Black Lives Matter

>Be American
>Help strangers get their SUV out of a ditch
>Get shot

Such is life in Niggerston, SC

Other urls found in this thread:

>quickly approaching the year 2017
>having any kind of interaction with nogs expecting to not get shot and/or raped/robbed


>pulling over for niggers
Not even once

I've never understood, why niggers struggle to be human. I can't take the whole "but we were oppressed by society years back" agenda seriously because the chinks have been here nearly just as long and they are doing just fine. "but we have dark skin and dark skin people can't succeed", but the indians are doing just fine and practically eating up all tech jobs. Every spic manages to get at least the most pitiful labour jobs and dishwashing. What is it about the niggers that makes them truly the lowest of the lowest dirt scum in every country comparable?

i live in smallish town louisiana and got my car stuck in a flood last year...first guy to come to my help was a black dude who helped me push my car to dry land...i was pretty biased against black people because of some stuff that happened with my family, but not all black people are matter, i keep my guard up around black people

If only our forefathers would have had the foresight to ban the importation of slaves in 1776, and forced the slaves currently in the country at that time to either go back to Africa or remain in the states but be forcibly sterilized. Can you imagine how much greater this country would be today? Not even talking about the violence. Just think about the sheer amount of money and opportunities that have been wasted on hopeless niggers.

of course not all are bad, but you must consider statistics.

not all pitbulls maul you to death, but if you see a pitbull without a leash approaching you, it's not the same as if it was a labrador.

>south carolina
Objectively the worse state. Its technically not a rust belt/flyover state but 95% of it sure fucking looks like it

they're the niggerest

actually they had this idea and it was blocked by southern states

>The Charleston County Coroner’s Office identified the victim as Chadwick Garrett, a 45-year-old North Charleston resident. He died around 11:35 p.m. at the scene near Durant Avenue and North Jimtown Drive.

>His death is the 21st reported homicide for North Charleston this year and the 45th in the tri-county area

21 murders in 8 months. In a city with population of 128k, this works out to be 25 murders per 100k per year. Literally worse than the majority of African countries.


this is such a shit argument. sure genetics plays a part. but it's how you raise a dog that matters a lot in their behavior towards others. america has a huge problem with it's black community because you have and still treat them like shit. most if not almost all black people in my country are chill and normal. we treat them like full class citizens. we have a problem with Turks and Moroccans because we treat them like you guys treat niggers. It is not as black and white as you make it to believe.

tl;dr: Pit bull owners are shit tier human beings that change their dog into vicious animals. Labrador owners are fags.

>be dumbass white boi
>put yourself in a situation to get robbed
Niggas taught him a lesson

This, it was probably at night time too.

Fuck off you know nothing about niggers if we treat them good they stomp all over you niggers here are fucking animals and the population is much bigger than your shithole so fuck off sucking Jamal off you faggot.

Damn, my town is in the news again. I feel so conflicted living here, there are a lot of nice black people in the area. Whenever I've got my truck stuck they're first to help but I can never return the favor because of shit like this.

>relaxing around blacks

Fuck off you racists, some black people do bad things and some white people do bad things. Actually most white people do bad things.

Deal with it racists

I'd imagine that they think those jobs the Mexicans will do are beneath them, they are all waiting to be rap stars or whatever the fuck blacks aspire to.

Deserved it for helping niggers.

We've been giving blacks gibsmedats for 50 years. Niggers have been discouraged from working by bleeding heart liberals for two generations, and thus devolved into apes.

Also, your Africans are at the top of the IQ spectrum, since a lot of them come to Europe to study. Just wait a couple of years until they regress to the mean.

Well user you met the lesser spotted black person...different from the common street nigger.

They treat themselves like shit, the root of all problems in the black community is the brutal way they treat there children. I live in SC and if you're in public you'll hear them shouting obscenities at them, threatening to beat them and ordering them around like they're trash. Mostly single mothers as well.

such is life in the south, southbro

>Deal with it racists

Most white people do deal with it... by not helping anyone. Large US cities are slowly turning into China in that respect. Not my problem, not looking, seen nothing, keep walking

lol never gets old


Why the fuck do all these murderers have records for serious charges yet their out on bail or whatever. How the fuck do people say the court is too strict on black people when they literally get multiple chances to not fuck up, can we just have a 2 strikes your dead rule?

Fuck off, you have no idea what it's like here. Whites bend over backwards to be nice to niggers, give them good schools, job opportunities, etc. Being white and saying anything negative about them can ruin your life. I'm sure niggers are better in your country, but it's only because you have so few of them that they can't isolate themselves and form their own dysfunctional culture like they've done here.

Niggers need to shut the fuck up about "oppression" until they fix this kind of shit.

most of these handouts were also handed out by republicans. look it up. you think only liberals are to blame? how much do you actually know about politics in your country?

i hope you also know that the whole iq 80 bullshit is really outdated and wrong science. there have been more modern studies that suggest the gap is much smaller.

i know Sup Forums is just some right wing echo chamber these days so why am i bothering trying to explain this.

the whole black people problem you have in your country is a two way street. your both to blame. not just the niggers.

>most white people do bad things

Black were fine until LBJ

They are literally a different form of human with temperament, impulse control, critical thinking, and general intelligence on a completely different level to other subspecies of humans.

Why are pitbulls different than corgis?

So what are we supposed to do? We give them almost everything so what do you recommend us to do?

>sure genetics plays a part. but it's how you raise a dog that matters a lot in their behavior towards others
It's not a companion dog breed. It's not a watch-dog breed. Hell, it's not even a guard-dog breed. It's a fucking attack-dog breed, meant for mauling people! Selectively bred over generations to have a mean bite and an even meaner temper.

>They are literally a different form of human with temperament, impulse control, critical thinking, and general intelligence on a completely different level to other subspecies of humans.
>Why are pitbulls different than corgis?

that doesn't make any sense though

i thought all humans are the same, minus skin color


Have you been here? No? Fuck off then poorfag.


>Be American
>Help black person
>Get robbed/killed

this is really sad

I'm going to Vegas this week, should I relax around blacks or keep up my guard

I've met plenty of Africans in Europe. Never seen a real nigger outside the US.

because telling an entire class of citizens that they are not responsible for their actions and giving them everything they want has turned out for the best in the past? maybe if you'd treat them the same as others, you would not have had this problem. it's much to late to do that now thou. your country is basically fucked and the blacks will never emancipate out of their "muh slavery white devil" complex.

>but it's how you raise a dog that matters a lot in their behavior towards others.

yeah, it matters....
BUT... all else being equal....

husky v lab v rottweiler v pitbull v poodle >> all behave differently and have different innate dispositions and tendencies... irrespective of how they are raised

Bullshit, just like pitbulls often lash out mindlessly, so do niggers. Genetics is destiny. Dogs are the worst possible example you could use. Different breeds have distinct and consistent differences in strength, intelligence, behavior, and needs.

Blacks are more violent in every country they inhabit that's legally allowed to track statistics by race. Every country they've ever tried to build has been an abject failure. Without whites to tell them what to do they are hopeless.

All humans are not the damn same, that's a myth shoved down everybody's throat from the left

Fucking niggers destroying this country. Maybe they should be hanged with barbed wire instead of rope.

Buddy, We have nigger in Canada as well do you trust the ones here? No.. Treat them the same and protect yourself even more because of the US gun control.

I honestly believed that black people being more prone to being criminals in general was just a meme before Sup Forums.

Since the past year, there's been an influx of Nigerians and Kenyans in my area and the already bad drug problem in the country started to worsen. Black people and even more Chinese were getting arrested on the news.

I am now forever afraid of approaching a black person. T-thanks, /po/.

south carolina is worst carolina
it's like the "trailer houses with fisher price toys on the lawn" state

Literally what you are saying is opposite to the reality in OPs picture. The guy goes above and beyond for these niggers and gets rob and killed. How blind are you?

They dindu nuffin, huh? This "welfare destroyed the black family"-meme must die. Whites can go in welfare too, but didn't destroy them, but somehow we don't behave like that.

It's the race. No excuses.

>helping niggers

very sad but whites have to learn never to interact with nigger scum.

>go to NC
>looks nice, lots of different types of people there, everyone is super friendly
>motherfucking cookout
>head down to SC
>weird and angry looks from everyone i pass, most people i talk to are arrogant and stupid, they just straight up look dumb like jamaal and jaekwondrius in the OP


Will do countryman. I have barely any interaction with blacks but the few I have met from cities are pretty shit.

Wonder how the MSM will try and spin this

>helping blacks

He should have known better. Only blacks I'll help are old folks. I would never help a black who's under 40, they are dangerous niggers.

Other day I jumped this old black ladies car cause she was stuck in rain during flash flood. If she were a young black guy I'd have just let him drown at this point. I'd probably help a young black man if he had trump stickers on his car or some way for me to tell he isn't a typical nigger.

Fuck the average young nigger though, they can die for all I care.

This one particular post is what I'll remember when the party starts.

Definitely keep your guard up, stay with your friends, and not only because of blacks... They don't call it Sin City for nothing. It's a place where degeneracy is encouraged and spills all over the street, and like most tourist destinations, the people who live there and in the hoods surrounding the strip are poor, shifty, and always looking for the next scam to pull. Have fun though!

upbringing plays a part, genetics plays another.

there is a reason to why there are no fighting labradors.

keep believing that race is a social construct.

and keep blaming yourself for turks and moroccans still raping people and claiming benefits after they've had a chance to show what they are made of in a new country.

dutch cuck.

This is what scares me. Say we get rid of illegals, what happens when these niggers refuse to work?

Almost wish we could trade niggers for immigrants but nobody would agree to the trade.

Are these the superpredators Hillary warned of?

They rather treat them too well. Give them free shit, give them a free pass to college, even when others are far more qualified. All that fueling their entitlement. They are never held up to the same standards and are allowed to keep acting like spoiled, violent brats.

>be american
>get shot
like clockwork

Pitbulls at least had a point in time where they were tame and had an excellent reputation.

that's super hard to answer. the problem is there is no "us" i can recommend stuff to. some people will do this, some that. if i could just tell the entire white population in america to do something and they would follow my lead i'd tell them to deport them all to Africa and be done with it. but Africa doesn't want them...

if history would teach us anything the problem will go away in generations to come. it sounds really bad to you guys but the more interconnected people get with each other the less the struggles against each other become. but america seems to be the exeption to the rules. you just get more and more pissed off at eachother as decades go by. it's just amazing. they basically built conclaves of huge black neighborhoods that just don't interact with whites anymore. i think if you want to solve the problem, destroy their retarded mo money mo bitches, hoodlum criminal culture.

>he thinks it'll be reported beyond fringe publications

Charlestonian here. I'm in Mount Pleasant which has been unofficially cordoned off from the black menace but downtown is lost to aggressive homeless and tourist trash. As long as I don't cross the bridge into bedlam I never even notice them. Once the designated housing for them runs out of contract they'll be getting shoved back inland.

Bam, very good observations Germany. I personally think this is the problem here too. Blacks are entitled to things they didn't work for. In their mind if they don't have what other people have its because of racism, not because they are unemployed high-school drop outs who beat up their own teachers for being white.

REEEEE here I was thinking of moving to Charleston to escape Baltimore nogs.

you seem to fail to see that in the countries where EVERYONE is a muslim, or a nigger, where there isn't muh evil white diskreemenaashun, you find a shit situation. everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

but surely you will blame it on whites, somehow, failing to mention how the tyranny of the whites didn't affect korea, japan, or the "high IQ" asians.

This image is circulating through the black people on my newsfeed right now

Will do boss
Thankfully there's 14 of us going, and we're all young guys in decent shape so hopefully we won't be easy targets.

have you ever been to Africa? there are plenty of nice places there. same goes for the Arabian world in the not so distant past.

whites have nothing to do with these problems. they fucked up their country. why would we be to blame? you seem to think in stereotypes.

Yeah, but if these niggers had been shot by the police you'd have every nigger in the country out marching.

Plus, you bitch that there are so many niggers in prison when they're in there because of shit like this and not because;

>whitey racist yo

Fuck off.

>still treat them like shit

That can burn you too just putting the stickers on so people think they aren't criminals.

Can't destroy their hood culture, it makes record companies, clothing companies and movie studios so much money.

Dude, you give a nigger 200 dollars for food and they'll go spend it on shoes. So many companies like Nike and North Face would lose money if niggers ever changed. It's why rich kikes like zuckerberg do everything they can to argue in favor of black culture even if black culture leads to blacks being killed.

Niggers are dumb and it benefits a lot of people who will do anything they can to keep them dumb and spending. Think about how many different industries profit from dumbass niggers kek.

It's a lost cause.

Those ones are in the minority, unfortunately.

The only nice places in Africa are the ones heavily colonized by whites. Even then "nice" is a very relative term.

>but it's how you raise a dog that matters

not 100% of the result
pit bulls have a neurological defect to unpredictably "snap" into rabid kill-anything-mode at any time

last time i was in america most Americans there agreed with each other that they were pretty racist. also the blacks are even more racist. you both treat each other like shit.

your probably right in that regard. pit bulls are more violent on average. but in the hands of a good owner.. and that was my argument.

True, honestly niggers in my area aren't bad. I live in the countryside of Alaska so the blacks I meet are always right wing family types.

The cities here are a different story. Violent niggers everywhere, wouldn't help any of them.

yes i have been there.
and i would NEVER, and i highlight, NEVER pick any of those places over europe.

surely there are nice places, but the level of violence, lack of technology, sanitary issues, it's not even conparable. sure, there are friendly fellas in some north african countries.
now try visiting as a solo blonde woman. they will turn into savages.

reality is, we aren't meant to blend and live together.

you should be able to see this in the netherlands, where 80% of somalis and 70% of afghans still take benefits, an entire generation after.

no matter where muslims move, they refuse to adapt, and embrace values that resemble ours, and blame us, and are validated by cucks like you.

same for blacks in america, still can't stop dumping single mothers and shooting each other after decades of welfare and programs.

now look at how the chinese, korean, vietnamese, filipino, or any country with high IQ are doing abroad.

rather than looking at the facts though, you blame yourself, which is a characteristic of the self-hating half-man.

but yeah, race is a social construct, it's complicated, and we are all to blame.

you must have seen another Africa then.

i pulled over for a group of teenage niggers who had a flat tire. I gave them a ride back to their house which was like 30 miles away. At first they wanted to flag someone down and borrow a spare tire but I was like LOL no thats not how it works. and here i am still alive. that was 2010 though.

>it's not your genetics it's how you are raised meme

please stop.

That isn't how you tie a noose.


>the chinks have been here nearly just as long and they are doing just fine.
chinks weren't enslaved so that's a disingenuous argument. they came over voluntarily and were surely treated as (relative) equals from the start

you'll notice that the good blacks tend to have little in common with other blacks. either because they're middle class or they just don't buy into the mindset. blacks just have an awful culture and mindset, mostly stemming from family issues. i don't know how much of it is biological. i do know that people who grow up without dads tend to end up more violent, so you can't even tell if they're actually inherently violent. there are enough good ones that i think if you wiped out the culture they could at least be decent citizens on the whole. but as of now welfare, poor education, media etc. just serve to perpetuate and promote their toxic mindset

mind you, i'm obviously not american, but molyneux covers it pretty well. blacks were on the right track 50 years ago

as for why it's the same in every country, it's a hivemind. at least over here america dominates culture, blacks here see niggers nigging out in america and think that's how they're supposed to act. we even had fucking blm protests here. but again, there are enough "good" blacks that I do think they have the potential to turn it around if they take responsibility and the media stops encouraging them

Give an example of a nice african country that wasn't heavily colonized by whites.


>crash car
>get trapped in car
>2 kindly good samaritans of the african american persuasion approach car
>1 helps you out of the wreckage
>the other steals your iPad, laptop, and wallet while you're blacked out

Not a good day good samaritans

a lack of intelligence and self-awareness to the real world.

This is a good post