Smacks Down CNN Reporter for Race Baiting
CNN guy gets owned.
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Dont forget that Hillary has a fistulated vaginoanus, meaning her two holes are actually connected.
It explains why she has to wear diapers and take really long bathroom breaks with nobody else near the bathroom.
Seems a bit crazy, but he's based as fuck.
wow some people supporting a man who is racist to his own people
>watch the apprentice
>plenty blacks on the show
>but trump is so raciss
What the fuck is with that guy wearing the hillary t-shirt nodding his head agreeing with everything that black dude was saying?
Hillary for prison shirts look like actual HC campaign tees. Don't confuse them.
Its prob a "Hillary for prison 2016" shirt.
>fistulated vaginoanus
an excellent name for my second child
Damn Jew boy just look at his crooked ass
Oh jeez, I can't believe I didn't catch that. Thanks anons, I just thought the dude was insanely stoned or retarded lol
Anyone know that reporter's name?
+5 internets if it is a Jew name
>It explains why she has to wear diapers and take really long bathroom breaks with nobody else near the bathroom.
Why? does it whistle or something?
Another vid
>I'm just here doing my job
>Two black people supporting him
welp I guess he has the black votes in his bag
this man is black, but is not a nigger.
Nothing makes me happier than red pilled blacks.
Pick one
>poor, povertised neighborhood
lost it three seconds in
Well they arent lying they are just forming it into a more liberal pro dindu version
Honestly the type of black I whole-heartedly respect. One I see as a true equal, not some stupid dindu.
That was a fantastic video holy shit
The way the crowd turned on the reporter was perfect.
>I'm just doing my job
If that cop-out answer was true, he's saying that his bosses told him to push the fact that white supremacists support Trump.
We need more bumps for this thread and others like it. Make sure you guys hit like on the video if you want Donald Trump to win. Every swayed vote counts, and YouTube has millions of voting-age Americans on it watching videos like this one.
So Trump can't be held accountable when some KKK nuthead grand wizard supports him.
But Hillary is BTFO when the daddy of gay-bar-shooter Alhambrum Sul Al'didi (or what the fuck his name was anyways) supports her.
Well pol?
Damn that CNN guy got rekt and then ran away
There's a difference between being racist and supporting a candidate and being a pro-taliban nutjob whose son is responsible for carrying out the second largest terrorist attack and single most deadly mass shooting in US history.
The KKK are racist kitty cats. They just hang out in trailer parks and talk about how much they hate niggers and jews, they don't actually do anything anymore and their numbers continue to dwindle.
Radical Islamic guy with a terrorist for a son isn't even a close comparison
>i-i'm just doing my job
Including me, I just want the left to suffer. That's all I want right now, whatever it takes I'll do it.
Even if I had to expose the true racism of leftists and suffer hate
I really love this webm. The black guy going apeshit on that white dude, with the other white people probably enjoying the sight is so funny. It's like normally they'd be intimidated by such a violent display from a black guy directed towards a white guy, but are delighted that his aggression is directed towards a common enemy.
Hah, you even had that white lady gently placing her hand on his back like he's the victim. Fucking kek.
The nose knows.
I bet that guy couldn't even comprehend his aggressor was black man. The very person he believes he's standing up for is rearranging his face
Trump campaign should have the stronger black men/women or any minority supporters beat up on the protesters. If the media tries to cover it they appear to be racist and depicting stereotypes.
It's literally a flawless, win-win strategy.
>Iam sick of the Divide and Conquer
Niggers lurk Sup Forums. Finaly I get the blacked OP.
They have ben carson
he's enough
Spread everywhere
He's autistic and he was scared. Go easy on him.
I´m a faggot but it made me tear up.
Double checked
Reptilian cloaca confirmed.
Nothing is scarier to the Democrats and liberals than a minority whose left the plantation.
Get all these videos on Facebook and Twitter. Spread far and wide.
It was very well done .powerful, even
That latino dad is a big guy
para ti
As we begin Super Tuesday, conservative business Donald Trump
has been under fire for not disavowing David Duke, the former Grand Wizard
of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). It was a classic “gotcha” question by the liberal media,
as Trump has disavowed Duke and his racism in years past.
But what about Hillary Clinton’s record on race?
Now, a video has appeared on YouTube of Hillary Clinton
speaking highly of a former Klan Member.
Former U.S. Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) was a card-carrying member and recruiter
for the KKK. In the 1940s, he obtained the KKK rank of “Exalted cyclops” and spent
decades promoting their vile, racist message. And he took part in what was
– at the time- the longest filibuster ever against the Civil Rights Act.
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has received more than $20,000 in donations
contributed by members of the Ku Klux Klan, a prominent member of the hate group
said Monday.
“For the KKK, Clinton is our choice,” said Will Quigg, California Grand Dragon for the
Loyal White Knights, Vocativ reported.
Mr. Quigg, the leader of the Klan’s California chapter, announced last month that he
had abandoned supporting Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump in lieu
of backing his likely Democratic opponent. The Klansman claims that members have
raised more than $20,000 for Mrs. Clinton and have donated it anonymously to her campaign.
“She is friends with the Klan,” Mr. Quigg told Vocativ. “A lot of people don’t realize that.”
That guy sounds like a Sup Forums regular
holy shit he fucking raped that little fairy
>Based Leaf
>Based Nigger
dude just sees the light, he may or not browse Sup Forums, people do have lives you know ....
Why are those kind people burning swastikas? Are they of jewish ancestor, is this why they endorse the true and only future president of the US and A?
Do Black Panther support Obama? Brilliant. I am going to use that.
>trump turning everyone on the media
>gets to save money by not making any tv ad's
wake up sheeple
shit that was intense.
That reporter's nose and short dark curly hair. Yeah that's a jew alright
these trips of truth will not go unchecked