Man, team gigabyte is ruthless
AMERICAN """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""CYCLISTS""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
there is written korea all over his body
Our cyclists are cunts anyway. Good job Eternal Anglo.
He's a Brit, you fuckin wasteman. Don't you recognize the greatest cyclist in your country's history?
and the guy he takes out is Korean.
O Lord our God arise,
Scatter her enemies,
And make them fall:
>its a Korean
Ahmed Education, everyone
Oh wait, that was Worst Korea. My bad.
Every fucking time
>can't read english on Koreans uniform
fuck off back to where you came from
>the guy he takes out is Korean.
A Korean, an Australian and an Italian.
And from what I've heard he didn't get disqualified for it.
>tfw your country lets you post dank Pepe memes
Stay mad Americucks, remember to get on work on time before Mr Noseberg deducts your wages.
can't handle the bants
The Olympics should honestly just be America vs UK.
All other countries are literally irrelevant and unneeded.
Anglos created all the sports, therefore, only Anglos are allowed to compete.
I don't know the rules of cycling since I'm American, but is intentionally colliding with your opponent in order to cause them to wreck against the rules?
they expected one of us in the wreckage, aussie brother
Mess with the best die like the rest
top bantz
Did he also knock out a Swede?
Give that Limey a gold medal!
It wasn't intentional. Watching in slow motion is biased. They make these turns the whole time. The lower guy was even looking at the turn but didn't make it
He was crashing into the competitors with no survivors
What the fuck happened to bikes looks like some fag ass shit.....
>being aryan
>having big ugly round eyes
>top kek
What an asshole
post original pls
God, all the other sub-humans need to be fucking wiped off the face of this planet. Jesus Christ, like, just fuck off if you aren't Anglo.
It must be literally dreadful knowing every notable invention, discovery and accomplishment was done by Anglo men.
(You are using our Anglo internet and Anglo Language btw)
That was based as fuck.
It's like Sebulba from the pod racing in Star Wars.
He even came second to a guy whose surname was Hansen like the guy who acted Anakin Skywalker.
Ya team gameboy really gets it done
>canada in bantsmaster
Imagine that. Outbantered by Anglo masterrace then having to patched up in a Brazilian hospital.
I almost feel sorry for him.
Is kill
He should have been instantly killed, it would have been a much kinder fate.
>mfw there are people who think they can beat britain
the cancer that is killing Sup Forums
there is no political point in your thread
chose one of those boards and GTFO you inbred alcoholic
If America was in the commonwealth games that's exactly what it would be
>this thread if roles were reversed
He's one of us whether you like it or not Shlomo. Stop posting under my son's flag you faggot.
>implying their intentionally shitty shitposts aren't ebin meta bantz
Im just saying Canada's bants quality is incredibly low when compared to the others.
Jokes on them Im only pretending to be retarded shtick is played out at this point
i would kick that guys ass as he makes his next lap
It's amazing, we've done more damage to Korean morale in 2 seconds with a bike than America could in 3 years of war with limitless gov funding and superior tech.
english ultras are fuckin mutants
Mad Max Cavendish stars IN, "Beyond Velodrome"!
Listen all! This is the truth of it. Cycling leads to medals, and medals gets to dick waving. And that was damn near the death of China. Look at Russia now! Roided up, and everyone talking about disqualification! But we've learned, in the dust of our bicycles... Britain learned. Now, when men get to cycling, it happens here! And it finishes here! Two men enter; one man leaves.
>tfw no Burnout game with bicycles and realistic rag doll/gibbing effects where you score bigger points the more injured you get
And Burnout Paradise doesn't count because the guy on your bike disappears every time you crash.
Looks like dudes from slav ghetto tbqh
>Meanwhile in UK badminton
Please remove that leaf
You bring shame to my country you illiterate serf
>that feel when you're a keen cycling enthusiast and Cav is suddenly getting spammed all over Sup Forums and even Sup Forums
This is a strange feel
>implying 'canadians' on Sup Forums aren't all chinese or frenchshits
There it is, user, the cleverest thing you'll ever post and nobody saw it
it must be hell to have nothing going for you besides something you had no control over, god knows if you had control over it you'd fuck it up somehow
did this happen today? or yesterday?
It's high enough that there's almost daily threads calling for our extinction now. So that's something.
we have even more golds now
the only reason Britain has done well is all the money they pumped into athletics to justify having been scammed into hosting the Olympics last time.
Examine their Olympic history:
1976: Britain - 1 Gold/7 Silver/2 Bronze
1980: Britain - 3 gold/5 Silver/1 Bronze
1984: Britain - 0 Gold/7 Silver/4 Bronze
1988: Britain - 0 Gold/ 3 Silver/ 2 Bronze
...and it was EVEN WORSE in the 1990's.
Oh my god no just no