>The Walt Disney Company is using AI to determine how much audiences enjoy every single moment of their films.

>At IEEE’s Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition last weekend, Disney Research and Caltech explained their technique for tracking the facial expressions of people watching movies.

>The research team calls their new algorithm “factorized variational autoencoders” (FVAEs). They claim the technology is so effective at recognizing complex expressions that, after analyzing a single audience member’s face for about ten minutes, it can even predict that face’s future expressions throughout the remainder of a film.

>In order to build a dataset of millions of facial landmarks to feed into a neural network, researchers used infrared cameras to film the audiences of 150 showings of nine movies, including recent Disney films Star Wars: The Force Awaken, Zootopia, Inside Out, and Big Hero 6.

>The resulting AI system was then tested on other audiences. After it tracked moviegoers’ facial reaction patterns for a few minutes, FVAEs were then able to predict when they would smile or laugh (as tied to significant moments in the films), outperforming other methods of predictive analysis given far more data. As research progresses, FVAEs could also presumably track other emotions like fear and sadness.

>Critics, actors, and directors already complain that the demands of Hollywood studios are stripping directors of their creative control. Imagine what the production and editing process will be like once executives can use AI to ensure each scene evokes the appropriate response.


In other news: Disney is currently developing penis inspection scanners in order to see whether or not you are suitable for entry into their theaters.

Still want to go to the theater, Sup Forums?

>Disney will literally create Infinite Jest within ten years because of this

So Disney actually controls what gets put inside theatres?

jokes on them, i scowl when watching movies



>Disney would spend literal hundreds of Billions of dollars to put 50 Kinects in Every viewing room in Every Kinoplex
lol sure

>Imagine what the production and editing process will be like once executives can use AI to ensure each scene evokes the appropriate response.

What, you think they're use this expensive tech and set up multiple test audiences to cut and recut the movie over and over until it's optimal?

The actual process won't change a bit. They'll just use this on their normal test audiences to get a bit more specific feedback on what exactly they didn't like rather than relying on error-prone questionnaires.

If you don't react positively to Star Wars: The Female Jedi, Disney will forward your photographs and psych profile to the authorities for being a suspected alt-righter.

Your face doesn't lie, goy.

Can it detect sexual arousal? So if all the males in the audience look aroused when, say, a Tomorrowland lolibot shows up, Disney will pander more to the pedo demographic in the future?

unironically this
>black.muslim/female protag
>disgust facial reaction
>"oy vey they still haven't learned"
>Disney announces Captain America recast one of above
I want Skynet to hurry

What if I don't want my face scanned? What about privacy

one problem would be they're only looking at people who would watch a disney movie in the first place, aka potatoes.

They don't need to put them in all of them, also not that expensive. Just a high res camera with low-light vision hooked to a PC.

Disney is scaring me guys.

I imagine if this is used then it will only be used in test screenings and you'll have to sign a waiver before the movie

My butthole tightens when I'm really enjoying a movie. Can we get anal probes too?

>What if I don't want my face scanned? What about privacy

You agreed when you walked in, goy.

Btw pics of you picking your nose become their property.

>implying you have a choice in the matter
Around the Mouse, lock up your house

>people who would watch a disney movie in the first place, aka potatoes.

Disney owns Star Wars now so you are probably going to get scanned, manchild.

So now they can perfect the Marvel formula completely?

and what? they'll just turn it off for your seat?
no it will be like 3D or Windows tos. You dont accept these terms? Too bad, you'll have to take your business elsewhere

>implying everyone won't voluntarily have tracking chips implanted in the next 10 years anyway
It's going to be so convenient though

> mfw tourette's

Yea if you don't sign the waiver then you're not allowed in, if thats how it works then thats how it will go

test screenings are generally free

In every movie until you like it.

I like those midichlorian repositories on 2n from left.

star wars watching potatoes is exactly who I meant, thanks for pointing that out.

Like they needed to give me any more reasons not to go to the theater.

wear a mask that looks like your face, but without the facial expressions.

learn to read. They aren't going to drop this in a bunch of theaters, it's only going to be used in test screenings. If you're doing a test screening, you're signing and nda and a waiver before you even get in the theater

we are talking about hypotheticals you dense shit

Mark my words, this will be in every theater someday.

>One of the above.
>Not a black muslim transgender homosexual attack helicopter.

I'm gonna stare into the lens and masturbate furiously.

Disney: "Something is wrong, half of our audience seems to lack facial features, they all look like camera phones recording the movie..."
"We obviously need a new Emoji movie!"

>every single second, every single frame will be optimized to maximize the rapture of disney and tighten its hold on you
Jesus fucking christ is right

Joke's on you. It's an anthropomorphic talking animal movie. Disney now has video evidence of you masturbating to furry shit.

>how do I take the already obvious joke of the original post and make it even more clichéd

>1993: Take off your tinfoil hat, retard! The government isn't spying on you, they don't give a fuck about you, you're a nobody!
>2013: Dude who cares if the NSA is spying on you? They spy on everybody! If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear!

it makes our job easier. go to a disney movie, frown at all the diversity, then make a huge smile when white people are on screen

we'll undo political correctness in one weekend

don't mind me

If they did this when they released the movie then they would have no chance to fix the movie, it makes no sense

I masturbate even more furiously now, realising that I'm doing something wrong and they're watching me.
Also nice digits.

Bad idea, seeing as people who watch their superhero movies have autism and none of them know how to accurately portray emotions.

Still, might mean they stop making that trash so I'm all for it

It's not about that movie, it's about its sequel and companies that want to make "cinematic universes" or trilogies using it to make future movies. Retard.

And why would they spend money installing expensive equipment in every theatre instead of using a normal sample size? Retard.

Opinion discarded. Take the boot off the back of your head, Ahmed.

>uh Boss, there's a massive dip in smiling levels when there's a interracial couple on the screen. What do we do?

Because the evil corporations don't care about maximizing profits when they engage in sinister conspiracies.

>t. 0.2% white (anglo tourists)

Why do spics and niggers like spelling words wrong?

>Implying everybody is racist bigot like you

enjoy your caliphate my dudes

Money comes before politics in nearly every single case when it comes to hollywood. If everyone was in the kkk then they would be making kkk propaganda, they don't care

>"Haha, being a Jewish puppet is not so bad, at least I'm not ethnically white."

Guaranteed I'm whiter than you without being the product of generations of inbreeding.

Bullshit. You have German, Irish, and Red filth running through your veins. It's why you celebrate black men ravaging your mongrel women, as there is no purity to be violated by that animalistic union.

>t. Abdullah Al-Britbongi Muhammed
You have a cuck fetish too, how quaint.
I have more pure white blood running through my veins than any britbong on the face of this little blue orb we call Earth.

Why does every woman like this have an enormous forehead? Is there something in the enormous forehead genes that also makes you stuck up bitch?

It's the receding hairline

>Pure white blood

AKA German. Have fun with you instinctual hatred of white civilization and no heritage of which to be proud.

I like how you're a Sup Forumstard but you're also a statist bootlicker.

That's rich coming from an America-obsessed britcuck that can't help but bring up blacks into every conversation. Again, enjoy your caliphate.

You sure have a lot of freedom. You got freedom from: chocolate eggs, helping someone without getting sued, being white, owning a silencer without being on FEMA's hit list, and healthcare if you're a goy.

kys commie

jakes on them, I put tape over my laptop camera lens

Still more free than all of your socialist shitholes combined.

>"You damn goys are obsessed!"

You got triggered when I spoke English Pedro, sorry Im not in your sanctuary city so you can put a brick through my window for not speaking a guttural variant of a mudslime language.

I can own a silenced weapon without being harassed by socialist pigs, you can't burger cuck. You have no freedoms.

>Disney manages to break the psychology of humor down to a fundamental formula
>soon they will crack the horror and sadness code
>in time, an entire lifetime of audio/visual experiences will become a literal assembly line of data fed directly into the human retina, perfectly replicating the effects of natural life experiences
>human synapses and adrenaline will nourish the next-gen AI as they consume us from the inside out to power their conquest of the known universe and beyond
Thanks Obama.

>they leave an AI in charge
>it starts making movies that hit every emotional trigger point and make gorillions of dollars every time
>audiences unanimously consider them 11/10 masterpieces
>it's just a garbled mess of visual and audio noise that people don't register except for brain feels

Help, torrents on its way.


True kino

Likely won't be used in theaters for typical screenings. It'll more likely be supplemental for when they do test screenings just so they know how to edit a film or how to market it since, if you've never been to an early screening of a movie that's not in a finished state, all they give you is a single sheet of paper that basically asks what statistics you fall into and what you liked and disliked in a handful of sentences.

They fucking should.

>sneak past the couples only like
>accidentallty step into the wrong theater
>don't realize it's the newest Disney film
>Gay Indian Tranny Princess Warrior
>advertisements end
>braces release from seat and wrap around legs and ankle
>clamps also to keep head facing forward
>20 minutes into Gay Indian Tranny Princess Warrior and I can't stop grimacing
>Head clamps transmit a warning from Disney through nano technology that I'm not enjoying the film enough
>horse syringe injects morphine directly into my spine
>wake up in an operation room
>"didnt you enjoy that yass queen slaying at the kinoplex? She really showed those hundreds of armed white men"
>try to force out an excuse and beg for my life
>they start lobotomizing me while the surgical facial scanner reads and presents my anguish to a crowd of people of color
>losing motor skills and thought patterns
>"the mouse never loses..."

1984 and Fahrenheit 451 theme parks when?

Good thing I have the flat affect of a typical autist.

>he thinks he won



How can one company be so amazeballs?


did they inform the test audiences that they would be performing an infrared recording of them prior to the film?

0.05 deposited into your account goy


a shekel for a good goy