
>whiter than America


Other urls found in this thread:

Americans are too ass hurt to talk about it

>darker than Afghanistan


shill thread sliding trump posts


See what I mean? Probably a spic

Mexico whiter than germany?

The notion that Whites have only been/evolved in europe for all history is absurd

OP, where the fuck does the white blood even come from? Im legitimately curious.

How many goats would it cost to marry her Ahmad?



Would fug desu

Theyre literally the true aryan race. Most of west asia has had their genetics tainted by mongol invasions and later forced intermixture within the islam empires, but the mountain people remained pure because of their isolation.


The original whites.

ancient alien bloodline

m8, the first "aryans" were fuckin poo in the loo.

Again, where does the "white" blood come from?


It's one of the reasons the Jews saw fit to invade and destroy the region. That and it's very rich in rare earth minerals.

Because iraqis are pure and true aryans.

Probably a Russian rape baby.

ancient iranians were described as having blonde hair and blue eyes and were very prominent in afghanistan region



Dllette this

We've already had this conversation.


Oh wait shit


did you just post a russian rape baby and call it white

There are parts of Afghanistan with blonde and blue eyed people and redheads with green eyes. It is due to the influx from Macedonia back in the days and the Central Caucasian influence plus the mountain areas.


Plus tons of Russian soldiers raping Afghan women in the 1980's.


Fuck, these people should be protected as an endangered species.

>Kalash people are divided equally between the adherents of Islam and their own religion.[2] Kalash religion is similar to the religion that was practiced by Rigvedic Aryans. Kalash have retained most of the Proto-Indo-Iranian religion (Indo-European religion).

That's pretty cool. Too bad only like 4500 of them remain.

>implying girl in the OP pic isn't ancient balkan slave diaspora

those hajis still slave trade today

"My daddy went home to the Caucasus after he raped my mummy."

I wish we were aliens, would be so fucking badass.

>yfw the afghan war is part of white genocide

are you saying that greeks used to have much lighter features?


There has probably been hundreds of millions of these women and they've all been raped out of existence by the neighboring subhumans

Tundra area, somewhere in the band between icy wasteland and temperate areas.

The ancient inhabitants of Mongolia and the Steppes and such were described as white with red hair, green eyes etc. Not sure when they got Mongoloid features, or if they were Mongoloid the entire time but with different coloration; Kyrgyz in particular were described as tall with green eyes and red hair according to Tang dynasty records, Ghenghis Khan had red hair and green eyes, and the central Asian insular minorities also have similar characteristics, examples being Hazara people, Kashmiri natives, some Uyghurs, some Pashtuns/Pathanis, Tajiks (pic related), etc. A lot of this has been changed over the past thousands of years because of Iranian and later Arab conquest, Chinese/Indian admixture, etc. Whites in Europe became white towards the winding down of the Ice Age, + with migration from steppe herders from an area around modern day Crimea.

Threw back the heat to germany faster than the responsibility of killing the jews

This little girl is legitimately beautiful.

If I had been a soldier during the Afghan campaign, I would have killed her terrorist parents and brought her back to America as my adopted daughter.

Then I would have enrolled her in beauty pageants and made a fortune off of her modeling work.

>are you saying that greeks used to have much lighter features?
Yes. Greece has had a lot of influx from the East, but in Northern Greece 2300 years ago, half of the people where blond or light brown haired and had quite some light skin.

traim mummies are a indication that the native people from asia to the middle east were white

Not even Russian soldiers are that hungry.

She could pass as german easily.

they look like from the balkan

more proof that these are the original whites

No they fucking weren't. If you actually believe this nonsense you're as deluded as WE WUZ niggers.

You realize the number of whites has continually grown in US?HUR DEE HURR BROWNIES LIKE ((((user)))) FLOOD COUNTRY MEENS LESS WHITE


they were described that way, and they were prominent in afghanistan. sorry if that upsets you senpai


Is there a good place to go to learn about the historic movements of the races/peoples?

Like, where the fuck did Arabians come from and how long have they dominated the middle east?

Yep. The entire history of central Asia is legitimately fascinating, it was once one of the most important regions of the world what with the silk road and all, but it's criminally understudied and there's not much known about the region before the Muslim conquests and subsequent Mongolian conquests, only very vague Chinese records and piecemeal archaeological findings. It's one of the biggest reasons I wish I had a time machine.

Most of the steppe people weren't Asian in the classic sense that we know of 'Asians' today, i.e. Mongoloid, but were some sort of mixture leaning towards Caucasoid; invaders who came out of the region were consistently described as having features we would now associate only with Europeans and the certain Central Asian populations. The Cumans are a big example of that, described in contemporary records as being blonde haired with fair skin and blue eyes,even though they came rampaging out of the steppe somewhere in Siberia (closer to China) or around what is now Kazakhstan. I wonder what the region would look like if Ghenghis Khan hadn't swept through and exterminated everyone.

and aparently a lot smugger


Not even kidding


Second post best post.

Afghanistan whiter than Germany?

To think that some retarded ass sandnigger is going to marry that little girl.

>I wonder what the region would look like if Ghenghis Khan hadn't swept through and exterminated everyone.
It would have probably been with lots of people ressembling to white slavic/balkan people

anecdotes are more *characteristic* than other anecdotes

Alexander the Great's troops enriched the locals on their way to India.


not true

i'd like to give her my folks if you catch my drifterino desu fampais

It's not impossible. Skeletons from the andronovo archaeological horizon, associated with the indo Iranians, had predominately light hair and light eyes. So the only real question is when did they stop having them.


Maybe if she stopped wearing that shower curtain all the time bitch could get a tan

Because niggers


you know the name?

no idea but you could probably find out by googling the photographers name

I guess it proves those Aryan genes don't mean shit when you're a bunch of boy fucking stone age throw backs.

Afghan here.

You need to understand that Afghanistan is a very multiethnic society. We got people who look like chinks, indians, arabs, and european.

Whats really strange is that you'll see afghan kids with blonde hair, blue eyes, and white skin. But as they grow older their features start to turn darker. Pretty cool if you ask me.


That's what I was doing.. but no success

I'll give it a try, hold on

is it her?

you've obviously never been to Afghanistan

you'll change your mind about them when a group of Afghan children block the path of your humvee so some fucker with an RPG can get a clear shot

>whiter than America
not really and achievement


damn no idea then

you wanna make her your wife

Afghan children? Bruv, that's like the point dream. I would speed up and hope for secondary bounces.

>why this guy is trying to kill me? I'm only in his house with out his consent.


>implying taliban is the legitimate government of afghanistan

>Muslims is a race
>American education

that explains the white babies that were kidnapped. There have been thousands of cases of this happenings.

nah you are wrong, that was the turks

It means less political representation you idiot.
Percentage, especially among the youth population, is what's important.

>Theyre literally the true aryan race.

Yes r1a is the aryan gene, hence people there (some of them) look like Poles or Ukrainians.

Study history yourself before believing some shitastic fairy tale that Aryans emerged from India apparently "due to albinism."

nah they look western european

I would rape her throat if you know what i am saying

Nope. You corded ware rape babies have an identity crisis.