Elon Musk ceo of SpaceX confirmed that they are building huge rockets and preparing to colonize Mars starting 2025, people will actually live there, my questions are why are they preparing another planet when ours isn't in imminent danger ( don't get me wrong this excites me but still ) my other question is, what rules will Mars have, what constitution, will the "Martians" make their own rules ?
Elon Musk ceo of SpaceX confirmed that they are building huge rockets and preparing to colonize Mars starting 2025...
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Mars is under the jurisdiction of the US Constitution.
>why are they preparing another planet
Because they can.
>what rules will Mars have
Probably something like America circa 1890
Whites need a new home.
Also tons of resources to discover. Number 1 rule of survival is never stay in one place for too long.
Don't raise your hopes Morocco, muslims are not invited. The imminent danger is you, do you understand?
If there is a colony it will legally be part of the United States.
Hopefully the rockets don't fly themselves.
What are you guys even talking about? They won't send middle class people there, only rich fucks will move. What makes you think that they will pick you?
At least some White people are still intrepid
Remember when they said in 50s that there would be flying cars and fully robotic and autonomous home appliances by the 21st century?
Were a long way off from space colonization famalam, keep dreaming though.
Who said we think they'll pick us.
I'm hoping they only take the rich elites with the best alpha genes (aka whites).
maritime law apply to space and all planetary bodies.
Nope, Actually it's international maritime laws.
That's Tunisia, Italia...Are you okay?
Have you seen the state of the world? We ARE in imminent danger
No it's not. Stop getting your information from movies.
If the US sets up a colony it's legally under US jurisdiction.
>why are they preparing another planet when ours isn't in imminent danger
because waiting until its in imminent danger would likely mean its too late
Do you think a rich millionaire will be on the first thip there ? Working like a nigger in danger, building a place for his master to live there ? They will be on the last ships there.
Rich people won't go there until a legitimate colony is set up and the people who will set it up are going to be upper middle class
We use to call Moroccans all the North Africans, It's a tradition.
You can really tell when a shitskin posts when they ask questions like those.
I guess planning ahead and being one step ahead of things is a white/asian thing.
>why are they preparing another planet when ours isn't in imminent danger
As long as it's privately funded, why does it matter that we're going so soon?
>what rules will Mars have, what constitution, will the "Martians" make their own rules?
It will probably be military-esque no fun allowed for the first few decades, but will always be out of the control of Earth because of light delay.
>mars is an ocean
good one leaf
absolute fuckin horseshit. as in all of outer space international maritime law is use atm.
Does Elon Musk just say he will do things in random years?
Maybe were making a new desert to fuck all the Muslims off to? Tell them Mars is closer to fucking heaven and its where the black rock came from.
I'm not muslim desu.
Why ? China, Russia and Japan are also advanced and will be able to follow up right after the US, so i assumed that it would be under the UN jurisdiction or a new party from every nation capable of space travel, just like the UN but for space.
Because super elites can't build colonies, they will send workers and engineers first, as elon musk said.
Haha, sounds like a christian i give you sauce senpai youtube.com
Setting a goal for yourself with concrete timelines is a proven method of getting yourself to work towards something and get shit done.
Try it out sometimes, slacker.
Ahh, gotcha. Back in spain we just called them all "Moros".
His rockets are lucky if they make it out of florida.
Nope, hes right. Space is considered international waters for legal purposes.
Slacker? Who are you? Some guy circa 1992?
>international maritime laws.
as soon as you faggots get to mars you can try to enforce them
if its declared a colony and therefore a settlement its under the jurisdition of the country, whose flag it flies.
>getting upset over diction
What are you? Some guy circa 2016?
>people will actually live there
you sound like "we wuz kanngz" nigger. If the money that had to go to dealing with you scum and the Jews, it could be possible.
Who is going to do it? The US is falling, Europe is falling. Within 2025, the Jews and their pets will have another WW going.
this. It falls under international maritime laws.
I'm guessing the Martians would actually be able to make their own rules.
If anyone disagreed, what are they going to do about it? Fly over?
He just says he will do things thay people already did and noone gave a fuck.
why do they not wait until we have production robots that can build biospheres and plant life in there?
>why are they preparing another planet when ours isn't in imminent danger
The world is so fucked up that some people simply "don't want to live on this planet anymore".
I was just joking but you can presume I get angry at random comments on the internet like you do if you want,
Why waste money on buying astro-bots when you can get cheap human labour?
The costs you save from removing life-support systems is not enough to outweigh the costs you'll need to procure and fuel those robots.
Most millionaires are cucks
>As long as it's privately funded
>Space X
>privetely funded
OP is exaggerating a bit.
They arent colonizing mars in 2025, they want to send a small manned mission there.
>my questions are why are they preparing another planet when ours isn't in imminent danger
How do you know that? The elites could be funding this project and planning to jump ship
Stop being so prissy.
Why do you have car insurance when your car isn't in imminent danger? Because it might be in danger soon and if that happens you'll be glad you had a backup plan.
>colonize mars
Is because the first beggars back in the '90s where mostly from Morocco.
Saracino is another name, used in the south, "Mori" is common in old literature.
My body is ready.
For Asseylum.
Basically land is owned by the one able to use and defend it.
So Mars is owned by the first one to setup a space cannon to shoot people down and that one is the one making the rules.
Literally more money than NASA has given them from a single contract.
Elon Musk is as sick of living on this planet with all the filthy niggers and muslims as any other white person. He is starting the new white utopia, where we will mine uranium ore in secrecy for generations just so we can rid the universe of this filth.
>as soon as you faggots get to mars you can try to enforce them
& This.
Anyone that lives there won't be able to come back to earth unless we figure out how to stop bone degeneration in lower than earth gravity
We're all going to be dead before 2025, so why bother?
Shooting down inbound landers would be more difficult than shooting down ICBMs.
>tfw firing the laser cannon that finally blows up Earth
seems obtrusive to use humans to do the brute work of colonization when we could have robots that fare much better then us. i don't think cost is that much an issue when discussing terraforming a planet the monetary figure will be enormous irregardless.
Mars colony rebellion when?
>why are they preparing another planet when ours isn't in imminent danger
>confused about space travel
The nigger can't even make cars without them blowing up i'm not stepping in one of his rockets anytime soon.
The cost savings are huge when you compare humans to robots. The robots will literally need millions of dollars if not billions pumped into each unit just to maintain throughout their lifecycles. They're going to composed of expensive parts that not only require one-time costs, but ongoing costs as well as they WILL deteriorate. Not to mention all the fancy systems you'll need to ensure proper maintenance of those expensive robots can be done, etc...
Humans are much less hassle and much easier to plan for. They are also a lot more dependable when it comes to new situations and problems which there will be PLENTY of on a new planet.
>why are they preparing another planet when ours isn't in imminent danger
I really think that he just wants to show the world what can be accomplished. Its also kind of a checkmate for all religions if humans goes to live on mars, no religion ever tells such fortune for man kind.
>flying cars
They exist, it just turned out that the safety problems outweighed the awesomeness factor.
>fully robotic and autonomous appliances
The most important autonomous appliance, the car, is coming faster than the others and makes up for the 'no flying cars' thing.
>why are they doing it if earth isn't in imminent
>Would rather be a soldier in a garden than a gardner in a war
how will the supplies last them doesn'tit take a rocket like 6 years to get there? how the fuck can they land and have the necessary supplies to actually build the biospheres?
SpaceX has been doing it for years and they said they will give more details just before 2017 arrives
No, he clearly said we will start sending cargo ships by 2024 with arrival around 2025 more details later this year (2016)
Yes, but my life is short, the planets has been alive for billions of years.
In the end you want to send people.
Sending expendable engineers first is a better idea, you can also monitor their mental state to see if live in another planet don't make people mad.
They need to separate the wheat from the chaff eventually.
It's just not cool for high IQ people to genocide the low IQ ones on planet Earth. This right here is the workaround.
So how much money is Mr. Musk going to fleece from gullible idiots?
It takes a long time to reach Mars. Is there really no way to detect an approaching space ship or something else and intercept it?
I mean they can land rockets again on Earth. How hard can it be.
>my questions are why are they preparing another planet when ours isn't in imminent danger
Because it's cool as shit
>what rules will Mars have, what constitution, will the "Martians" make their own rules ?
Probably something like the ISS
>sign up to join and help colonize mars
>kill all governement employees after you have farms etc
>live on mars forever as the lost colony
>king of mars
Can't wait for the delay to 2030 then the 2037 headlines about martians all dying of radiation poisoning, rare citculatory disorders, and mental instability
Sending regular supply shipments is a lot easier than having to cough up more money to send replacement parts to expensive robots and also coughing up more money on a system which would repair them (and each system would probably be custom tailored to the robot and its problem as they would be too uniquely complex to be planned for on a universal basis).
Who made you in charge you wop cunt?
Not like people don't die of that shit here on Earth, anyway.
>believe in kike propaganda
it's bullshit and you know it
so they'll just be continually launching ships to mars so there isn't much delay in getting supplies?
The primary advantage the Martians would have is that it's so much easier to put stuff into Mars orbit from the Martian surface than at Earth, like 4-5 times easier and cheaper.
>muslims are not invited.
Oh yes, they will be. I can even imagine government-subsidized tickets for Syrian and African refugees
>ours isn't in imminent danger
Or is it?
give me life supply of weed, porno, video games, and a 16 year old every 10th year and i'll do it
Shouldn't be, we have just about any kind of radar system you can imagine to locate objects in space.Weapons practically have an unlimited range as well
Operation Burnt Frost
Exactly. They would probably even send a lot of their supplies beforehand to Mars, so by the time the colonizers got there, they'd already have a good decade or two's worth of extra supplies.
After a while they wouldn't need to keep sending stuff once self-sustainment is achieved.
mars is more susceptible to radiation, they might all get premature cancer.
Why are you mean Burger-kun
What the danger ? mudslimes ? nothing drones won't fix
I don't, this is an open discussion.
It's not. pic related.
Possibly easier to fix a world that isn't being actively destroyed.
maybe in the range of 300-500 years from now. may as well get an early start in keeping this going instead of saying welp shit there goes the humans (the only known 'intelligent' life form in universe)
>no atmospheric conditions if some retard breaks the bubble
I'll stay here. I really hope people sign up though to free up some of our Earth real estate.
>a single contract.
People have learned from the Titanic and from Moon missions how to secure a hull. I'm pretty sure catastrophic failure could only truly be achieved through a meteor strike.
The safeguards they'll have in place for this kind of stuff would be so redundant most people will think they're huge wastes of money.
He said details about this will be presented at IAC 2016