Post next happening predictions below and discuss. Will be a daily thread till the next major happening!
Post next happening predictions below and discuss. Will be a daily thread till the next major happening!
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Like dirty bombs, or warfare?
Far right succeeds in Europe, total breakdown of EU, refugees BTFO.
Obama gets another Nobel peace prize and has his dick sucked by a tranny on live television.
I would love to see that user...
Russia annexes Finland.
How about a tornado.
nukes are cooler than tornados, maybe both would be pretty rad.
if doubles then happening tommorow
more e...emails leaked...?
The cucked americans elect braindead shillary as their leader. She punishes all the Trump supporters for shitting on her by massively increasing the amount of refugees and mexicans being let into the country while the left cheers.
I get a bunch of booze for free
Angela Merkel.
Two days.
explosion in turkey
Minor: August 21, 2016
Minor: September 30, 2016
MAJOR: February 22, 2017
Minor: May 3, 2017
Minor: May 14, 2017
Minor: July 2, 2017
Minor: July 11, 2017
Minor: September 3, 2017
MAJOR: December 10, 2017
major bank fails in a country like Italy
a Sup Forums poster will fall down the stairs and be slightly inconvencied by it.
Kek wills it
The pope dies
Like bringing a frog slowly to a boil, global jewry poisons and destroys every single white country over the course of decades
Obama stays for 3rd four year term because the two term rule was made by some old white guy back in the day.
Lol that would literally cause a civil war here
Major strike in London.
Shots kind will riot in Germany
Check em'
Fucking autocorrect
New airborne viral outbreak.
kek has spoken...
trump leaks classified info from security briefing; leaked info shows the DOJ covered up Hillary's crimes. USFG caught in catch-22
you fucker
Derivatives market crash, followed by a "banking virus" which is actually a part of the NSA hacked encryption tool chest.
The "banking virus" prevents a run on the banks by denying access to all accounts.
Confirmed through the power of repeating digits, there will be happenings
United States, within the next few days. The media did the one thing it was never supposed to do, which was name the Jew. No doubt Soros is going to pay someone to fuck shit up to deflect attention from this. It might be someone/some group beneficial to him (A "cop" goes on a nigger killing spree), but at this point he's desperate and he'll take whatever he can get so that the ignorant masses forget that he and his associates are running the fucking world. I wouldn't be surprised if he funded an ISIS attack at this point.
I really hope so
Attack on a passenger ship.
dropping a nuke during a tornado warning causing a radioactive death tornado to be formed killing millions of muzzies as well as wiping the sacred kabba from existence..... A man can dream right?
That's not actually a bad idea. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. Rescue would be time critical. The peace followers could sink the ship with no survivors.
Let's just hope it's in Southern England. Sick of being the shield for the ponces tbqh
A civil war is going to kick off in France following another 100+ death terror attack, coupled with the ongoing destruction of churches, and governmental complacency regarding.
Praise kek.
>so close
South China Sea happening. Checkem
something is going to happen somewhere
ayy lmaos finally reveal themselves and announce their support for trump
It happened before
Trump blows it at the debates
MM = 2000 in roman numerals
14th of the 8th month
16th hour
JAM (Jaysh al-Madhi)
It's foretelling a false flag terror attack in 2020
A hundred people killed in London.
You've doomed us all!
ISIS terror attack in Idaho
>One 69-year-old Jewish American man in a wheelchair, Leon Klinghoffer, was murdered by the hijackers and thrown overboard.
Third temple will be built
everything on this board is such ridiculous satire
why would kek even pay attention?
digits i mean right?
Niggers tongue my anus
Shoulda klinged harder.
Civil War in the United States
>New York
>Trump Tower
>Massive ISIS happening
Same digits to confirm it?
I guess nothing then.
Coup in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
India thinks london is poo and shits fury in the streets to finally end the islamic caliphate and save the white race yet again
Good, hope it fucking does. Non-country anyway.
those devil's trips
I think the economy here is gonna plummet and we are gonna go into the next great depression
Also, can someone explain this image to me? I saw it here once and i saved it and every search about the image sheds no light on what it is.
Iran attacks jews, russia opportunistically seizes europe, and US fights everyone. China and japan fight over africa. Abo's wiped out.
papal assassination attempt
Blacks out after black out, RIP Baltimore
ISIS bombs a black lives matter rally.
2 Suicide bombers in Luxembourg
Civil War in US?
Nato gets sick of putin's shit. Calls for total annihilation of russia.