U.S. President Dwight D...

>U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower had strongly warned Britain not to invade; he now threatened serious damage to the British financial system by selling the US government's pound sterling bonds. Historians conclude the crisis "signified the end of Great Britain's role as one of the world's major powers".

I can't believe the world hates us when we put down the An*Los, the greatest source of misery in history.

>mfw a couple years later we do a U-turn and overthrow Mossadeq

Success breeds jealousy. The world is simply mad we were the ones with the honor of ending the An*lo menace.

We put down *Nglos, sp*Iniards, g*Rmans, r*Ssians, and j*PS all in the same century. The world should thank us for the rest of time.

I'm about to blow your freakin' mind here, 1956 came after 1953.

The state of the Indian beaner who hammered out this thread

>we put down Russiains
*teleports Trump into the white house*

Irish Anglo, actually. But I revoke my Anglo heritage.

Now show us the trick where you teleport AIDS out of Russia.

>drug addicts and people who lead depraved lifestyles get killed off

>aids is bad

Might wanna tell your plant to lift the sanctions and stop sending weapons to Ukraine.

Good thread.

Sure Joseph

>an*Los dared posting in this thread
revolting, just revolting

Whoop-dee-doo! Now we have the world being driven by 1/6th Anglos, 1/12th Spaniards, 1/16th Germans, 1/60th Russians and 1/1000th Japs.


Thanks fren :3

but you fucked our friend france too man wtf

I thought Estonia had a ton of AIDS

The British are America's true enemy

FUCK D'Gaule

Per capita, yes.

>only we're allowed to do regime change now

based America

Top 10 anime betrayals


>The US response to the Suez Crisis, however well-intentioned, had no effect whatsoever on Egypt's continued close ties with Moscow, and Soviet arms shipments and technical assistance to the country continued vigorously. Egyptian leader Gamel Abdel Nasser remarked "Sometimes I cannot understand at all why the Americans do the things they do."

>Battle of 73 Easting
>largest armored battle in the Gulf war and possibly the 20th century which resulted the destruction of Iraqs armored division
>All happened by chance because Americans managed to get lost in the desert while trying to cross into Iraq

>and possibly the 20th Century.
Not even close
>pic the hero of 73 Easting

thanks america!

>U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower had strongly warned Britain not to invade; he now threatened serious damage to the British financial system by selling the US government's pound sterling bonds. Historians conclude the crisis "signified the end of Great Britain's role as one of the world's major powers".

The US strongly supported breaking up Europe's colonial empires, this had been a foreign policy goal since WWII, but then we started to become paranoid and assume decolonialism meant Marxism.