A 10 year old having a crush on an 18 year old apparently counts as "true love" according to Da Rules

>a 10 year old having a crush on an 18 year old apparently counts as "true love" according to Da Rules
What did Hartman and co. mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


true puppy love

That Butch got shot down by an older woman and won't get over it. Like a whiny bitch.

Bitch Hartman.

That little girls like older men. And older men like little girls. Fact of life

Just because love isn't mutual doesn't mean it isn't real

This, thb, senpai.

Da rules where always a simple excuse to keep Timmy from fixing his problems right away.

Presumably something similar to what they meant by this.

well Tommy was basically the idealized Timmy that Tootie obsessed over made real, it's not surprising she was smitten by him

although that reminds me, when Timmy became Gah and had similar issues with Vicky falling in love with him, how exactly did he get back to normal, I'll admit I can't remember what loophole he used there

>questioning Da Rules

Timmy lured Vicky into the tunnel of love, where the darkness allowed his fairies to magic him back to normal size.

He's married with two adult age daughters.

Actually he's probably one of the few cartoonists I can think of that actually has a stable relationship and a happy family.

PDF file leave my beautiful Sup Forums

>He's married with two adult age daughters.
One of whom has the same name as .

eh there's some rules that are positively retarded(like the breakfast one seen in Norm's debut episode), if I had fairies first thing I'd do upon finding out there's rules would be to wish for complete knowledge of Da Rules so I could loophole my way to getting whatever I want

>Timmy lured Vicky into the tunnel of love, where the darkness allowed his fairies to magic him back to normal size.
that sounds less like a loophole and more them outright breaking the rules cause the writers had written themselves into a dead end(cause her not being able to see him should have had no effect on her loving him, so that shouldn't have worked)

which would make for an interesting story actually, the Tunnel of Love gambit doesn't work, leaving Timmy stuck as Gah, which also means he's stuck with Vicky as a girlfriend, with all sorts of wacky misadventures coming of it, gradually leading to Timmy realizing he's developing feelings for Vicky in return(I'm a sucker for a good romance plot I'll admit)

>Actually he's probably one of the few cartoonists I can think of that actually has a stable relationship and a happy family.

The difference is that Tommy was a being that Timmy wished into existence and couldn't immediately get rid of because Tootie loved him, while Gah was just Timmy having undergone a makeover and the reason he couldn't return to normal was because Vicky wouldn't take her eyes off him.

still she said she loved him, and that should have been sufficient to keep him stuck as Gah even when she couldn't see him

basically it's one of those situations that only makes sense from a Doylist perspective and not a Watsonian one

Wait, Butch Hartman is a cartoonist? You mean he is actually able to do storyboards and doesn't just hand that shit to his underlings? I thought he was a cartoonist in the same sense that Seth McFarlane was (meaning not at all).

If you visit his Tumblr there's tonnes of posts of him just drawing his characters, I'd say he gets pretty involved in the series.

Actually, I hear thw two worst eras of the show (Season 5 and Season 9) happened while he was away focusing on Danny Phantom and Tuff Puppy


Wow, I thought his shows lacked direction and that's why they looked generic, I guess he is just a very generic cartoonist. That's really weird.

I mean, all his cartoons are fairly standard, if you dont like the style you probably wouldnt be interested at all.

Even his new upcoming show seems to be standard fish out of water fare. Though I'm still hopeful I'll enjoy it like the others. I'm at least hoping it will be better than Tuff Puppy.

This is some tumblr level of passive-aggressiveness.

>Seth MacFarlane bashing
Did you just awake from a seven year coma

I'd usually roll my eyes at le tumblr mention, but the post really does read like a tumblr passive aggressive post

I don't think the true love thing even applies there. Vicky had the hots for him but so did everyone else at the amusement park.

I think the implication was not that he was stuck due to love, but due to having no chance to wish himself back because all eyes were on him.

eh true love has come from very shallow reasons in this show before(like in the first Chip Skylark episode for example, Vicky only loved Chip because she thought he was rich)

which is silly cause it's not like he hasn't wished himself back to normal in front of people in the past

I think by generic he meant that the main character is a hetero white male, the Canon pairings are all the same race, characters are made fun of for getting fat, the music uses actual instruments, the creator is a married Christian with a nuclear family instead of a nuMale, and the gay Cupid is a flaming twink and occasionally a villain.

It's a shock tumblr doesn't hate this show more.

This show probably has the most confirmed/possible waifus and adds new ones all the time. Tumblr cant hate this because they love shipping just as much as Sup Forums loves waifus. They probably love Chloe more than here too, where here it's people who love her and people who hate her with no imbetween.

Yeah, but probably not that overt. Like, once they're off screen it no longer matters, which is something I realised while watching the show recently

>This show probably has the most confirmed/possible waifus and adds new ones all the time
there's a reason Harem concepts are popular with Hartman shows, there's a ton of attractive girls, and the MC is usually the sort that works really well as the sole male for a Harem's attention(not to mention all three of Hartman's series are full of plot devices to set up such scenarios)

I don't recall that many attractive girls in TUFF Puppy aside from Kitty and her mom.

>Grey Griffin voices another crazy bitch
>Kari Walgren also confirmed as voicing someone

Cant wait

True, I think that right there the only one he doesnt pair well with is Man-die. Butch Hartman really likes his good female characters.

mostly background characters there

>True, I think that right there the only one he doesnt pair well with is Man-die
I think it can work if you handle it right(I've always thought it'd be neat if she returned and decided that since Timmy's been behind her every defeat that he'd make the perfect husband for her)

I recognize all the girls except the princess in the middle.

Butch Hartman is the Stephen King of Nickelodeon.

Megan Bacon, a previous godchild of Cosmo and Wanda, she's the owner of The Cake & Bacon restaurant and in her sole episode we see her as both an adult(not pictured) and as a kid

Not a princess. That's Megan Bacon, former godkid and present-day founder of the Cake 'n' Bacon. While traveling through time meeting Cosmo and Wanda's former godkids, Timmy accidentally encourages her to follow her dreams...which turn out to be "become a bacon-themed supervillain."

. Also if Cosmo and Wanda didnt discipline her she'd grow up to be evil and destroy Fairy World

That's not unlikely since literally every villain in the show has become obsessed with destroying Timmy over thier original goals

Tootie looks pregnant.

That ain't no belly.

Tootie episodes were pure kino, I can't recall a single bad one besides the one where Vickys family stays at Timmys, though she was barely in that anyway.

damn, one thing that I cant get over was how noticeably thick the outlines were in Season 9. It's not really a problem, but it always stood out to me. Especially since they thinned them again in the new season.

Still the best Tootie episode, and the best Squirrely Scouts one as well. And those are also usually pretty GOAT

>I've always thought it'd be neat if she returned and decided that since Timmy's been behind her every defeat that he'd make the perfect husband for her
That actually sounds plausible given that Timmy has a tendency of attractiving crazy chicks.

Yeah that's one of the few nonshit Poof era ones.

Oh I see. Good stuff.

The only really bad Poof era episodes are in the Sparky season

They should have just have Gah Timmy tell Vicky he browses Sup Forums

So if someone were to fall in love with Timmy while he was Timantha, would he be unable to transform back into a boy?

post the rest

Oh that reminds me, we're getting another "Timmy is a girl" episode

Though it's just a mermaid

The rest is too lewd for a blue board. But if you really want to see the rest here's the name of the comic.

Not even an island of them. How disappointing.

How new are you? He did some great episodes of Dexter and Jonnhy Bravo and early FOP was GOAT.

This is one of the few episodes I pretty much remember nothing from

Shame, it's a pretty good one.

Plus, beefcake. Lots of beefcake.


I find it hilarious that I had no idea what that moment was because so many start from screens like this

Hopefully that won't stop folks from making more Timantha material.

>That actually sounds plausible given that Timmy has a tendency of attractiving crazy chicks.
very true, also that is a really nice pic, mind telling me the source for it?

quite likely, reminds me of a fanfic I found a while ago where Da Rules are amended so ALL forms of love are covered by the rule relating to magic not being able to break true love, and part of this change involves any wishes that violate that rule being undone, which leads to both Tommy existing again(familial love), and Timmy getting permanently turned back into Timmantha(through Trixie's friendship with her)


Hartman is scarily good at doing BEEF, both of the male and female variety

agreed we need more of that kinda of stuff

I hope it reinvigorates trap Timmy art instead. Mermaid Timmy is adorable. Both of them are in this pic actually

>Hartman is scarily good at doing BEEF, both of the male and female variety
Cant wait for Chloe to get her turn

Meant to also reply to

I'm still disappointed Trixie never got a shot. Her time as Wonder Gal was a perfect opportunity, even if it was just a flex.

I found it over here.


So, how's the Camp doing.

You know what camp i'm talking about.

what camp?

Why not see for yourself?


that love is not a two way street but actually possesive and selfish?

Yeah. I was never a huge Trixie fan (I even like the new girl more than her) but it'd still be nice to see. Plus Trixie fans would like it.

The pic has an odd lack of Juandissimo and Dark Laser come to think of it. Though they are always that muscular.

This one I left when the original artist came back and it came at the rate of 1 page per week, hopefully it didn't delve into you-know-what again.

did they make a toothie masturbation joke?

Loli is love. Loli is life.

Nah, it was a Season 7 episode where Timmy went to Mr Turner's workplace, and wished up a pencil that would never go down, and...

actually it might just be that

I actually made that collage. I specifically stuck to characters being depicted as buffer than they normally are, hence why I went with Action Packed for Jorgen.

Yeah, the Action Packed Jorgen is what made me realise your mindset. Also, pretty cool that you made it. Makes me think about how I miss FoP threads.

They'll probably pick up once the show starts back in October. Nick threads are always my fav on Sup Forums

>have to manually open each page and zoom in, no option to move to the next or set the size

This bugs my autism.

>Also, pretty cool that you made it.
I've thought once or twice about cataloguing every instance of muscle growth in the series, but I just don't have the time or stamina to watch the entire series.

If youve seen most episodes in passing you'd really just need to scroll through the episode list until your memory was jogged. I'm mostly up to date so I could do it but I dont actually care about muscle growth.

I did wanna go through a "times Cosmo and Wanda were human" though, but it's not really anything I yern to do

>Tuff Puppy

holy shit that was a show

The youknowwhat was from the fake artists. Mr. D partially reset the world

This looks odd because black outlines are practically nonexistent here.

Isnt there like 3 canons now. And two of them still get updates

kek, they forgot to color a part of her hair

>Hopefully that won't stop folks from making more Timantha material
Nah, Timantha is too good to forget.

All this Timantha art has got me thinking of Timmy going through a Stevonnie type scenario when he's older. Where every girl he knows wants to jump his bones after becoming Timantha again. (With the exception of Tootie oddly enough.)

It apparently had like, 60 episodes too

>All this Timantha art has got me thinking of Timmy going through a Stevonnie type scenario when he's older. Where every girl he knows wants to jump his bones after becoming Timantha again.
I like this idea

>With the exception of Tootie oddly enough
nah Tootie wants Timmy/Timantha too, but she's holding back cause due to some magical quirk she's the only human besides maybe Chloe who remembers that Timantha used to be a guy, so she's confused about her feelings

Byrne please go and stop writing so many young girls being violated or kissing older men

>a dorky loli will never have a crush on you

10/10 gif

>implying it doesnt happen because Timmy and Chloe switch places again

I say again because an episode where they switch places is already confirmed

I hope your assumption holds up when the time comes.

Me too. But I think it'd be more amusing if no one is able to put two and two together and realize Timantha is Timmy. Also would anymore girls get involved in this growing love feud aside from Trixie, Veronica, Tootie, and Vicky?

>I hope your assumption holds up when the time comes
I hope too.

>I say again because an episode where they switch places is already confirmed
sounds interesting

>But I think it'd be more amusing if no one is able to put two and two together and realize Timantha is Timmy.
well Tootie and Chloe would be the only ones to realize this, the magic that's caused Timmy to genderbend would also make everyone else think Timmy has always been Timantha

>Also would anymore girls get involved in this growing love feud aside from Trixie, Veronica, Tootie, and Vicky?
Chloe for sure, maybe Carly, Missy, and Molly too

they were here first
they were always here

I fucking hated this art style so much. Why is everything so straight and heavily inked around them?
Cringe worthy obnoxious.

It's just his style.

It's honestly the one I'm currently most hyped for. Also
>this drawing is finally finished

It's one of the few shows that has an art style distinctive enough to draw and be instantly recognizable

ToonBabifier finished that one last month(personally I'm waiting for him to get around to that AP sequel to that AR group picture he did a while ago)