How do tou feel about millennial women replacing men with plush toys?
How do tou feel about millennial women replacing men with plush toys?
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Women are children.
that ain't no go'' za'
it makes it easier to avoid the manipulative ones
they are not crazy
The same way I feel about the fact that large amounts of women complain about how they can't orgasm with their husband/boyfriend, but large ammounts, in fact the vast ammount, orgasm from rape
Plush toys are far more masculine and assertive than most millennial men, with about one tenth of the maintenance required. I'd do the same in their position tbqh.
Quite fitting, as millennial men are replacing women with virtual ones in video games.
>She went out and ate dinner with a plush toy.
Why do I care if I'm fucking them after?
She should get some taste, drop the lame ass murloc for a eevee evolution like umbreon, or a daki with her husbando/waifu on it .
Sounds like insanity to me
>women takes a picture
also lurky is adorable and she is lucky to have him
>tall glass of milk
It's a "murloc". This is a common enemy in the MMO video game "World of Warcraft". The players of this game are said to be obsessed, and sedentary, leading to increased weight gain and a diminished hygiene. It could be reasonably wagered that the woman who took the picture in the original post is a disgusting fat cow with yellow teeth, stinky breath, and a light moustache.
It's a bit mean for the girl to sit there watching, though, don't you think?
At this point, I'm sort of OK with it.
>things no one asked for
how very appropriate
Behind this picture is a lonely fat girl who, even though she is at a convention surrounded by other nerds, AND has a vagina, could not find a single person to eat with her.Sad.
thats how i eat dinner all day
I thought of this the moment I saw this thread
I replaced women with warhammer
Least they don't talk back to me
That's some weak looking 'go 'za there OP.
I'm reasonably sure she is doing the world a favour by not breeding
Much like bronies, waifu retards etc.
They're mentally ill and not representative of their generation
I have dolls and plush toys, why should I care? Picture related.
>not representative of their generation
she's actually quite attractive
This was her.
Didn't you mom have a talk with you about your collection?
You feeling okay there buddy?
He's coping over the wall.
I am self-conscious enough to have never let my parents see any of my things.
>How do tou feel about millennial women replacing men with plush toys?
try some of the new Fleshlight textures, women can't compete with that shit.
women might start to worry that they're going to lose a good amount of the power they have over their boyfriends and husbands.
Its a /ck/ meme.
>romantic dinner with lurky
That's pedophillia.
2 qt
To be fair, owning Lurky is probably more fulfilling than being with a nu-male.
She looks very uncomfortable with the prospect of drinking that milk.
How fat is this chick?
How many men do you think she has friend zoned or rejected in her lifetime because she thought she was too good for them?
I'd say at least a 1000
You be the judge.
Did anyone call her out on it being pathetic? If it was a guy eating pizza with his pillow waifu a wave of rabid women and white knights would already be shitting on him.
300 pound whale.
I get so upset about cunts like her and the pretend gamer girl shtick and how they all have jobs with those companies
did we really need a whole thread about some instagram whore being "quirky"?
Just wait till this toy rapes her.
I mean, yeah, not all females are like that, but can you imagine how insane, obnoxious and demanding this one is, that she, working in entertainment, can`t find anybody to go with her in pizza place during fucking a game expo?
Tattoos are so tacky.
if she came up to me in a bar, sure thing
poor girls retarded
>Disney Princess Syndrom
Looks nearly identical to my ex girlfriend back in HS. Aparently she had a boyfriend on the side aswell. Then a year after we graduated she came into the store I was working at with a new boyfriend.
Girls like that dont stay faithful. They have a guy on standby at all times.
You dump her? Shes got another guy waiting hand n foot.
Stop bullying a good female
Do you want to work with her?
Not sure if gril or dude with a bra.
I think she is just trying to be cute for her followers.
Bill changes Hillary's diapers.
Two can play that game.
It's a picture of my hand, from my hand surgery.
I now need a special keyboard.
Best $100,000 I've ever spent!
I don't think about catladies so yeah not sure what your point is, guess we're ignoring each other and same difference?
then be a man and rape her, faggot
or do you lack the grip strength?
Who the hell is Lurky?
>things_no_one_asked_for the life
Literally no one asked for this or needs to know about this nor will this improve anyone's life.
What a crock of shit it needs to die.
Apparently rape fantasy is a huge thing so it doesn't surprise me. My friend was a TA for a creative writing course and would get tons of stories that had to deal with the topic. Sometimes the message was discrete and sometimes it was basically erotica, all from women in the class. A lot of women have a ton of internal guilt when it comes to sex, even with people they are socially accepted to be with. It took me forever to get my girlfriend initiate, or even her being on top would fuck her up. She got all weirded out and couldn't make herself cum. She would think about church and hell even though she wasn't religious. I mean look at 50 shades of gray, it's about a guy abusing his power to force a shy girl to do things she wouldn't normally do. That shit sold over 100mil copies.
you've strayed too far, little cu/ck/
How do we go about making women lose the internal guilt about sex? Where/why does it begin?
me every time i eat
>princess syndrome
Nailed it. Even unattractive women have it these days. Que OPS pic or some blog about they are "alone"
Kek what a cuck.
Honestly, I still sleep with a teddy bear and security blanket. Cuddling those makes me feel better than cuddling any person ever has.
I wouldn't take mine to a restaurant or pose it for dinner or anything though, that's just tacky.
I feel the same way 2bh but I'm a man, so
They should feel more guilty, if anything. So should men.
Nothing is wrong with sex in a loving relationship, so as long as you are not fucking everyone you meet it's okay to like sex with the person you care deeply for. Instead of being a slut, just masturbate and wait till you get into a relationship, then go for actual sex.
copying what men are doing (again) except this time for no reason.
I feel like the world has gotten much more prudish and sex-negative over my lifetime, despite feminism and liberalism and all that jazz happening.
If you live in a hipster area it's plushies or pic-related
women do nothing but whore themselves on social media these days, it seems desperate in a mans eyes but they are actually developing a mental disorder the more they realize they can get a fuckload of attention by pretending to be something on the internet
I'm exactly as judgemental as they are about the realdolls.
Pretty sure this was just a one-off joke in relation to Gamescon.
He says on a board shared with manga readers, gamers, crying virgins, and Baneposters.
I guess it can happen to anyone. I've just seen it to some degree with basically every woman i've ever met.
Where are our future robots we were promised?
Just a little guy on wheels who can talk to you would help loneliness for lots of people.
well im also kinda gay so maybe it has to do with something related to the social dynamics of banging men, and how you are perceived once you are banged by a man
social media ruined everything, nothing is private anymore
even with casual gossip, it's at least not recorded in writing forever and doesn't stray too far outside the original circle
dude, we alredy replaced woman with waifus
Nice hand pic bro!
You think he browses Sup Forums?