>Head Illuminati himself talks against the fuckup that is the current state of global economy
WTF!? Rotschilds are on our side?
Other urls found in this thread:
First Soros funds activities against Israel then this, Mother of God, what is happening.
Retard. They don't take sides. That's how they stay in power.
>The world jew taking sides
They just float with whatever keeps them in power
they were full republican a few years ago, now look at them
they're all """Progressive""" now
Could it be that da j00z is a myth and we're just a bunch of overwight manchildren posting conspiracy theories in the asshole of the internet?
Parasite does not want it's host dead, just sufficiently weak. Nothin' new.
Page does not exist
>According to a Bank of America Merrill Lynch report in June, interest rates in developed countries, in particular America’s 0.5 percent, are now at the lowest level in 5,000 years.
>5,000 years
>can't reach RT, DNS error.
Also what the gypsy said.
>First Soros funds activities against Israel then this, Mother of God, what is happening.
They're a disease, they don't care if they subvert and corrupt their host until it collapses, it's their nature they don't know anything else. They will suck every last drop and jump off and try and latch one to the next host country.
They truly are parasites that need to be exterminated.
Rothschild is on the side of Central and World banking. If you follow money politics you will see strong trends toward one world currency.
Like all successful power gamers, the Rothschild family plays the slow game. An inch every day adds up when on have a few miles to go, unlimited time to finish and the authority to print money and buy media.
Pointing out flaws in the rollout gives him street cred with the lower classes who go right back to sleep. The he gets to propose a One Bank, One Currency, One World solution at a later date.
If he has died by then, his heirs propose the solution and run the new system.
>head of the "illuminati"
you faggots are embarrassing.
>taking """our""" side
>says brexit was bad
>implies Trump is bad
fuck off m8
The interest rates 10,000 years ago must've been insane!
What if the illuminati read Sup Forums in order to know their enemy and they themselves became inadvertently redpilled?
To be fair, interest rates were pretty low in 3000bc fampai. Good deals to be had.
>jewish taqiyya
jewish taqiyya
>jewish taqiyya
jewish taqiyya
>jewish taqiyya
jewish taqiyya
pppp no
Neither you nor I have any idea what's happening at a global scale, and never will. Illuminati doesn't exist. There's no higher power oligrachs pulling the strings, just short-term politicians and nations. The world is far more chaotic and world governments are for more inept than you give them credit for.
>the global economy is fucked up...
>...so we need to create a single world government thus abolishing the global economy for one massive domestic economy
take a load of this bluepill.
chek em btw
Its entirely possible. Alt-right talking points are getting embedded in the public consciousness.
Thank You for correcting the recording
Could be rt.com
paste this on your hosts file
or add this to your routers DNS list
>Rotschilds are on our side
They are on nobody's side but theirs. The Rotschild's are the Jews who Jew even Jews. It's definitely in their interest to promote a globalized economy, but the idiots who are proliferating it are so stupid they're fucking shit up and exposing the Illuminati to the world. These guys are just trying to fix their empire before the Globaltards fuck it up.
The thing that strikes me as weird is that it worked fine up to two days ago.
Helgian dialect in full effect
Look it up nigga
Maybe it's your connection acting up, if it's a copper wire, it's understandable, they're stopping the maintenance on them to go all FO, at least in Spain
It's true; they really worship Moloch. That's why the symbol for their family bank is the Red Shield. Moloch grants wealth and power at the cost of child sacrifice; he's been protecting their place at the top of the globalized world for hundreds of years now.
That are some serious jewish mindtricks
Never have I seen such pure, unfiltered delusion.
They're switching sides now that they see the pendulum swinging to the right
>rothschilds funded the national socialist party
I don't see them getting blamed on anything.
>Using logic on Sup Forums
Such rare cases gives me hope that the current majority of this board will be a minority
Yes I'm sure the bildeberg conference, the one with complete media blackout which violates multiple international laws, is just all the world elites meeting for some fruit punch and cake.
Sarif was right
>Neither you nor I have any idea what's happening at a global scale, and never will. Illuminati doesn't exist.
>There's no higher power oligrachs pulling the strings, just short-term politicians and nations.
>The world is far more chaotic and world governments are for more inept than you give them credit for.
This is somewhat how I see this as well.
However I believe that there are people pulling the strings but the fact is that there's just so many strings to pull and sometimes there's someone at the other side of the string which makes the whole system one big mess where all of these people are just in it for themselves, mainly to make more profit. It's easy to blame just the governments for everything when private sector is quick to blame them about everything through media.
Are you guys fucking retarded?
You do realize the Jews have hijacked the left in 1890, and then theyre hijacking the "right" and that happened around 2011.
Right-wing people are supporting the jews, used to be the opposite
>Quoting edgy Nihilist bullshit
Sup Forums is an 18+ board
It's like you went down the right path at first then took a hard turn into a back alley to suck hobo dick through a dumpster glory hole.
Why, because Nazis were "right-wing"? Totaly not socialist scum.
Then you better leave?
Whoever added those stupid desert prowler devil patches fucked up the text.
They literally play both sides you fucking kike
This. No one really understands macro economics, if they did they would be unimaginably wealth, much more so than rothschilds, soros or anyone else.
The berenstein universe is leaking over!
Take me home
lol it's memes lad, keep your head up sadboii. :*(
>no-one really understands weather, if they did, they would be able to control the weather
first of all your test is bullshit when we use it on other examples
and second, there are a lot of unimaginably wealthy people in the world. you act as if no-one in the world is stupidly rich.
>BREAKING: Jacob Rothschild praises KEK as the one true God. #BigIfTrue
Solve e quagula!
Hehehehe. This nigger gets it.
Go Google "Neoliberalism". That is the root of the problem.
Soros isn't mentioned in the article, dumbass.
It's about the head of the Rothschild Family.
My friend, we are the Illuminati.
Rothschild family are the biggest NEETs. They use meme magic to enslave normies into wagecucks.
Wait... You guys know the new thing is just a meme, right? They aren't all part of a global conspiracy. You know that right?
Jesus Christ, your worldview would have to be so simplistic...
There is some truth to this, but you're seriously underestimating the power of secret / private societies.
He's pandering.
Soros funding palestinians is not contradictory. The globalists jews hate Israel.