So was there ever an established reason as to why this story was tacked onto The Killing Joke? What purpose did it serve?
So was there ever an established reason as to why this story was tacked onto The Killing Joke...
Padding out the story for a feature length and ironically to give Babs more a character arc.
They wanted Babs to do something more than get shot.
Unfortunately they also wanted more controversy, Timm has bad taste in ships, and they have a funny definition of a strong woman who controls the men in her life.
"The book is already controversial, lets add some more controversy to it" I believe was their reasoning.
I was disappointed with the version of Joker's "one bad day" speech. But for personal reasons, so whatever.
Wanna say that again, PUSSY?
>what purpose did it serve
To make the joker more sympathetic.
>Timm's bad taste for Ships
Just the worst.
He shipped everyone with Batmam except Catwoman. It's absurd.
Also I'm pretty sure ZatannaBat was Dini.
Well of course he doesn't ship Batman and Catwoman.
He ships Dick and Selina instead.
If there was ever ZatannaBat, it was just Paul living vicariously through Bruce.
More like Dini is a fucking wizard and used ZatannaBats to conjure up his marriage.
It's funny that it was a controversy in the first place.
Like why?
Crippling Barbara, probably. And the whole "did Joker rape her/did Batman kill him" debates.
Barbara becoming Batgirl to fuck Bruce, then Bruce actually fucking her, and her becoming a jilted crazy teenage girl to the point of assaulting an innocent guy when Bruce regrets it isn't a good look. Or a good story.
Because it's absolutely garbage taste. It's a crime he's been allowed to peddle this shit for over a decade now.
to waste your fucking time.
It's called padding.
Reminder that Batman has literally never, not even ONCE, fucked another JL member. The only heroine he's ever fucked was Barbara (and I suppose maybe Batwoman way way back) and that's been regarded by pretty much everyone as a mistake and has never once even been considered or even referred to in actual comic canon.
They attempted to build Barbara into an important character in her own right in TKJ, showcasing her work and service as Batgirl who isn't just a prop for the other characters.
They promptly fuck this up by having her fuck Batman and becoming just more fuel to for his emotional rage against the Joker. They couldn't fuck it up harder if they tried.
wtf I hate Timm now
I don't know much about Batgirl, but I like Batman and the Killing Joke comic. These additions didn't bother me. What did was removing the ending's ambiguity.
They also created one of the worst Barbaras ever.
She was just a thrill seeking, emotionally needy, horny girl.
in theory, it would've given Barbara more purpose to the story other than getting shot while at the same time padding out the runtime to make it an actual movie
but holy fuck did it go wrong
So noobs know who the fuck Barbara is. In the comic it never even mentions that she's batgirl or gives her any development, she's just Gordon's daughter that gets shot in the beginning. They wanted to give her a bit of character.
As weird as it is, it's still better than BruceBabs. At least Selina and Dick aren't like mother and son.
But if Timm got his way, he would have gotten a Nightwing/Catwomam series.
They should have focused on the aftermath of her getting shot, not what happens before. Everyone already knows about Batgirl. We want to see her dealing with and recovering from this traumatic event. A large reason why many think she was stuffed in the fridge was because the comic payed no attention to her after being shot.
And the whole point of creating Barbara was that she wouldn't be a creepy stalker pining after Batman, like Batwoman was
Was Zatanna/Batman ever in the comics? I heard it was but couldn't find any sources. I honestly think they could mix well together, at least as well as Batman can be in a romance.
And the result was that noobs now wanted Barbara to get shot after dealing with her shitty storyline
>was Zatannna/Batman ever in the comic
It was when Dini was writing.
It was an attempt to get the audience to understand the Joker/Batman thing by adding Joker-lite (Paris)/Barbara as a prologue. To get taunted, berated and humiliated by an enemy who is obsessed with you and the urge to kill them (the abyss) and walking away (not flinching)
This message was lost because everyone wants to meme about the 1 second of skin
>there are neck beards who still defend this fetish shit as "adult and c-c-complicated"
The message was lost because the only thing the prologue bothered to show was "lol Batgirl ass"
I heard people saying to stretch it out to bare minimum of animated movie. Maybe additional budget?
I think Bruce Timm just wanted rooftop rape and left everything else to interns
Bruce Timm
Bruce Timm is the answer to your question.
Padding, Killing Joke was short as shit. Also for the casual audience who doesn't know about Batgirl. And to avoid the controversy the original story got over its treatment of Barbara. But then they got controversy over Barbara fucking Bruce.
Batwank for the #1 Batfag, Timm.
I dig it. Why isn't this ship more common?
identity crisis
>Was it ever established why.
Ya, when they announced the movie was being made.
Have you even read the killing joke, you could fit that motherfucker into a 30 minute film, but not a full length feature.
If you're too casual to know who Babs is, that's your fault. We're not talking about Stephanie Batgirl here. Babsgirl appears in everything. She was in the 60s Batman show, BTAS, The Batman, Young Justice, that Birds of Prey show, and even a live action movie.
>At least Selina and Dick aren't like mother and son.
Are you implying that Bruce and Babs are like Father and daughter? Because they are not. The ship is just stupid.
Seriously, people have this weird idea that TKJ is some sprawling epic like TDKR or the Batepic or something, when really its more like an oversized single issue of much higher than usual quality.
Bruce Timm was also the one that shipped Dick Grayson/Barbara Gordon.
You guys have to understand something, Timm likes to push the whole forbidden fruit or create drama.
So he ships DickBabs so he can later ship BruceBabs and DickSelina.
Take Justice League with whole Green Lantern and Hawkwoman deal with them having a future son and Green Lantern fucking Vixen while dreaming of fucking Hawkwoman's red pussie.
Because The Killing Joke is only about 50 pages. You can't really make a feature length movie out of it. It was either going to be padded with pointless filler or more gratuitous torture porn.
Just make it 30 to 34 minutes long then.
Bruce Timm, in explaining the risky sex scene in the movie, says Batman's paternal skills aren't that great
Fans of the comic got mad because they find it unnecessary and sloppy at best, haters of the comic got one more reason to argue the story is sexist because now Batgirl other than motivating the men to act is also fucking them
I dont know why they do, I cant figure out why they cling to this, some say its the essential Joker comic but honestly its not.
I will never find out what comic it is, but I saw it when I was younger, It shows the Joker crying over somebodies grave and Batman consoles him.
I don't give a shit about what Timm said. Bruce and Babs are not portrayed as a father/daughter relationship in the comics. Batman is hardly a father-like figure to his own Robins.
Padding out the story and to make Barbara Less of a fridged girlfriend, even though it just made everything worse
In the movie they apparently are and Timm apparently likes that way and yet Batman fucks her anyway
It was pretty obviously done to drum up drama even more controversial than the original Killing Joke
and hey, it worked