>modern media fastfood
Modern media fastfood
Daniel Price
Ethan Brown
Most media is fastfood anyway
Ethan White
>it's a "movies to food analogy" episode
Wyatt Ramirez
I'm usually contrarian as fuck and hate all kinds of popular shit. Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Batman...
But holy shit fuck me I love Marvel capeshit.
Henry Moore
DCucks were previously BTFO as Pajeets and now are scrambling to shit on Marvel. SAD.
Robert Evans
what's capeshit?
Andrew Wright
Well any mainstream media product is essentially nothing sophisticated as such
That's the rule of Hollywood. Surely kids are not gonna watch Jarmuch, Van Sant or whatever
Joshua Morales
Whats wrong with liking marvel movies?
Chase Butler
It's Sup Forums so we have to hate everything popular by nature
Leo Barnes
>vanilla blockbusters didn't exist until MCU ;)