I am a white American guy living in India...

I am a white American guy living in India. And I can tell you that everything you guys say about indians is true and much worse.

-Indian men are all rapist scum that do not know how to relate to women normally
-Indians are the rudest people on the planet
-Indian women are the UGLIEST and FATTEST women on the planet and yet have the biggest egos
-Indians breed like cockroaches and the country is massively overpopulated
-Indians have this false sense of superiority, they think they are going to be a superpower and yet 500 million indians still shit outdoors in the 21st century

Basically indians embody the worst of human qualities. Indians are SUBHUMANS, actually.

Do your duty today and the next time you see an indian, whether he is working at 7-Eleven or walking or whatever, go up to him and ask him or her "Did you poo in the loo?"

Indians are the worst pieces of shit on this planet and deserve to get treated like complete shit. When the fuck are we going to exterminate these subhumans?

Other urls found in this thread:


>"Did you poo in the loo?"


u get extra points if you film it and put it on youtube and then link it here.


Wow, a third world country is full of sub-humans ! I would never guessed, thanks burger.

Has India won a medal yet?

are you going to help exterminate them? Indians are literal cancer on this earth

Indians are subhumans and very weak. Indian men are such beta male bitches because they know they could never fight a white guy one on one

As long as they stay in their shithole, I don't care.

indians are PARASITES who think they are entitled to living in the West, aka parasiting off of white men's accomplishments.

Indians worship white people because they know they will never be as advanced as we are. Hence they want to parasite off us

Ok Satan ! We will remove curry with the kebab and the niggers, I promise.

punjeets are the innovation mecca of the world and oboonga will pop a cap in yo ass if you herp otherwise

South Asians are subhuman filth everyone knows that.

so when are you going to EXTERMINATE them?

They do not deserve to even exist on this planet. Send them all to hell and rape their ugly women

fuck off scum

>I've lost my poo!!!!

Street shitting is not an Oympic event so no no they have not.

And GODDAMN that fucking smell they have.

It's like fresh poo dipped in a corpse



Go back to the country you stole from the native Americans, bitchblood Amerishit. Why do you have to pollute other countries with your pestilential presence?

You are the biggest scum. You are the rudest people on the planet. Your women are by far the ugliest and fattest planets yet have the biggest egos. You are rodents. Have you considered killing yourself lately? Seems like a viable option , especially for someone who's the offspring of an interspecies scientific experiment gone wrong.

never going to india

hello ameribro, i knew this after seeing the webm of the wild pig eating the aborted human baby in india while kids with no pants on play around it in the mud. laughing and giggling without a care in the world.

the puffery and lies continue by the dots in respect their greatness

we look forward to your return to usa, stay clean until then.


STFU Pajeet., or we'll flush you down the loo, you two legged turd.

fuck off dot head, i didnt order curry, get feked.

Indeed but we are not talking about France now, let's focus on India.

I went. Food is awesome, the people are either your best friend or try to get every rupee out of your wallet. Usually the later. The not-starving city dwelling women can be really attractive. Indians can not hold thier alcohol. They also love and respect american culture
>in b4 American culture

The want to be legitimized so badly by the west its cringey

As long as they stay in india and stop taking the only fucking middle class jobs we have i, theyre fine people

YOU are in third world country

>A shit cream sandwich

>by far the ugliest and fattest planets yet have the biggest egos
nice reworded pasta from a few threads back unoriginal dumbfuck germnigger

>pretending to be american and bashing his own country this much just so people will lay off the poo in loo assault on him in a single thread
Indians, ladies and gentlemen

You need to go back, Jacob

STOP.....no more dissin Indians.......I am on the phone with my computer Tech support




>and stop taking the only fucking middle class jobs we have

The programmer outsourcing meme is dying.

Corporate bigshots are realizing that Pajeet can't code for shit and it's resulting in profit losses. :^)



India, Pakistan and Bangladesh all need to be fucking nuked.

You know what's not a meme is The Board honestly not having any idea how IT works and believing it to be free magic.

You should probably just move back to the west.


just look , context is 2 girls from a tv game travel to India and ....just watch

Based Pajeet. I love people who can make fun of themselves.


Have you seen any designated abortion hogs yet?

>-Indian women are the UGLIEST and FATTEST

Nice try. That award always goes to American women.



Post webm now

no idea wtf they are saying but I guess it's something about worrying about being raped for being blonde women. Looked fucking terrifying though.

-Indians are the rudest people on the planet
-Indian women are the UGLIEST and FATTEST women on the planet and yet have the biggest egos
-Indians breed like cockroaches and the country is massively overpopulated
-Indians have this false sense of superiority

you could arguably say this about americans. pajeet is also down with exterminating the mudslimes. as long as they can keep the poo in loo i dont mind em.

all those turds and not a single peice of shit paper to be found......

I guarantee you one thing - if the British still controlled India, you could actually see water in this picture.

nicely memed mere bhai

>Bangladesh need to be fucking nuked

HEY, wtf did I ever do to you? the shirt I sew for you fit badly?

I refuse to believe (more like hope to fuck it's not true), provide link?



Wow is that one of those new,nautical launch pads?
i heard that india's space program was good but this is amazing.

why are you in India?

I'm going to take a guess and say it's because you're actually an Indian


That is some serious vaginal discharge...

Damn it to hell !!! living downstream of this river is fucking unbearable

Designated abortion hog

Disgusting Indian filth.

Whenever I see posts from 3rd world countries like yours, I always wondered if those posting must be like, residing in the elite and/or 'upper echelon' class of their nation... So. Is this theory of mine true? Are you a Sultan-relative-desu-Britainized chap or?

How do you dip poo in a corpse?

How does it feel to be a third world shit hole?

Needs an Ebola outbreak.


shut up basterd you are not indian stop talking bad about india it is great nation

Oh Trolius.


When are we playing you cunts in the cricket again i like Bangladeshis

This shit triggers me so fucking hard.

Dasyu nation.

Rigveda 9.73.5

No longer Aryan.


Fuck off, us brits have that bardge of dishonour.

I'd take an Indian woman over a British one any day of the week. The damn problem is that they get married off pretty much as soon as they hit adulthood so they're never single.

Leaving my stuck with my own goddamn race of women.
I don't hate my race, just my races women.
Plus this indian manager where I work is pretty much perfect (apart from the fact she's married).

This board has made talking to her awkward though, because I think "POO IN LOO" then try not to laugh when I see her.


Well I'm well off, Owner of a IT hardware store...and yes dozens of my relatives live in Britain



Look at how these street shitters treat their beaches. No wonder this planet is falling apart 1.3 billion people in a disgusting mess that shit wherever they please.

At least Miss India and her sister made an appearance naked.

What the actual fuck...

Top fucking kek.

Embrace diversity you bigot.

Gee, I wonder why

Indian bitches all get curry gunts. Sluts can't even do a fucking sit up.
By 30 they are ALL waddling bow legged messes that smell bad.

You have shit taste.



Thats great.

Now explain the Thugees, and also the gyspies you roaches so lovingly unleashed onto Europe

you guy's keep cancelling the tour citing security reasons here other 11 counties travel hear fine, I guess we traveling there will be the only way we go head to head, and Aussie bouncy conditions are a huge disadvantage.

ahahha holy fuck

>Indian men are such beta male bitches

Fasle. The Gangs of Wasseypur puts the lie to you.

Indian haramis can go toe to toe with any and all American such.

I'm an engineer and did work at the Equate refinery in Kuwait for about a month. Literally all laborers were indian and we were assigned a couple workers to perform the labor for us.

Holy shit are they the most worthless human beings.

>Couldn't lift a 30 pound pump.
>Couldn't connect hoses correctly.
>Walk around holding hands with each other.
>Literal shit covered the porta-potties.
>They just stare at you doing that weird head wiggle when you talk to them.

One of their names was Michael Jordan though so that was kinda funny.

What in the flying fuck is all of the shit on the ground ?

>Gangs of Wasseypur
cunt thats a fucking movie

A based movie.


Do indians even pee?
Do they only poop?
How do they all produce so much shit?