Is George Soros bluepilled or redpilled?
Is George Soros bluepilled or redpilled?
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He's the machine that manufactures pills.
He's the most redpilled dude on the planet. A legitimate supervillain.
The left is full of idiots and he's their wrangler. And he only knows how to wrangle them because he's redpilled, rich, and has an axe to grind.
Magneto is based on him.
He brings chaos and destruction to the planet. He is the real chosen one who is creating a new world where only the strongest will have place.
Redpilled in the sense that he knows it's all a joke and is doing whatever he wants
Hes redpilled as fuck.
>The left and right
There I fixed for you , if you believe that you aren't being ruse , you are still blue pill.
Do you think he's still sexually active?
Redpilled, he is the one selling bluepills, but probably has others above him, the true creators of the pills.
Do you think Soros secretly wants to get rid of worlds' degenerates by triggering WW3 thus causing billions of casualties and thus being able to create world goverment with a smaller population? Also, would you support this if he reinstates a civilization that is conservative and traditionalist, even if it means most of the world population wiped out?
Also i think people mistake him for ultimate Jew. Wouldn't THE ultimate Jew overlord not be in world's spotlight?
Redpilled, As in a redpilled evil genius fucking up the entire world and draining it on its shekels.
Behind every jewish banker you can find George Soros.
Behind every rigged election, Behind every muslim comming into Europe.
He is the new world order.
Magneto is based on him. Lol wait so Soros is a master of magnetism.
He took the faggotpill
He gave 25 million to Hillary. What do you think?
I truly from the bottom of my heart hope he takes the
'Dead pill'
theres no way that old creep lives long enough for something like that to take place. If I were him, I'd make some shit happen in the short term.
ash tier
Well he's fucking our assholes pretty good, so I'd say yeah.
Jews usually hide in plain sight.
Even Soros has his masters, user
You have no fucking idea, goy.
The man is so into jewing he's actually trying to jew Israel out, along with bodies like the NIS.
Basically he and similar minded individuals see nationalism and ethnic affiliation is an outright threat to their global position, as it creates a potential alternative to the other powerful driving force to western human behaviour, consumerism and personal purchasing power.
How many licks does it take to get to the centre of a lolly-pop?
satans minion
Soros isn't redpilled. He's an Agenda 21 idiot shill that still thinks he can bring about world peace.
It's always those assholes trying to bring world peace that you have to watch out for because they cause the most problems. They don't realize the eternal and inherent condition of the unpeaceful world.
I don't get it, what the fuck is he trying to accomplish?
Either he's a genius with a master plan, or a Sup Forumsack who is addicted to happenings.
you're a shill and a faggot
i thought you take the pill to clear the disease , soros is the disease
you're a fucking idiot you stupid sandnigger
Read Agenda 21 of the UN.
They are trying to end world wars by incapacitating key dominant players and forcing those that would fight back to surrender.
They're letting the world get run over by demanding barbarians in order to avoid conflicts.
Basically handicapping/vegetating the world in order to achieve peace.
It's a stupid and misguided notion that only the disconnected with messianic complexes would believe in.
Red pilled as most of jew leaders, but a degenerate moloch worshipper
>all these bluepills saying he's redpilled
come the fuck on bros stop spilling your weak powerlevel spaghetti all over us
He's redpilled as fucked.
You ok, my nigger?
>what's he trying to accomplish
but I thought you already knew consumerism will fall
t. Psalm 115
Well Magneto is actually a Jew (and a holocaust survivor). I shit you not, it's true. Captain America and Wolverine rescued him and many others from a camp in ww2.
George Soros: An Evil Rothschild Agent
Soros is jewpilled. The same way that a redpilled man knows he needs to pump iron and eat healthy, Soros knows that the goyim need to be tricked and exploited. And does so everyday.
>oy vey, we're gonna make it
He has said some things which imply he has sympathy for nazis. I'm really not sure.
I read his book, and he believes open border policies are good in it, but he regularly praises lots of goyim intellectuals in his book as his superiors. So I'm a bit confused as to what this guy is about. There are reports that he sold out his own people to the nazis during ww2. So who really knows. He's either an amoral jew fucker with no allegiance, or might be secretly redpilled. After all he's invested into gold miners for a reason, that means he wants the jewish system to fail....
This was also in the massively popular films based on the comics so most people are aware already
Jews do taqiya as well, you know. The muslims are actually just browner jews.
As far as I know he is an evil globalist jew, that want to destoy western civilisation, and kill all white males. His wast resources and evil agenda gets him in the top 10 most wanted public enemy in my eye.
But sometimes for a a minute or two, thinking that he used to snitch on jews in the time of the nazis, and the claim that he is against Israel, and he do the biggest damege in the western countries that fought two world wars against Hungary, maybe he is a hungarian agent that carries out revenge for Trianon, and secretly works on getting back the hungarian territories, but then I get back to the fact that he is a kike, and the kikes did Trianon, so he must mean bad for Hungary as well.
figuratively speaking yes, his money and efforts works as a magnet for 3rd world migration for Europe and racial tensions in the US
LSD pill. The NWO's ambitions are absolute insanity and he's enjoying every second of his part in it.
Transylvania isn't yours to begin with so you can keep dreaming, but that's all they'll ever be.
The motivation of plutocrats has always been garnering more profit.
Ruining national values and global borders carries a varity of benefits to any person that wants to earn money:
Unimpeded access to any "nation" or what remains of it basically makes it very easy to rely on other nations' existing specialization in labor intensive or some tech intensive field, making production there easy without need for further private investment. If Taiwan has no borders, you can just go in and start an electronic factory there without any tariffs.
Poor regions are usually rich in cheap labor too, reducing production costs further
Fucking up racial profiles is also beneficial, because nigger genetics reduces the mean intelligence of the population, making them easier to coerce into buying your shit. Even if the population refuses to race mix, this moves arabs and niggers from regions with low wages to places with high wages, thus increasing their buying power and making nations with very low fertility but lots of cash buy more and more from you.
This makes it beneficial to support left wing political bodies (or sometime outright control them yourself)
And if you're morally a degenerate, you wouldn't care about the ethics or any associated sexual or civic issue that this "cultural enrichment" thing brings about and thus boycott the bodies supporting them, IE continue spending your shekels on existing finances wizards, like Soros. They're trying to ruin Israel too, but for the time being the threat arabs pose is so immediate and undeniable (unlike Europe's "not all muslims" shit which seems to hold for now) so it doesn't work as well
I thought he was trying to cuck the Rothchilds since the Rothchilds became nobles and peers of Christian realms.
Soros is a self-made billionaire and is believed to have clawed himself away from the Nazis.
The dude is kind of anti-religion or pretends to be.
The morning before pilled
This. Something's off about this guy.
He's rich, but money alone can't fuel hate directly. He creates these extremist organizations, violent riots and destructive events which make the white men hate these groups, such as dindus, sandniggers, chinks, shitskins and so on. Right now he's fueling people with hatred, until the tolerance rope tears up and the race war begins.
Or maybe he's simply a mad profiteer.
White elites have never accepted the Rothschilds, and never will. It's why the Rothschilds are butthurt child sacrificing psychopaths.
He just wants to watch the world burn
Jews did 9/11
I don't think so. I've looked into his history. He's not insane or overtly evil. I think he's just profoundly misguided, or a nazi sympathizer. His parasitic instincts aside, I think he wants us to return to traditional values.
> a nazi sympathizer
This is one of the last things I'd expect him to be called
I'm intrigued, why do you think this?
What does "accept" mean when they have all the power in the world?
He worked with the nazis, and in his book "the Alchemy of Finance" he states he grew a fondness for his nazi oppressors. I think we have a stockholm syndrome type jewish admiration for nazism here. Think about it, everything he funded has enraged whites, to the point where we can almost openly be nationalist socialists in society now.
He understands that our natural defensive instincts will kick in as the saracen filth and jewish multicultural crap infests our nations.
I think he might be a self hating jew. His book uses language that is extremely self deprecatory. He also states that he constantly feels the need to "reveal himself", but doesn't directly explain as to what this means.
Doesn't matter, they will always be jewish rats in the eyes of white elites. And power is fluid, it changes hands. Everyone gets their time to shine, even the shitskin arabs had an enlightenment period once.
He's Agent Smith
He needs to be ricin pilled.
I guess he would be red pilled because he would know exactly what was going on
This is misinfo garbage. Magneto is based on a combo of Malcom X and Meir Kahane
Don't they see its just going to create conflict in itself. The loss of identity from forcing groups together leads to these spree killings.
The few Hungarians I have known hated niggers, spics, faggots, and most types of degeneracy. He could possibly be doing this. I hope these are his intentions.
He is probably beyond such terminology, truly illuminated.
I guess Indigo if you want to go by the chart.
There's zero doubt that he is probably the single-most redpilled person on the planet, because he's the manufacturer of the blue pill.
He is an evil blue pill. Good blue pills are inconsequential. The evil ones blue pills are the ones you gotta watch out for.
>He also states that he constantly feels the need to "reveal himself"
examples of this? I don't mean to sound like I'm interrogating btw
He is the most redpilled man of the world
probably on a level very few can understand
He's red-pilled but, unlike Hitler, is using it against us. Soros is the anti-red-pill
most redpilled man on earth
He's an agent of chaos. All he cares about is increasing his family's wealth and power.
And if you're a white European, he's the devil incarnate.
He is an agent
You know something is very wrong when even Israeli posters are denouncing another Jew's plan.
>double dubs
Jewish civil war confirmed
Neither, he is the maker of the pills.
>thinks palestinian shitposters are Israeli Jews
just google "New Israel Fund wikileaks"
or "shtulim campaign", against supposed peace activists that are actually pro-palestinian globalist jew moles that try to ruin Israel.
It's already running, a war between sects. why do you think European jews love arabs and shill for rapefugees while israeli jews want to kill them all?
>teach children that the Nazi forced relocation of Jews was wrong
>literally do the same thing to Palestinians
>wonder why they reject zionism
it was inevitable
He's the antichrist and hillary is the whore of babylon. He's beyond pills.
hes blue pilled. he believes in a multi culture open society
George Soros is the Cyanide pill. And civilization just swallowed him.
97th post best post.
He is a nazi. So, bluepilled.
"The One-Man Illuminati Machine"