Someone explain this post to me

Someone explain this post to me

Your parents should know this

OP on suicide watch

sugfags have the shittiest sense of humor

>Sup Forums """""""banter""""""""

Just stop already

Legendary thread.

I fucking hate the Sup Forums and reddit influence on this board.
That's not even very funny
"Ask your parents?" would be funnier

It looks like thr OP posted about two fat characters fusing into an even fatter character, which the second poster compared to the OP's parents combining their DNA to create him.
Upon reading this reply, a large quantity of other posters decided to let him know they found his comment humorous by replying with "top kek" and pictures of various characters from popular entertainment having a laugh to signify that they too are laughing.

He is saying ops parents were obese failures who created an even more obese failure when they concived op.

Because op is an obese failure

OP getting destroyed

Yeah it was a good burn that could have been writen better

>Everyone has a shit sense of humor but me

Wertham was right. The inhumanity on this board is above /r9k/ levels

It's a war crime.

Not even Geneva can touch it.

you're just mad you didn't get 300 (you)'s like I did

>there are people triggered that some people acknowledged another persons post
What the fuck is wrong with some of you guys

No I don't want to be on some fucking cuck imageboard like reddit

>I'm not mad
>cuck cuck cuck reddit reddit reddit

Reddit is an imageboard?

We've become so paranoid over Reddit that pretty much any sort of humor is now deemed reddit-tier

You're both retarded

>OP states the obvious
>user poops on him
>gets a few chuckles
>everybody decides to reply to it to see how far it would go

Simple. Everyone already knew the joke wasn't that funny, the (you) count, though, was fucking hilarious

He came from reddit thinking Sup Forums was just a cooler version, so when he shitposts and throws around lingo, he doesn't actually know what he's talking about

>2015: Being paranoid about Tumblr
>2016: Being paranoid about Reddit

What's the forecast for 2017?

that's what happens when the (You) system gets turned into a way to get attention instead of just a tool to better discussion

also probably another of the epic screenshots for the Sup Forums subreddit

2015 we had a reason to be paranoid about tumblr (m00t becoming a SJW cuck and Gamergate)

I'm placing my bets on Twitter or Facebook making a comeback

>we had a reason to be paranoid about tumbl
Sure you did.

>knows what reddit is and how it works
>accuses other people of being from reddit
Holy shit go back there please

Holy shit you are new, Sup Forums has compained about reddit for years, it was eclipsed by tumblr for a short period of time but now reddit hate is back on the rise

That's pretty much the apex of humor on Sup Forums these days. Somebody either makes a typo or a shitty attempt at a quip that's usually on the same level as a "ur mom" joke and everybody loses their minds like it's the funniest shit ever.
It's pretty sad but you just gotta deal with it.

>he hasn't read the IRC transcripts

Some user put it quite well, "/co """"banter""""". It wasn't THAT funny. I mean sure a screencap and a couple replies but derailing an entire thread, no.

>lol u mad bro?
Literally cancer. /sug/ will eventually calm down and with it the tumblr influence on this board. If you disagree and say that there isn't any you obviously haven't truly browsed other boards.

We've been paranoid about tumblr and reddit for a while now. This is nothing recent.

I'm putting long odds money on 2chan being the dark horse boogeyman of the next year. Clearly they've already started their planned buyout. It's only a matter of time before MoonMoot consolidates his power then begins the purge.

>another epic screenshot for the Sup Forums subreddit
It's meh-tier at best it isn't something that would get thousands of upvotes. Anyone that post to that site is just wasting their time with that.


It was one of the dozen or so shitty SU threads that pops up every day with a one line comment and usually an OP of a google-searched logo or image.png just to annoy people, so derail what?

Huh, I didn't think it would get that big.

>sure you did
Spotted the newfag. Also what is it with that response "sure you did." Do tumblrfags think that's an argument? All you're pretty much saying is "I doubt that happened." And they never back up their reasoning for this.

Not those anons but all my knowledge of reddit is from anonymous. The only reason I even know the term subreddit and upvote and that it's a link sharing site is from here. You don't need to go to reddit to know what it is.

It's just Sup Forumsmblr being unfunny. Nothing unusual here.

The thread, what else? Are you trying to imply that it doesn't matter because the thread was shit? Because that doesn't contradict my argument.

>hates something because Sup Forums told you too
That's even worse.

Ask your parents? pssh... nothing personnel.... kid

You know what? I don't care anymore.

You, people like you, I hate you. From the deepest part of my heart, I hate you more than I could hate anything else. Your mere existence makes me seethe with rage.

I've been here since the beginning. I was there when Sup Forums was born, a shitty image board for the discussion of anime, made by a kid 2 years my junior. moot. I was there to see the first set of trips. I was there when we first hit 1000 posts on Sup Forums - it was the only board at the time, Sup Forums was created a month later. I witnessed birth given to other new boards, then I watched those same boards die, other boards taking their place. It was a better time, a better place, with better people.

Then, it started to die. The more popular it got, the more it was polluted by faggotry: white knights, moralfags, normalfags - people who didn't like what this place was about and wanted to change it to suit them, you know who I'm talking about. Dislike anime? You don't belong here. Dislike messing with people for some cheap entertainment? You don't belong here. Don't want to lurk and learn the board's culture through the posts of other anons? You don't belong here. You may have been here for years, and you may think that gives you validation to stay. It doesn't.

In these past twelve years, I've moved houses and changed jobs more than I can count; co-workers, friends, family all came and left faster than I could blink. There's only one thing in my life that's stayed with me this entire time, that's been a constant, Sup Forums. My home.

Seeing you, coming into my home and the home of many other anons just like me, shitting all over the place and trying to burn it to the ground - well, you can only imagine how I feel.

I hate you. I hate everyone like you. So much that it hurts everytime I think about it.

But... it doesn't matter anymore. I don't care. Now that moot is leaving, I guess it's finally my time to make that once-in-a-lifetime trip to Gensokyo.

Goodbye Sup Forums.

I just don't care for it. If you're lookig for a place to share new ideas and change common beliefs using reasoning and logic you have the wrong site.

Damn, man. Thats a third degree burn.

Pasta answered with pasta, long live the age of Sup Forumsmblr

>OP is still anally devastated over that burn
