New LGBTQQIAA School In Atlanta

That's right, LGBTQQIAA: Lesbian, Gay, Bi-attracted, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Ally

The Pride School. It's mission?

>Our Mission is to provide LGBTQQIAA* students, families and educators a safe, fun and rigorous learning environment free of homophobia and transphobia — a place that honors their identities so they can be themselves, find themselves, and find friends and mentors who can help them navigate the challenges of life and education.

This shit has to stop.


Someone forward this to ISIS

lol at the place wherin i am taking school classes they just said to pick a gender when filling out forms because only 2 exist


Isn't Atlanta majority black?

this sounds like the safest space for me


Do they not realize they are becoming a parody of themselves?

Their discrimination against trans-racials and trans-helicopters NEEDS TO STOP

It is going to fail. Big womp. Nobody cares.

>gay school
>in atlanta

Were all the niggers removed and replaced with fags? It's an improvement but how were so many blacks executed with no one knowing?

>It is going to fail.
This. Even in this day and age, it will still be considered "the faggot school". Gay kids will be bullied by people telling them they could get a free scholarship to the faggot school, for being such a faggot.

Find a way to cut federal funding to such programs and they will stop on a large scale.

Start by exposing the Central Bank and Money Printing Scam to every working man. Once they realize how screwed they are (their savings are devalued every time the government prints new money,) they can pressure the Banking Class to change the system.

Don't forget to Red Pill low level Bankers too. Most of them know the score but can do nothing to change the system without mass support. It is not unheard of for old money men to get sick of the scam and "tell everything."

>This shit has to stop.


They're segregating themselves from normal people. If we made the suggestion to them, it would be denounced.

>Start by exposing the Central Bank and Money Printing Scam to every working man. Once they realize how screwed they are (their savings are devalued every time the government prints new money,) they can pressure the Banking Class to change the system.
>Don't forget to Red Pill low level Bankers too. Most of them know the score but can do nothing to change the system without mass support. It is not unheard of for old money men to get sick of the scam and "tell everything."
This is the thing that all of Sup Forums should be raging about; it'll actually make a difference in this world. You guys are always complaining about Jews, but few of you actually ever suggest any practical ways to cut off their source of power.

I encourage it to happen, it will all be a special snowflake shit flinging contest, these are hormonal teenagers with mental disorders mingling with each other, an especially catastrophic combination
>The dykes will wage war on the twinks
>The the transgirls will get their hearts crushed by the masc4mascs
>The queerfolk will be ignored and ultimately lash out and probably shoot up the school once or twice
>The pansexuals will spread sexual deseases among everyone except the ugly and fat asexuals
>Everyone will hate the bisexual women because they're straight
>At least five different bathrooms
>The windows will have to be tight locked to prevent trans people from jumping out the window because school bitch reminded them they will never be women
>The few unfortunate kids who are actually decent homos will be bullied for being decent and made into rightwing supporters

One big glorious self distruction


>Atlanta, GA
FUCKING LOL. That city is a fucking nigger zoo. This school is going to have like fifteen students because blacks have the poorest opinion of LGBTQQWTFBBQ people in America.

This. Just let it fail. Nobody worth educating will want to go to the faggot school anyway.

It's going to be too painful to these kids when they graduate, meet with the real world and come out of their safe closet.

nice ID, Jew

I was really hoping that the last A stands for attack helicopter... No ends in sight for discrimination against us Apaches...

>graduate, meet with the real world and come out of their safe closet.
This. On top of the consequences on their reputation for enrolling in faggot school. They'll have lived for 4 years in an environment that is made up almost entirely by faggots. They might not even be able to communicate properly with straight people. They'll realize that being a faggot isn't as cool as they thought. What kind of education would they get there anyway? The classes would have faggotry ingrained into them.

It might actually be a problem: Gay dinks (Double-Income, No Kids) are the most likely group in the world to gentrify an area. The mass migration of gay people into the area (some of which choosing to settle there), may raise property taxes so much that blacks can't afford to live there anymore, leading to civil unrest and increased hatred of faggots.

also I don't believe there would be no bullying there. There are going to be some faggy-but-pretty-normal kids or some kids who are "Allies" and there are going to be fully retarded queermos.

Would the school staff be LGBTQWERTY too? Like transgender janitor is going to mop the floors and intersexual PE teacher is going to make flips with students? And how many bathrooms are they going to have?

what if I made a school only for blacks that said "people of color only" on the door?

Doesn't that acronym include everyone who just doesn't actively hate gay people?

Isn't this discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation?

I bet a few kids would be bullied for "acting straight", and not fitting in with the faggot herd; or worse, some would be accused of no hatig straight people the same way the rest of dumblr does.
>how many bathrooms are they going to have?
This is problematic. My guess is that they would have one "male" one "female" and one "intersex", but wouldn't enforce bathroom rules at all.

Yes. But the world honestly doesn't give a shit. Why would a straight person want to enroll in faggot school, anyway?

Why the fuck does it read as "lgbt taqqiya"

>ages 5-18

THis is some really messed up shit


god fucking damn it

Finally a school for OP.

jesus fucking christ

>An entire school based around people's sexual preferences and the encouragement of them

They are going to have some crazy orgies. I have visited a hugbox small liberal arts college once and they did some really wierd sec stuff there. We are going to have some great videos circulating on this internet because of this endeavour.

They should rename the city "New Somdom": The place where all the faggots can happily live together.

This thing is a real holocaust and not the hollywood kike fetishes

>free scholarship to the faggot school
I laughed IRL.

but all of that shit is made up


I can seriously imagine this as a reality they've already made 300+ pride flags.



>The Horror
Also careful about taking the lord's name in vain, I don't want to see you go to hell along with the rest of these abominations.


lmao read that fucking selenogender description

pure gold


It's like being a werewolf.

>Taurgender or Tauragender: When someone’s gender stays the same for an extended amount of time due to the comfort they feel with that gender. The gender may change but the individual is reluctant for that change due to stubbornness, but when they do allow the change it is usually for the better.

What the actual fuck I'm reading?

>when you grow out of your stupid teenage "phase" years but the internet still remembers every queer flag you made

This.. this actually explains a lot.

Sup Forums, could it be my neutered cat isn't actually agender, but felisgendered?!

Kek. Also, you have to be a really edgy fucker to identify as a different Zodiac gender from your own and still take the shit seriously.

those flags look like something from the 32nd century when The Terran Empire is made up of separate planets


I mean, have you ever been to atlanta?

I saw more trannies than a night out in brazil.

See Niggers and gays are actually natural enemies. They cannot both be sustained by the same territory: Somebody has to go.

What is the point with these? Nobody is going to recognize them. And where would they even be used? And why do all the genders have a redundant "gender" suffix?

They through ally in there. Their goal is to make everyone. LGBTQQIYSVEJHDB and if you are not you are a racist thought criminal

I can't really answer any of those questions. My guess is that some edgy, autistic, faggot had way too much time on his hands and made a flag for every idea delivered to him on dumblr.

Yeah, but imagine a "white only school"

funny way to say fag

Fuck it
Let them have their own schools
Put all of them in there
And finally we will have segregation again.

That's clearly what they want right?

>one school full of cute traps

my dick is diamonds

>This shit has to stop.
Don't be a bigot, user

This shit is getting fucking ridiculous.

No need, friend.

We know and are on the way.

>they could get a free scholarship to the faggot school, for being such a faggot.

I guess this is how we're going to describe OP's now huh.