I'm a former Trump supporter AMA

I'm a former Trump supporter AMA

Saged and hidden.
Reject "suggested depression."

Is your cat a helicopter?

How can I also get hired by CTR?

Thanks for correcting the record

>$0.06 has been deposited into your account

>private vote, hidden from others, based on own beliefs and morals
>"I don't want to vote for the loser who are you voting for'"
>moral compass disregarded
>follow like sheep
>ameria is really like this


d-do you?

You'd have to be an idiot if you still unironically supported him after all the shit he's done

Holy shit, Belgium Btfo

Is CTR the only job you have ever had?

Support Jill





>1 post by this ID


Top kek at these tinfoil hatters thinking Sup Forums is worth paying Pajeet $10 a month to shill.

i hate trump now

>both the flags are meant to be flipped (black on left) so it's still accurate

>Former Trump Support

May as well be a unicorn as well, since neither exist.

MAGA, you shill faggot!

Brexit voter here.

i love seeing you weak americans break so easily.

cant wait to mock you in november


who do you support now and why

Are you mad that i just saged you?

So, what changed your mind?

Good post, fellow Sup Forums user!


Its even more delusional than retards on Sup Forums believing in bacterial marketing



>praise moloch

Finally a political stance I can get behind.


Trump's losing now. I want to win, so I'll switch to Hillary I guess.

I agree, my fellow nationalist.
Nobody is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.Nobody is being paid to shill for Hillary.

What made you change your mind?

why does this ID has 1 post ?
how much is CTR paying you ?
why have i saged, reported and hidden this thread ?