Americans don't realize the clinton foundation is good for them

>Americans don't realize the clinton foundation is good for them

The organization literally fights Aids,Obesity and Malaria. Hillary Clinton is a key member of this organization. a fucking bigger contribution than anything trump has ever done.

Other urls found in this thread:

>see post
>see flag
fucking jews

Did you know only 5% of donations to Red Cross actually go to helping anyone? The other 95% goes into the CEOs bank account literally. Charities are a scam.

I guarantee you Clinton's charities are nothing more than money laundering operations.

sage in all fields!

>almost every penny goes to administrative costs
>meaning it goes in someone's pocket
>good for america

You know she said a way to prevent aids was circumsizion? She funded packs of african men to force circumsizions on people with shitty tools. But a non foreskin having sheckleberg like wouldn't care, would they?


More proof she's trying to help niggers and not whites.

user white people can get any of those too.

especially, but ESPECIALLY obesity.

the road to hell is paved with good intentions

Heres your citations you kike.

>inb4 gaurdian? You fag.

>shilling for clintons
checks out

The clinton foundation is a money sink. They barely achieve anything, and they do more harm than good.

Go to their site and be proven incorrect.

1/3 compared to 1/2

Are you at least willing to acknowledge one time in your life that clinton does something good with this foundation, because she actually fucking does?

She's been taking bribes from people in exchange for political favors and using the Clinton foundation as a legal loophole to avoid persecution.

How her foundation spends the money is irrelevant.

Oh vey
Le shilly Jew joke goes here
Good luck being taken seriously with that (((flag)))

prosecution, auto correct bleh

You forgot to mention your claim was never proven

My wife works for the red Cross. They're insolvent and not even paying people wages they're owned at this point. I'm sure the CEO is still getting her full 400K a year salary though.

Pic related, it's me.

Everything i wrote is facts, my flag doesn't matter.

Stop using ad hominem

ITT: Attention whoring kike tripfaggot.

A namefag Jew shilling for Clinton. Amazing really

>Shamelessly using ad hominem

Shut the fuck up you shill, 95% of Clinton foundation money isn't even spent on charity. That is fact. Look at thier financial reports

I wasn't attacking you, just saying good luck being taken seriously. Lighten up, Johan.

It is also a fact that Israel bombs goyim children.
>Oy but only a tiny percentage of those goyim children are bombed!

A tiny percentage of the CF budget actually goes to those causes. It's a fucking racket. Your "facts" are still lies by omission.

user, The Clinton foundation works on charity mostly by sending workers to places who need. that's called public charity.

If you think 95% of their expenses dont go to charity, is because you dont understand how public charities even work

I choose cherry picking for 200 Alex.

>If you don't think 95% of their expenses dont go to charity, is because you dont understand how public charities even work

Fixed. Charities are almost universally scams that allow the founders and top executives to line their pockets while they make a "for show" effort in support of their stated cause so they can make press releases and photo ops to con more people into donating.

THAT is how public charities work.

"Because of our work, more than 31,000 American schools are providing kids with healthy food choices in an effort to eradicate childhood obesity; more than 105,000 farmers in Malawi, Rwanda, and Tanzania are benefiting from climate-smart agronomic training, higher yields, and increased market access; more than 33,500 tons of greenhouse gas emissions are being reduced annually across the United States; over 450,000 people have been impacted through market opportunities created by social enterprises in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Asia; through the independent Clinton Health Access Initiative, over 11.5 million people in more than 70 countries have access to CHAI-negotiated prices for HIV/AIDS medications; an estimated 85 million people in the U.S. will be reached through strategic health partnerships developed across industry sectors at both the local and national level; and members of the Clinton Global Initiative community have made more than 3,500 Commitments to Action, which have improved the lives of over 430 million people in more than 180 countries."

Quoted from their website.
So fuck you for trying to dismiss a good organization that improved the life of so many people

Imagine how much they could have done if they didn't pocket the rest of the money?

I don't let strangers fuck me in the ass
Despite being a burger I don't cram my face with food, I don't need someone to tell me not to
I'm not in Africa

>Americans don't realize the clinton foundation is good for them
You mean (((them))) right?

Red cross is working more and more like a ponzi scheme.

It's disgusting.

Jews can get bad gas problems I heard.

Another thing.

Charities can be used as tax dodging schemes.

This trust clearly is a case of that.

>Quoted from their website.
righto schlomo
>no ignore trust law! We only do this for charity!
>we would never leech of the good hearted.

> it says they are good guys on their website, see?!

Why is anyone responding to this?

I don't feel like doing your research but off the top of my head I remember that I discovered the Clinton foundation was crooked because:

1. Used by the Clintons as a personal piggy bank
2. Bought and sold domestic and foreign political influence.

I'm not citing sources because of how retarded this post is. I mean really, fights obesity? How by physically taking the fourth burger out of fatties mouth?

>Oy vey.
If she were Italian it'd be a waste management company.

The leaked e-mails don't lie, dipshit fucking shill. Go fuck off.

Every time.

Good foundation?
It's a slush fund/tax shelter that spends more on office supplies than charity.

With Clinton as SoS, she pushed for economic aid to dirt poor countries, then took that $ back into her foundation, for favorable treatment.
Basically, she took tax dollars, washed it in another country, and put it in her accounts to give them "favorable treatment" from the US.

That's graft.

She's nothing more than a common thief. Anyone else who did this would be jailed.

>Are you at least willing to acknowledge one time in your life that clinton does something good with this foundation, because she actually fucking does?
She doesn't.

This is either:
>a classic ponzi scheme
>or a fraudulent charitable trust

>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam

And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer - The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Mental Illness - "We came, we saw, he died! LAUGHS" (Gaddafi) - Hillary Clinton openly states she wants war with Iran to protect Israel - Hillary laughs maniacally about war with Iran

I can prove to you in 5 minutes trump flip flops are far worse than clinton.

He literally said he was a democrat only 10 years ago, and LESS than 10 years ago he said clinton is extremely talented and that she is a terrific person.

I'm just starting.

It amazes me that she almost got away with it.

>based Chaffetz

>Don't have AIDS, because not degenerate.
>Proud /Fit/izen.
>No Malaria because I do not explore the Congo

Guess I'm too privileged to be served by The CF.

>Trump supporters with idiotic conspiracies again
Laughed my ass off.

Unlike you, i'm actually posting accurate facts.

>Clinton Foundation has less than 20% of money going to actually helping any causes
>80%+ goes to paying for offices, employees, marketing, kickbacks and an extra paycheck for Hillary


wow, 2.9% can cure all that!?



Those are Clinton's own words. Three of those videos are nothing more than interviews with Clinton herself

Tell us shill, how is that a "conspiracy?"

Go on, we'll wait.

user, do you even understand how public charities work? they SEND WORKERS to do the charity. so of course alot of money goes towards workers, thats their main charity work, sending workers to the field

lol at shills claiming a conspirarcy lmaoooo

>I can prove to you in 5 minutes trump flip flops
He's a business man, we vote knowing he does this.
> worse than clinton.
Clinton got caught though.

If you have Trumps emails, I would not be surprised though.

Which means, time for another Hitler to do a beer hall putsch.
I vote chaffetz.

Imagine if she cared about white people as much as she cares about everyone who isn't white.

>user, do you even understand how public charities work?
Law user here.

It's exactly as that guy said.
They're a con to escape tax and launder money.

Nothing you say matters false jew.

You are a false jew living in the false israel. Your fraudulent nation offends G-d who specifically stated that the true Jews will not return to Israel until they are gathered there by the Messiah. This is in the pages of the Torah and is very specifically stated.

You are literally the puppets of Satan

I was referring mostly to the claim you say she is mentally ill, which is a completely retarded claim.

If you will back off from this claim and admit its retarded conspiracy, i will be willing to comment on the other three videos.

Trump got cought too and right now he has multiple lawsuits against him. go on.

>charities controlled by / aligned the clintons
>good for us

Ahh yes, the eternal Jew.

Yet charity watchers who inspect the organization report 88% goes to charity?

You are just not willing to ever admit clinton did something good even when she clearly did

>I was referring mostly to the claim you say she is mentally ill

Which is clearly shown in three interviews with the woman herself.

Absolutely irrefutable smoking gun proof from the very mouth of the woman herself,.

Hillary Clinton is clearly showing signs of full blown psychopathic personality disorder.

There is absolutely no denying the truth. Hillary Clinton is mentally ill.

>The organization literally fights Aids,Obesity and Malaria. Hillary Clinton is a key member of this organization. a fucking bigger contribution than anything trump has ever done.
95% administrative costs.


88% of the donations go to charity user, and that's a fact.

It's a public charity, which means the charity work is done by SENDING WORKERS. the expenses towards paying workers is a part of the charity program

Torah Verses Saying that the Jewish People Will be Gathered in from Exile Only When the Messiah Comes

Isaiah 11:1-12
A royal scepter will emerge from the stock of Jesse, and a sapling will sprout from his roots. The spirit of G-d will rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and power, the spirit of knowledge and fear of G-d… And it shall come to pass on that day, that the L-rd will once again acquire the rest of His people…and He will gather the dispersed of Israel, and the scattered of Judah He will gather from the four corners of the earth.

Ezekiel 37:21-24
So says the L-rd G-d, behold I will take the Children of Israel from among the nations where they have gone, and I will gather them from all sides, and I will bring them to their land…and My servant David will be king over them, one shepherd will be for all of them.

You had a chance to hear my comments about the three other videos, yet you choose to stick to your silly conspiracies.


Why the fuck would I care about charity to fight Aids and Malaria? That shit only kills niggers. I want more of that, not less.

the eternal jew owns all of its military vassal state

Sorry Schlomo, interviews with the woman herself are not "conspiracies."

She's clearly mentally ill and there's nothing you can do or say to hide it.

You realize that she and her posse hate Israel? Oh wait, nice proxy.
Sage and hidden.
shill harder

Talmudic Sources Saying that Jews Are Forbidden to Return from Exile on Their Own and Create a State

Tractate Kesubos 111a
The Biblical book Song of Songs says: “I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or the deer of the field, not to arouse or awaken the love before it is desired.” This oath occurs three times in the Song of Songs (2:7, 3:5 and 8:4). The Talmud interprets this metaphorical language to mean as follows: the speaker here is G-d, and the “daughters of Jerusalem” are the Jewish people and the nations of the world. During the Jewish exile, which began with the destruction of the Temple in the year 69 CE, G-d placed three oaths upon the world, two upon the Jewish people and one upon the nations. The Jewish people were foresworn not to immigrate as a wall (i.e. en masse) to the Holy Land, and not to rebel against the other nations. The nations were foresworn not to afflict the Jews too much.

Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:7
The reason for the oath against mass immigration is that if the Jews were to do this on their own, why would the messiah have to come to gather in the exiles of Israel?

Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 8:14
The redemption of the Jewish people is compared to the grain harvest, the grape harvest, the spice harvest, and to a woman giving birth. The common thread of all these metaphors is that they cannot be done too early. If grain is cut too early, it will not be good even as animal feed. If grapes are cut too early, they will not even be good to make vinegar. If spice is picked too early, it will not have a smell; it must be allowed to dry out on the tree. And if a woman gives birth prematurely, the baby will not live. So too, if the Jewish people hurries the end, they will not be successful, but at the proper time, may it be soon, they will be successful.


>Because of our work.

Allow me to show you how elitist lawyers use doublespeak and stretch the truth to tell whatever story they choose.

>Because of our work, more than 31,000 American schools are providing kids with healthy food choices in an effort to eradicate childhood obesity

Have Chelsea give a few speeches on healthy lunches, then take credit for any and all healthy lunch initiatives nationwide. This includes all independent ones, and Michelle Obama's efforts.

Now extend this to the other examples. They give a small percentage of their donations to independent companies that do great things, but the foundation itself launders most of the money.

This. Africa is projected to increase its population to nearly 4 billion by 2100. Simultaneously white girls are being told to have fewer kids and we're being told to cut back on emissions.

There is no rational reason to pay Africa to displace us.

I thought Jews were smart.

They don't do any of that shit.

Only 2.9% of the money goes to their "causes".

It's an enormous "pay for play" "quid pro quo" money laundering apparatus that needs a RICO indictment against it ASAP.

>Clinton Foundation is good for Americans
>Good for Americans
Nice try

>faggot jewish pilpul talk

>I can prove to you in 5 minutes trump flip flops are far worse than clinton.
>He literally said he was a democrat only 10 years ago, and LESS than 10 years ago he said clinton is extremely talented and that she is a terrific person.
>I'm just starting.

Barack Obama also was quoted as saying "Hillary Clinton, she will say anything, and change nothing" a few years ago.

It's just you being so twisted with things due to republican propaganda that you start to believe things that are not actually true.

She is not mentally ill. and she is not a psychopath. now fucking stop your conspiracies.

And you know what, i will comment on the three other videos for you.

1. Gaddafi was a fucking tyrant, she laughed because she helped winning the war over a tyrant. it's like how people in the US were laughing and celebrating when bin laden died.

2. She said she will attack iran if Iran will launch a nuke on israel. the fact she answered yes is the absolutely correct answer - Israel is an ally of the US, and the US should attack countries that launch nukes over her allies.

3. Literally trying to harm her image with no actual valuable content.

There you go.



You would think only 2.9% goes for their cause only if you don't understand most of their charity work is sending their workers.

Charity inspectors confirmed 88% of the expenses go to the charity programs.

Amoretz, you are not ally any more.
>meh armed forces

perhaps you just need some refugees


>It's just you being so twisted with things due to republican propaganda

Interviews with Clinton herself are not "republican propaganda."

Clinton is clearly showing signs of psychopathic personality disorder.

>Gaddafi was a fucking tyrant

Yes, but no reasonable, morally sound person would find joyful glee in his brutal murder. (BTW he has a knife thrust repeatedly into his rectum)

Even the allies did not behave that way upon hearing the news of the death of Adolf Hitler

And do you know why? Because they weren't psychopathic.

>She said she will attack Iran if...

Israel has their own nukes. We wouldn't need to attack Iran if they nuked Israel

Again, that's even better proof that she is a mentally ill, blood thirsty psychopathic maniac

>Literally trying to harm blah blah blah

That one you can't attempt to refute because it blows your entire argument the fuck out of the water.

That video shows beyond any shadow of a doubt that she's a mentally ill psychopath with full blown psychopathic personality disorder

You have helped me prove my claims to everyone here Schlomo.

Thanks for allowing me to BTFO you so many times you stupid fucking cunt.

I bought some things from your country just not too long ago user, i contributed to your economy :^)

>Charity inspectors confirmed 88% of the expenses go to the charity programs.

Do you have any independent proof of that?

Muh defective AIDS medicine

Even Obama believes that she will be useless as president

>fighting AIDs

Nah, you ugly hooknosed faggot

>Yes, but no reasonable, morally sound person would find joyful glee in his brutal murder.

Like how all of america laughed and celebrated the death of bin laden? sure user, people dont laugh after winning a war :^)

>Israel has their own nukes
Israel is a tiny country. one nuke on israel is going to completely shut us down. iran is big enough to take a nuke and still survive. hillary is right with her position to defend my country.

>That one you can't attempt to refute because it....

No user, you literally turn mosquitoes into elephants. she is not a psychopath. she literally WORKED for years in helping disabled children and their families, and that was before her political life. you tell me, you think a psychopath would choose to do such a job?


Call the faggot on his pilpul. It's just wasting your time.

If Trumptards had a good case she'd be in jail. Why are there so many shitty lawyers and investigators in the Republitard Party? 25 years of investigations and they can't do shit!

>Like how something totally unrelated

Again, she's a psychopathic maniac

>All of America

Wrong faggot. There were many people who spoke out against the gleeful celebration

>Israel is a tiny country

With some of the most devastating nuclear weaponry in the world.

We are under no obligation to fight their battles

>Buh buh buh mosquito!!

An absolute failure of an argument that proves once again that you have no debate skills whatsoever and you're completely incapable of refuting the absolute truth that I have posted.

I know you're trolling but this is just pathetic.

Thanks for helping bump this topic so that more people can be exposed to those videos.

All people have to do is watch them and see the truth for yourself.

And by watching them you push them up on Google and YouTube trending, so that means even if people don't agree with them, simply by seeing them in a topic like this they get more exposure and more people learn the truth.

Your bitter tears sustain me.

>Trump got cought too and right now he has multiple lawsuits against him. go on.
He always has lawsuits.
He's a businessman.
There is always a new issue with businesses if you're a businessman.

Oh and the campaign lawsuits?

You've got fucking nothing schlomo. Face the fact.

Her crime is FAR greater than anything Trump has done.

You're done.

So they don't investigate the actual foundation to make sure the money is going where they say it is, but rather they look at the tax forms.

Yea, sorry, that's not even close to being evidence that the money is being used how they say it is. You're welcome to try again with actual evidence however.

Not a single case here is ANYTHING comparable to what Clinton has done.

She's literally pulled a multi-billion dollar scam.

Trump has cases that relate to his businesses mismanagement. I hope he fired the managers.

>Again, she's a psychopathic maniac

I'm going to say it one last time because it hate to repeat myself so many times - SHE IS NOT a psychopath.

>Wrong faggot. There were many people who spoke out against the gleeful celebration

Sure, but the streets were still full with people celebrating, do you think this many people are psychopaths because they celebrated a death of someone? it just shows how your argument that she is a psychopath because she laughed is a complete failure.

>With some of the most devastating nuclear weaponry in the world.

Literally no one knows what is exactly the extent of israel's nuclear power, its a secret. regardless, being hit with one atom bomb is going to shut all of this down completely. you may not understand this, but we would NEED help from your country if iran will decide to attack us. also remember that the US and Israel are allies

>An absolute failure of an argument
No user, it's not an argument. you think you are a psychiatrist that can diagnose people with psychopathy just because they were recorded laughing, but you are not. its utterly retarded to claim she is a psychopath because she laughed