Are Afrikaners based?
Are Afrikaners based?
Only if they accept the call of manifest destiny.
I would travel there myself to clear out a white nation
No they were racist imperialists who should've stuck to their own continent. How would we like it if Blacks started colonizing Europe and set up an apartheid system?
what are you talking about?
>says the American
Libtard found. Go fuck yourself and your white guilt.
>didnt read the pinned threads picture
They deserve what's happening to them. They deserve to be wiped out because they suck so much at atrocity propaganda. Nobody knows what's happening to the whites over there, meanwhile nothing is happening to the whites in Sweden but everybody has more sympathy for us than even the most tormented people on earth
But blacks are colonizing Europe right now
Much like the settlers in what are now the united states, the Afrikaners have a duty from God to expand and prosper.
Always this equal-think. How would we like it... bla bla bal
Listen moron. Whites are not the same like other races. Therefore other rules apply on us.
>nothing is happening to the whites in Sweden but everybody has more sympathy for us than even the most tormented people on earth
Shhh, det är en hemlighet. Låt dem tycka synd om oss, då kommer de och hjälper oss när vi startat raskriget.
Come say that to my face and not online fucker
what is bad beeing a racist imperialist?
are afrikaner girl qts ?
>Tfw you will never serve under Eugene Terre'Blanche
Verstaan Afrikaners dit?
Nee, die verstaan alleen Vlaams. Origineel waren het allemaal Vlaamse boeren.
BTW we neuken julie in hockey nu loser.
Racist imperialists?
Just goes to show how little you know.
We Boers/Afrikaners had our own republics, we did not want to conquer anything else.
But unfotunately the biggest gold fields in the world was discovered in the Transvaal republic.
So those grubby greedy anglos and their jewish overlords had to have it.
They instigated the Anglo-Boer war and killed 1/3rd of Boer children in their concentration camps
The english dissolved our republics and forced everyone to live within the same borders, including many large black tribes. They imported nigs from all over the country to come work in their mines, slowly and steadily displacing Afrikaners demographically.
Eventually the Afrikaners regained power and created apartheid.
They also created the black homelands in the hopes that blacks would once again rule themselves and return to the lands of their fathers.
Billions in white taxes were pumped into these homelands.
>What kind of an imperialist gives away land and land with the most fertile soil to boot?
But black people rather chose to live under apartheid laws and the benefits provided by white society, rather than return to their homelands.
The biggest hospital in the world (Baragwanath) was built for blacks with white tax payer money.
Ja, ek verstaan jou.
Ek kan nie die verkil hoor tussen vlaams en nederlands nie, albei klink eenders vir my.
Yeah the Boer war was a mistake.
>Godse land, het gelovte land
Afrikaners are the most based Dutch people ever, I'm more proud of them than the other way around.
Is Afrikaans a good language to learn?
Not by a filthy anglo.
I would say so but I still wonder why a bunch of whites would willingly live as a minority in a mostly nigger Country in fricking Africa of all inhospitable places. That takes a lot of guts and I respect that
How dare you, you rude Dutchman.
Your people fucked my people over, both the Dutch and the Afrikaners.
It would've been great if you didn't get upset such a tiny peoples were doing so well.
I wasn't around when Thatcher messed up you and your African nation. It's fucked up, man.
They fucked us up too, lad
I wasn't aiming at just Thatcher, I also mean two Boer wars and four wars against us just because we had so much power and you guys didn't like that.
We've suffered back then too and our government kept fucking each other over.
Who is that?
Prins van Oranje?
Point taken, let bygones be bygones I guess.
>tfw you'll never fight alongside these lads
The afrikaners fucked up big time. Why on earth did they hand power over to the ANC without creating a separate white state first? I will never understand that.
In the meantime we can only hope that eventually they will see the futility of the failed "rainbow nation" and create a volkstaat.
The betrayal of Rhodesia is the worst atrocity that Britain has ever commited in Africa. The second worst would be how Britain abandoned white Kenyan farmers to be killed by commie terrorists, and the third would be how Britain supported Nigerian Muslims over Biafran Christians
>white people come into Africa
>kill/rape/enslave/segregate the natives
>natives kick their colony out eventually
>white people: "we dindu nuffin wrong"
Why is it wrong when muslims do it?
Commander of the Dutch fleet, Cornelis Tromp
It hurts everyday, Rhodesia and the Union of South Africa could have been the paradises of Southern Africa if our governments in Europe played their cards right.
Our lads fought for everything only to be betrayed.
Bait harder faggot.
Because muslims don't try to improve things for the locals
Now thats an ass kicking.
>upset this hard at the truth
Why is Sup Forums such a conservative echobox?
Because Africans were savages, much like American Indians, abos etc.
It sucks so hard.
Military Rhodesians were superior. Their problem was that they didn't have access to basic supplies because of sanctions. It's a shame
Bait harder faggot. Go on, post the graphs.
Because afrikaners moved to inhabited land and made a living for themselves while Muslims go to places we already live in and force us to move away.
If they all went to Norway and moved somewhere in the fucking mountains I wouldn't give a shit.
The burden of proof is on you.
Dunno but their graphic designers are shit thats for fucking sure.
Gonna need that source Hans
Its on you ya fucking soggy twat.
>Military Rhodesians were superior. Their problem was that they didn't have access to basic supplies because of sanctions. It's a shame
That they were and the sanctions are treasonous to the white race and anglos have a lot of white blood on their hands.
Typical, Lazy shit poster. Its always a race to say
"The burden of proof is on you." from someone these people.
As if white people rape repulsive dindu untermenschen
Afrikaaner policies are what killed south Africa.
Literally autistic rage got mad at Brits and banned any non Dutch/afrikaan immigration and actually invited blacks into south Africa to dispopulate the Brits and keep them from gaining power.
Fucking idiots.
What fucking hard truth?
Under white rule, black life expectancy went from 38 to 65.
Their numbers increased from 3 million in 1910 to more than 42 million now.
Their infant mortality rate dropped for 230 per 1000 to less than 30
They went from a 0% percent literacy rate to 85%+
At the height of apartheid niggers in South Africa owned more cars than rest of sub-Saharan Africa combined.
Every measurable aspect of black people's lives have improved thanks to white people.
Htf is muslims improving Europe?
All they do is create slums and increase the crime rate.
Also not to mention they sold out rhodesia in the 60s. They cucked themselves out of fear.
In all seriousness, the British government that betrayed Rhodesia should be tried for war crimes. And reparations should be given to the exiled Rhodesians and their descendents.
Life isn't easy when you have your farm taken away from you and your relatives butchered, only to have to land up in South Africa as a refugee. It's a hellish experience really.
Not one single thing you said is true.
Race traitor faggot.
Als of mij dat iets boeit
Arguing here and wasting time posting proof for me is pointless, since this is a cuckservative echobox where you'll just meme that "le afrikaans dindu nuffin" regardless.
Ja dat vind ik nou mooi kom terug broeder
lol wait actually I thought YOU were the cuckservative bahahaha! My bad.
I should have read your replies. My bad.
I'll post some aggregated scientific journals that disprove white superiority to make up for it.
Based Ameribros.
Absolutely, though maybe a bit crazy, though how couldn't they be? It was ballsy of them to try and carve out a civilization on the Dark Continent in the first place, and even more so to stay there and continue to fight for their existence surrounded on all sides by feral subhumans who hate them and want to kill them. It may seem futile if you look at it from a fatalistic point of view, but it's infinitely more admirable than any of our ethnomasochist cucks bending over backwards to the same types of people. Everytime I hear some white lefty talking about "muh ebul rayciss apartheid colonizers" I want to suckerpunch them in their chinless glass jaw.
We are literally being slowly but surely displaced by a loud minority group here in Europe.
Its no different to SA.
i dont think the nig nogs had jews scamming them into being cucks and not even trying to repel them, at least they tried wtf (see: blood river battle)
Couple here or there.
Our woman about 90 years ago were a lot fatter.
We've changed a lot. As a people we shifted from plain farmers trying to live off the land and fight for their independence to a population focused on academic achievements and surviving in a country that wants us gone
>kill/rape/enslave/segregate the natives
nope that was pretty much what the Zulu people did on their own
research shaka zulu
cant stomp the tromp
Afrikaaners have been there for a long time and the Bantu invaded afterwards. They're two migratory groups fighting over land.
It's also not equivalent to immigration. Europe is being colonized by immigration which is a voluntary thing, while colonization was the establishment of new nations.
Not everyone here thinks it was a good idea either, I don't think the New World or Africa should have been permanently colonized. However, unlike with muslims who are migrating today, it's 400ish years too late to go back and prevent colonization. You can fix problems in the present or future, but not ones in the distant past.
>misunderstanding of Flynn Effect
>misunderstanding of studies, g, heritability
>didn't address blacks being subhuman with anything but int and failed to show anything but opinions against it
Cornelis Tromp fucking molly wopped the British fleet. A true bad ass. Pity about his betrayal by the royalists.
Oh my god the comments, a guy with a Scandi name raging at racists and an afrocentrist telling whites to "go back to dem caves"
So you have nothing to present but shit posting like the typical sub human nigger.
Great job knuckle dragger.
lol check the citations dumb dumb
>Literally all statistics combined with basic logic prove that africa was an objectively better place when the white man was in charge
Fuck off schlomo
This sassy BLM bitch is saying she wants to go with 42 million African Americans to "Rebuild" South Africa and exterminate the whites
just lmao
The whites completely destroyed the Khoisan?!
Fucking what?
dumb cunts, there is still plenty of the around.
Wow man its almost as if having internet debates with people whose average IQ is 85 is a complete waste of time. Who would've guessed
All but that one South African who constantly defends Jews and Israel in every thread. Aside from that they're good people, shame the niggers took their country from them.
>We will never experience a modern Aparthied South Africa