what? Nobody is obligated to agree with your moral choices, and you can't please everybody. I don't see the problem.
Pretty much.
Unless you want to get all superficially semantic about it.
>>If nothing can be true, nothing can be false!!11! LELEeelelLElell xDDDDD
Christians at least have a pretty good value system, that helped a lot during the history of Europe, unlike Isam.
Isn't the belief in reincarnation just a magical?