Other urls found in this thread:
Sweden is still cucked by muzzies. Thanks for the news though.
>9000 tweets
Brilliant IT pro we got here
can anyone translate that to human language?
the hack means what, exactly? That one group of people can prove that another group of people fucked a third group of people? And that they showed their ability to prove it as a warning?
The Equation Group (EG) is responsible for hyper-advanced malware like Stuxnet, Duqu/Flame, and Strider/Project Sauron. These viruses are the most advanced pieces of software ever discovered by top antimalware labs such as Kaspersky. They can target industrial systems, oil pipelines, and nuclear facilities.
Nobody in the Information Security (infosec) sector actually wants to call EG out on being the NSA because, well, it’s the fucking NSA. But everyone knows it.
A hacker group going by the name Shadow Brokers (SB) have hacked the NSA and released many free exploits to the world, not least among them being a backdoor to Cisco routers. The metadata on these files dates back to 2013, the same time as the Snowden leaks. Snowden and Wikileaks have confirmed these exploits (hacking tools) as legitimate. The release was on Github, but has since been taken down.
There is also a pastebin where you can get the files
>But they can’t even type English right
The NSA has software which can identify a person’s writing style as if it were their fingerprint or iris. SB probably used a program like Anonymouth to defend against that.
Do not run anything in this leak unless you know what you are doing.
An analysis of the leak's contents.
Regards, one of the OPs from last night.
pic very related.
I don't know what Snowden wants at this point. He's basically an idealistic bluepilled normie who thought liberals would rally around him and that he would be pardoned by Obama or something, he basically bought into their propaganda about what they were and what they stood for when he really should have known better given his position and background. You want to come home Snowden? Sell your "insurance file" to Trump and hope to god he pardons you when he gets in.
Mustafa Al-Bassam
retards of Sup Forums will love that
Sup Forums BTFO
Haha yeah I know right?
>b-but he's a sandnigger s-so he must be lying or wrong or s-something.
Where the fuck is my analysis. I am too stupid to understand what he has done.
Analysis of what? What Snowden said? If you mean an analysis of the leak I posted it ITT.
are you one of the ones that posted these quotes if so, could you please elaborate on this NWO BRICS bank theory.
>OP theorized they want to bring in a NWO banking system on the rubble of the old one.
>Typical cashless system, mark of the beast style etc.
> Look into BRICS and AIIB. This has been their plan for a while
>somehow crash Fed Reserve
>offer AIIB as savior
>petrodollar collapse
>yuan and bitcoin reign supreme
>I suspect this virus may be the "somehow"
>Snowden is a BRICS agent, and they're about ready to perform the big switch in my framework. BRICS cannot allow Hillary to win or they will lose to the NWO kikes.
>This is just my hypothesis, I have only circumstantial evidence to back it up. But I can't now, not at home PC
>Props to whoever figured out the TWAIN thing
>If the NSA doesn’t win this auction, whoever does can crash the economy with a simple stroke of the keyboard. This is not a drill. This is the real happening. Get money out of the bank until this is resolved. Stock food.
If this account reaches a million coins, it’s all over and it’s time to go innawoods.
There’s already shady hacker type stuff happening on this account.
There are also /tinfoil/ implications to this since BRICS propaganda outlets have been talking about this exact scenario for a month or two now. Multiple warnings posted saying to watch the news for a banking virus that will take a weekend to fix. It won’t come back on. They say you have 72 hours after the announcement.
>My guess that Shadow Broker is working for BRICS and BRICS want to replace the Federal Reserve with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
>World financial crises caused by some hackers brings down Fed
>AIIB comes in to save the day! ^.^
>BTC is one of the reserve currencies of AIIB with yuan, ruble, and rupee
>Every site from veteranstoday to zerohedge has been talking about BRICS taking out the Fed and replacing it with AIIB to distribute Keenan Collateral Accounts.
This is pretty big, though it seems we will never see the real goods. He's right, this is merely a signal. Best we can hope for is the auction getting over 1,000,000 bitcoins (or them dropping the "consolation prize" anyway).
Here's more to read about it:
That is the other OP. I'm just a retard with dedication helping spread the word. I don't think it's as severe as all that, but you never know. The TWAIN thing is a theory that said program which is installed on every computer for the most part is the ultimate backdoor. TWAIN's board has The Drummond Group on it. Rik Drummond is a governing board member of NIST, the gov agency that investigated 9/11 and which also has been slammed by people for providing or not stopping NSA backdoors. The reason the whole thing came up is because Snowden tweeted Mark Twain's image a few days ago--yes, I know Twain faked his own death and Snowden could have been alluding to that--and the idea came up that maybe it was a hint. I wish I could be more helpful. The BRICS thing I don't know much about other than that they have a currency system separate from our dollar and have a LOT to gain if we go under.
>Hackers Say They Hacked NSA-Linked Group, Want 1 Million Bitcoins to Share More
about the equation group:
>How “omnipotent” hackers tied to NSA hid for 14 years—and were found at last
>"Equation Group" ran the most advanced hacking operation ever uncovered.
>Equation: The Death Star of Malware Galaxy
>Hackers Claim to Auction Data They Stole From NSA-Linked Spies
>That disconnect has led security researchers to speculate that the leak is some sort of deceptive operation meant to confuse anyone trying to get to the bottom of the supposed compromise.
>Some researchers are already speculating that the leak is somehow connected to the alleged Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee, an operation that was also obscured by the perpetrators’ attempt to make it appear to be the act of a lone Romanian hacker.
I feel bad for Snowden. I don't know what he was personally trying to accomplish, but nothing seems to have gone his way at all. Barely any change in regards to the NSA, and now he's trapped outside the country and treated as at best a traitor and at worst someone who needs to be put to death by most politicians. Apparently he used to go to my former highschool, and I would have loved to meet him back then. Would have made for an interesting story.
another sick shit recently discovered:
>Researchers crack open unusually advanced malware that hid for 5 years
>Espionage platform with more than 50 modules was almost certainly state sponsored.
>The main purpose of the malware platform was to obtain passwords, cryptographic keys, configuration files, and IP addresses of the key servers related to any encryption software that was in use.
>Infected groups include government agencies, scientific research centers, military organizations, telecommunication providers, and financial institutions in Russia, Iran, Rwanda, China, Sweden, Belgium, and possibly in Italian-speaking countries.
>Kaspersky researchers estimate that development and operation of the Sauron malware is likely to have required several specialist teams and a budget in the millions of dollars.
>The researchers went on to speculate that the project was funded by a nation-state, but they stopped short of saying which one.
This is more suited to Sup Forums, Sup Forums supports Trump and Trump only, Snowden is a SJW cuck pro-encryption traitor
Trump will close up the internet and force apple to enable government backdoors in their devices. That's why we support him, because he understands these things better than some numale cuck like Snowden and he would keep us safe.
Sup Forums doesn't care about the real world, just gadgets and memes. We've been discussing this on this board since last night. Kindly ignore these threads if they trigger you, this is far more Sup Forums related than your buzzwords and memes.
>No One Wants to Buy Those Stolen NSA-Linked ‘Cyberweapons’
>WHEN AN ANONYMOUS group calling itself Shadow Brokers put up for auction a collection of data it said it stole from the NSA, the group wrote that it would make the information public if it received the truly absurd “Dr. Evil” sum of one million bitcoins—at current exchange rates, about $576 million.
>So far, however, it’s achieved a more modest payday: $937.15.
Those are fake tweets
Snowden was murdered in Russia a few weeks ago and now the Russian Government is using his account to impersonate him.
Also the woman that claimed to be his girlfriend has allegedly been killed to
>No one wants to buy it
Unless this is just a big bluff we're so fucked
Are you saying the hash/key tweet wasn't him?
If that cunt is alive did he at least explain the killswitch?
They don't even care about gadgets, just non-Windows operating systems and memes
>sometimes headphones and little girls
That was him, but deadmans trigger which they did not know about
thanks dude, well done on the analysis.. to the point
Also that key is likely where these hacks came from
Is this Sup Forums? Am I in a Mr. Robot episode? wtf
Never thought I'd feel superior to our top government minds
Really using a toy language for fucking psyops? motherfuckers just use C or Ada. No wonder the NSA keeps getting fucking hacked, they're probably using external packages or some dumb shit to make everything faster
I'm going to drink a lot, then try to process this.
> he used to go to my former highschool
Yearbook pics or it didn't happen
(I.e. yourself in one edition, and based Snowden in another edition of the ybk).
>speaks on
Fucking nog
This is getting into crack pot conspiracy theory levels, but if this turns out to be true this could be bad.
"I know that you know, but now you also know that I know that you know... Just so you know."
OPFOR gave away information about BLUFOR's capabilities. Snowden assumes it's a warning shot. As an analogy, there's no active hostilities, but Red Team just broadcasted "and in other news, Blue team's artillery is located at , hey guys! :^)" and Blue team goes "shit"
Their source article does not mention Snowden at all. The social media messages prove nothing. Gonna need better proofs than that. I don't doubt it's true but that's hardly evidence.
The only real question is if was the Russians or the US that killed him.
If it was the Russians then Snowden got played pretty fucking hard
We didn't attend the same year.
he died august 15th, whoever is posting on his account is a kike.
I'm partially ignorant on the Snowden situation after he left the country, but why would the Russians have any reason to kill Snowden exactly? To access the data from his dead mans switch? Or is that a too narrow of a view on the situation?
working for "BRICS" fuck off tinfoil.
BRICS is nothing but a loose meeting group, yes there's a development bank but its about the size of the bank of peru currently.
bullshit, snowden found too many dirty red pills in the gutter and it made him sick.
it's hard not to be redpilled when you are looking at opsec.
but there is over fucking reach currently.
I am sure you need the ability to compromise targets at short notice but you do not need dragnets which farm everything.
Because they were tired of him and could get rid of him and take all the information
also the tone of the tweets kind of implies that this wasn't a great deal
Comes off more as, "We did you a solid now let's make a deal"
yes.. half a billion dollars with no security to a random group who can just take the money an fuck off - seems legit.
>The Equation Group (EG) is responsible for hyper-advanced malware like Stuxnet, Duqu/Flame, and Strider/Project Sauron. These viruses are the most advanced pieces of software ever discovered by top antimalware labs such as Kaspersky. They can target industrial systems, oil pipelines, and nuclear facilities.
It's shown that these PLCs were not that bulletproof as they claim they were after all. If you go and search through the CVE database on offensive sec or dat gov shit of yours or mine... you'll find many kek errors...
Like for instance, you can just send a fucking command to one I got and overwrite the entire program you got on the "disk" and it's S700 compatible.... just an example, tons of holes.
And you got your people that want all this on the web now, it's supposed to be an own industrial net like profibus, but oh geh someone on sales wanted fancy live pie charts on the webs..... so then it was done...
The HMI shit is fucking all coded in vb still too at least was... They refused all off them to move from win xp ... Yet at the same time we always heard this at school from comps coming:
"No we don't trust new tech so we are a bit late on upgrading and so"...
granted this is a few years ago.. but all that shit sucked monkey dick, unsafe as fuck. One memstick in there even if everything is redundant from the net.... boom..
>fucking overwriting the program completely, one command
I am not kidding you, search it, I'm starting late workout right now
Also verified the hack btw for educational purposes ofc, it was my own plc after all
Fuck me Snowden's dead. This was his kill switch.
the previous threads mentioned
>deep-conspiracy websites...have been saying THIS EXACT THING was going to happen soon.
first page of google results for me turned up this website:
yay tinfoilboy
The stuff about Drummond/NIST is fact. The TWAIN thing is conjecture. I don't know shit about BRICS other than they don't care for our currency. Not trying to say OMG HAPPENING, just posting what has already been mused upon.
hay guys:
Snowden is ded and jooz took over and trump an shit - bad russia and vote hillary
cos otherwise vodka and caviar no more freedumbs!
go away mohamed
MI6 come back when you're not a laughing stock
>The head of the network that connects the world's banks has issued a warning: Hackers will strike again, and they could bring down a bank.
>Fraudulent messages were sent via SWIFT to initiate cash transfers from accounts at larger banks.
>If hackers are able to break into a weaker bank, they can fabricate transfer requests in order to pull money out of a bigger bank.
>as many as 12 banks linked to Swift’s global payments network that have irregularities similar to those in the theft of $81 million from the Bangladesh central bank
>the biggest known cyber-heist in history, suggests a broad and serious campaign to breach the international financial system.
>Swift’s CEO, “This is a big deal, and it gets to the heart of banking,” “Banks that are compromised like this can be put out of business.”
That the Russians have the dirt on the USAs manipulation of foreign elections.
The Russians have this dirt because, being incredibly lazy, the US used the NSAs personnel and resources in its election manipulation programmes.
The Russians have the US dead to rights on some dodgy bullshit, in either recent EU elections, Ukraine elections, or more likely, manipulating a host of elections in the middle east to keep out "islamists".
My guess is the Russians want the US to cut out playing diplomatic hijinks withe the DNC leaks and the election. Hillary is playing up Russian hacks and Trump as a spy, basically risking WWIII to get elected. Both are bullshit because bother Clinton and the DNC emails were leaks, but that won't stop Clinton's goon and the media beating the drums of war.
So the Russians are making postures, hidden statements like these to send a message -- not to Clinton -- but to the US Deep State and military-intelligence complex to call the Clinton/media group to heel on this.
The Russians think there is still someone in Washington who can listen to the signal.
Am I the only dude that thinks the NSA has to be the most incompetent agency in existence. Like nigga keep your secret shit on an un networked DB and have a physical system in place like a punch pad with thumbprint scanner to access shit from a fucking terminal
Hubris breeds carelessness.
Not Mi6 or Mohammed but i've tinkered in this field for 20 years and write most popular coding languages (programming/markup/data).
Actually I take my shit back.. if they managed to get TWAIN resources running as executable it would be genius as nobody cares (or even knows) whats in the twain packages anymore
I know hardcore Muslims that support Trump. I have no idea why.
Honestly, do you think that these "hacker groups" could ever done these things on their own? Just with skill? I mean breaking into top proprietary software or getting source code of Windows had to be done by hacker already working as employee in those companies and having access on sensitive information.
And what does it mean if Snowdens really dead? Also poltards keep this shit going, the smartest guys in this place are saying things of actual value.
>Honestly, do you think that these "hacker groups" could ever done these things on their own? Just with skill?
sometimes, sure. you've never seen a buffer overflow exploit?
I think there's 5 old guys who know how old scanners and printers and postscript works and everyone else just says.. yeah we'll include it for grandad.. send us the code so you can print out uncle adams pics..
Interestingly, off went my entire building's wifi and CAPTCHA is blocked for me now (had to connect through my burner to my proxy to get this back)
now I'm tinfoil
I believe that Snowden is the one that released this dump because he was killed. The NSA has now taken over his twitter and are trying to make it look like Russia hacked them. Who the beneficiary of the half a billion dollars in bitcoins that Snowden is trying to secure is anyone's guess. Wikileaks perhaps or some charitable cause? Either way it's a class act move to try and get some money out of the NSA for a noble cause to go along with your deadman's switch dump.
they are coming for you, better run fast m8
SB specifically mentioned SWIFT. It seems that they have been sitting on this for awhile. There seems to be some connection to TWAIN software which is used on scanner/printers. I wonder if there is any connection?
A printer “error” helped Bangladesh Bank discover the heist. The bank’s SWIFT system is configured to automatically print out a record each time a money transfer request goes through. The printer works 24 hours so that when workers arrive each morning, they check the tray for transfers that got confirmed overnight. But on the morning of Friday February 5, the director of the bank found the printer tray empty. When bank workers tried to print the reports manually, they couldn’t. The software on the terminal that connects to the SWIFT network indicated that a critical system file was missing or had been altered.
When they finally got the software working the next day and were able to restart the printer, dozens of suspicious transactions spit out.
why not just put this in a pastebin and tweet once
god its like these fucking retards actually believe someone like snoden would spend the time tweeting out in reverse so that it looks readable on the timeline
yeah but still... I mean getting source code of Windows...
I would have really preferred if the TWAIN theory didn't have a leg to stand on. It being remotely possible (hah, get it) it fucking frightening.
No not really.
The fact is that there are so many layers of obfuscation in a modern 'system' and so many patches and updates that happen daily that it really takes 'teams' to get anywhere close.. and teams need money. There are some great criminal teams which usually direct themselves at fraud, but the skill level of the EG or somebody who could take them down is pretty rare and would need to be fanatic if they were not state sponsored.
wtf i hate the NSA now
However, it's quite possible this is shillary; as in, release some lame assed exploits for some old 2012/3 routers which frankly should have been updated by now and every OPSEC group knows about - blame bad russkies cos this isnt just an attack on muh DNC and muh Hillary it's russkies taking us all down!
Those router scripts aren't really interesting and snowden revealed the exploits of them each specifically 2 years ago.
Really now?
I'll give you that.
So if the freebies are fucking nothing than what do you think they have that is worth a million bitcoin?
neither traitor nor is encryption bad.
encryption is only bad if we let bad people in and we need to watch them. Just don't fucking let them in....
>I know hardcore Muslims
have you reported them?
Honestly, a rouse
frankly Kaspersky got much more through reverse engineering and monitoring and no way they spend half a billion doing it.
If someone gives a million bitcoin then theyre idiots.
>And what does it mean if Snowdens really dead?
You realise he's in Russia right? Like he literally has to talk to Russians, and the people he meets have to talk to them.
It's not hard to use him as a messenger as well.
>But they can’t even type English right
>The NSA has software which can identify a person’s writing style as if it were their fingerprint or iris. SB probably used a program like Anonymouth to defend against that.
That's pretty fucking neato
I knew that there was a reason why it read weird
The thing is that there are multiple donators. Even you can donate and if it reaches the 1000000 it won't matter who is the highest bidder anymore because it's going to be released for everyone (read the github)
I thing it was mentioned in an earlier thread that one donation came from a company which generates like a metric fuckton of BTC per round
Wait, I thought they were going to release it if they DON'T get the million bitcoin.
She's muddying the water.
Nonstop stories about this and that leaks, none of which as important as the political ones.
>Trump will close up the internet and force apple to enable government backdoors in their devices.
>He thinks they haven't for years.
All devices and OS like MIcrosoft, Apple, Android are wide open.
Linux and know what you're doing but even then there is hardware backdoors.
Kaspersky Lab's Global Research and Analysis Team
even fingerprints are not unique telegraph.co.uk
You realize that android is linux do you?
No. Transactions 15
Total Received 1.629 BTC
999,998.371 more BTC to go!
whether or not they get 6 gorrillion bitcoins isn't interesting - If they could show the actual sourcecode for something substantial is.
Compromising out a 2012 cisco pix isn't that. Net result; more cisco upgrades.
There's nothing in the corpus or anything that's been eluded to that would give away the backdoor keys to SHA, AES etc standards that we know they have.
No they will give exclusively to the highest bidder because heavy miners have interest in having the exclusive right to create a botnet. Now these are companies backked by Chinese and Russian private money.
So if you bid 500000 BTC and it's the last bid and it gets stuck around 800000 BTC hen it's yours in the end. However if there are more small donations incoming and it breaks the million. You're fucked because everyone will have the same technology which renders it worthless in cyber warfare.
I mean if you work at a larger company you could blackmail your fucking employer without him to ever find it out.
Hell just load some CP on your neighbors computer
Even if not it sure narrows things down. Semantics.
Fun fact: Current highest bidder is in North Korea.
Well I honestly don't give a fuck. Maybe it's something entirely different. Snowden implies that it has something to do with the DNC hacks. Maybe it's just software to fake polling data and rig voting machines
> .py
Is this a fucking joke? This is the American government's best hackers?
With 0.001 BTC?
They didn't say the files everyone will get are the same ones the winning bidder would get just that they are the "same quality".
No, it's something like 1.5 BTC.
Snowden made like 200k a year. It's surprising how autistic IT rats don't give a fuck about money and the government has to look for cheap labor because all the money is blown for a literal black cube/bunker. Like a western Mekka. The cars are symbolic for the slaves that bow down