>it's 1998
what are you going to rent tonight?
>it's 1998
what are you going to rent tonight?
Other urls found in this thread:
Tomb Raider 3
Just played the Pizza Hut demo and want to give the full game a try.
the matrix
The Shining on VHS underage because I was there too much
Probably gonna grab some shitty Skinemax direct-to-video flick so I can beat off.
Sometimes I miss the Shannon Whirry/Shannon Tweed era
Am I 2 years old or do I just go back in time as current me?
fuck off toddler
some cheesy 80's b-grade horror film that I will decide on solely because of the cover
It doesn't matter, the funniest part of the night is browsing the selection of kinos with my little brother
Fuck you
I wasn't alive yet
id fuck that cat
>having a movie/game in mind beforehand
>not just browsing and picking a hidden gem based on the box art
Men Behind the Sun.
is that the jap one where they rip off the ladies arm?
That's how you end up with a Godfrey Ho.
I remember I saw the killer klowns from outer space cover in a block buster and I had nightmares about it for weeks man. That movie still gives me an uncanny feeling
Star Wars Episode 1... wait, damnit.
The Matrix... fuck. Fight Club then?
It's almost like there weren't any good movies in 1998.
>there are people here born after 1998
>they aren't underage
Jesus fucking Christ, where has the time gone
Strange Days
>1998 was 19 years ago
It hurts
You have the choice of anything released up until that point that was available on VHS.
You know, like in a video store.
Either a Friday the 13th movie, TCM, or The Shining for the billionth time.
Those are generally what I rented more than any.
The Blockbuster in my town didn't have too many old movies, it was tiny and it was shit. Either way no good movies were made before 1999.
Starship Troopers. Tits, Gore, Verhoeven.
>didn't have old movies
How? Did they just get rid of them once they were a year old?
Nothing. My dad doesn't believe in paying a place in order to borrow a movie for a day or two. He pays for all the major cable movie channels, and buys me the movies I really want.
They don't have to be old for 1998, realistically they'd be from between 1997 and 1987.
Why do you spite cinema with your last sentence, you fucking bastard?
They only had movies from the recent years (90s), no 80s or 70s. I had to go out of town to rent Star Wars.
I used to work at a Blockbuster. Cured me of ever wanting anything more to do with the place.
I remember borrowing REC when I was about 11
Never been scared by a movie since.
Okay fine! I'll rent Crimes and Misdemeanors then.
What do you mean you don't have it?
Independence Day then. Oh it's out?
Oh OK. What movie would you rent from the 90s if you were in... the situation mentioned in the OP?
Lol what the fuck? where did you live? I grew up in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere,
Let's rent flubber again
Well I never saw Con Air so I guess Con Air. People say it's good.
Cool, luckily we DO have it!
Also we have more than one copy of Independence Day.
The game wasn't "what would you get the specific, inch-square Blockbuster in your crummy neighborhood", you can have the out-of-town one.
Suburbs near Buenos Aires, Argentina. You mean Blockbuster™ wasn't just a small room with only 90's movies in the US?
I've never seen that myself. I should rectify that.
Final Fantasy 7.
My disk is scratched so I'm going to carefully peel the sticker off the rental and swap them.
wasn't even alive
Oh then I changed my mind, I'm taking Star Wars Episode 6. And giv some MnM's pls and a diet pepsi
I'm in Australia and it wasn't blockbuster, but no, the video shop was a huge building, I think it's a plumbing store now
Dumb n Dumber for the 4th time
I see, the one here turned into an electronics store which later closed down and I think there's nothing there now, just a closed shop.
Is VideoEZ a thing in australia? Our ones still going.
Cool, here you go sir.
WAIT. It's not called that. It's called Return of the Jedi, because nobody is taking Lucas's bullshit seriously yet, this being 1998 and all. Would you mind re-asking for it, using its real name sir?
The one were I liked turned into a 99 cent store, it was then robbed to shit and shut down perminantly, it's just an empty location. For rent.
Holy fuck, yeah I was struggling to remember the name, yeah we had videoEZ
>they took me to a warehouse with some tapes in it
Austrailia is tough
a nintendo 64 and rogue squadron
Fine. Can I have Return of the Jedi please?
And what do you mean nobody, they freaking anounced they are making an Episode 1 coming next year, Don't you have the internet?
An American Tail: Feivel Goes West.
>Internet in 1998
Well aren't you fancy.
I didn't have Internet until 2005.
Ugh why is renting a fucking movie so complicated? I wish there was some other way to get movies to watch at home. Oh well, maybe the wonders of the future will change things. I will certainly NOT miss renting movies at blockbuster.
you just blew your cover, kid, b&
Most people got internet in 2003 or so. Unless your dad worked at IBM or some shit, it's highly unlikely you had internet in 1998
Cool, here's your movie, M&Ms and Pepsi, have a nice day!
y-you too
We plan to rent DVDs too sir!
I always tried to get any sort of 80s action flicks because 98% of them had at least flashes of titties.
I had it in 1999, and my dad didn't work at IBM. The point is, George Lucas insisting people use the chapter titles, while it began with the special editions around this time, wasn't taken seriously until a generation had grown up with six Star Wars movies.
were you rich? or from new york or some other "top 10 cities in the world that will clearly get internet before anyone else in the world"?
No, I was in a pretty provincial locale, but in Europe.
>rent VHS using cash
>keep tape
>take a shit in the empty case
>return it through the outside slot after hours
I remember my dad rent Sphere and really liked it.
Some weird 1998 cp from the back "back" room
>Most people got internet in 2003 or so
Is this true? I had internet at least back in 99.
>millennial acting like he knew how Blockbuster worked
Git out
Anyone else remember stickdeath?
We had internet in 96
Albeit it was pretty crude and all that existed was AOL chatrooms
Mom's gonna pick out a Monty Python tape and I'm gonna pick out something like SnowBoard Kids or Glover or one of the many Blockbuster fodder n64 games I'm weirdly nostalgic about.
Either this, or Resident Evil 2
>his dad didn't show him hampsterdance.com back in the late 90s
That was my first exposure to the internet and has basically set the tone ever since.
Mimic (1997)
Was anybody else sort of sad when you rented an N64 game and all the save spaces were taken so you had to delete one to make room for your game?
yes, shit was awesome. youtu.be
Mostly for the shower scene.
If they really cared they'd rent the game again.
I always felt bad for the kids that couldn't afford more than a handful of games so they just had to rent games over and over again.
The Matrix
Terminator 2.
It not and I refuse to pay the late fees on a Genesis copy of ROBO. Shit is mine and you aint ever getting your money nigga.
No, but I was pissed when I rented a PS1 game only to find it scratched to where it's unplayable, and the store didn't have another copy
Squandered. But there's still some time left user.
I was a poor fag and didn'teven have a PC until 99, I got Internet 05/06 and it was still dailup.
Why would you even come here if you're older than 23?
>not knowing you're stuck here forever
I've been here since I was 17. Where do you think the edgy teens of 2009 went?
If you live to 80, after sleeping, school, and work, you only get 25 years. they aren't even your best years. you'll spend most of them wondering why you wasted your best years, no matter what you did.
>ahem-um sir, could you please direct me to the "back room?"
Make a beeline for the Foreign section and rent as many Godzilla and Jackie Chan films my mom will allow.
>pops out of the vagina
>try to rent graphic slasher movie
>settle for Transformers movie (it is never in) or Ghostbusters II
>glances quickly at pornography section, hoping to see some skin
the fifth element
if there was a significance attached to it, i'd prefer that it didn't happen in the first place.
Then all our genitals could be magic.
Rented out for sure and now you can rent that shitty game that you didn't want to play!
>NHL 98
Canadians don't even like this, fuck you.
>implying half of this board was even already born then
Ninja Scroll
Are you me?
Back then even looking at the cover of Showgirls or Striptease was enough for me to pitch a tent.