What should be Trump's strategy going forward?
What should be Trump's strategy going forward?
Shooting Hillary in the head and then himself.
wait for shillary to spend all her money and then actually start campaigning
Keep laying out specifics so her lies and meaningless squawking points are more obvious during the debates
Exiting stage right. Only path forward
Can't run out of money when your masters control the banks.
as a businessman? he should bet his entire fortune on shillary winning. if he doesn't he's retarded
admit it was all a prank taken too far
they aren't going to back her forever if she just hemorrhages money
Attack her economically and, of course, mention her lack of a wall policy.
Really hits home with the older heads.
Keep saying stupid shit for another two months. Then, the debates won't even matter
the ol' Trump-a-dope
He should shave his head first.
Annexing Canada
Here's what Trump should focus on:
>Figure out his stances on issues so he stops flip flopping on shit
>Get him to focus on Hillary instead of other Republicans that don't like him or support him 100%
>Get him to stop blaming polls and the media for his numbers being trash
>get him to start backing more conservative ideas to get the majority of Republicans to start accepting him more than they are.
Basically make him stop constantly saying retarded things we all know the media can easily manipulate. Then just hammer Hillary until the election. She is a felon after all.
Nude selfies on piles of dead babies.
The only thing that keeps people from voting for him instead of Shillary is the myth that he is a racist, sexist, hate-filled lunatic.
The people who believe this myth are people who aren't curious enough about politics to investigate the candidates more fully. All they see is a very superficial image of them.
Therefore, Trump should try to win over some of these incurious people by making a few headlines that makes these incurious people see him in a new light:
- help out in a soup kitchens
- spread pictures of him holding black babies with their smiling mothers in the background
- send out his daughter more to speak on behalf of some stupid women's issues nobody really cares about
- send out Pence to pander heavily to devout believers
In short, he needs to acquire the superficial image of a harmless do-gooder. His followers will not care about his pandering because they already know who he is and like him. If the majority of people no longer is afraid of him and the media can no longer depict him as the reincarnation of Hitler, he will win. The baseless fears of the uninformed is his biggest enemy right now.
A campaign is like an immune system.
If you spit out a fact or talking point, her campaign and CTR will find a way to spin it and become immune to it.
If you make a steady and gradual stream of facts and anti-Clinton ads, Clinton would simply adjust to it by the time the debates come.
>Similarly if you had a steady and gradual 14/7 stream of pro-Trump ads, they would lose their effect with diminishing returns, to the point people would become fatigued by pro-Trumo ads
This is why the Trump campaign seems to operates in waves. It goes in for one or a couple big hits against an opponent, and rolls back. The week where Trump was hammering Jeb knocked him out of the race, and then he ebbed again.
Now is the calm before the storm. When the debates come, Trump will most likely come at her with everything he has
>Proxy wars with Russia
>Destabilization and power vacuums
>Subversion of Democratic processes at home and abroad
>Treatment of Bernie and Bernie supporters
>Clinton foundation pay-for-positions
>Bill and Hillary charity mishandling
>Flip flopping
>Free Trade Agreements in need of audits
>The nature, size, and growth of Islam and its adherents
She wouldn't know where the attacks of her arguments are coming from, or who they are appealing to: the right, the left, the center, the past, the future?
She will shatter.
Another option is to just sit back for a whilel. Don't give the media more things to spin and attack him with. Hide a little bit like Shillary did for a long time. Then the media is forced to talk about Shillary again and the more they talk about her, the less people like her.
The problem with this is that the DNC is well aware of all the different things you can attack Clinton with. They even made a comprehensive list of all of these things and prepared answers to them well in advance.
A new board, every once in a while would be great, senpai.
I've read the CTR website. The answers are weak, and are probably best for the smallfry Clinton supporters to make b8 threads on Reddit.
If Trump accuses her straight up, on the debate stage, with hundreds of millions of pairs of eyes and ears watching, of
>Arming and supporting unaccountable terror-cell affiliated proxy fighters in a needless proxy war against Russia
She wouldn't know what to say. All the shit she and Obama have done is documented.
Kill yourself. You ruined this thread for me. I hate those cunts who post images of that retarded libertarian soabox cartoon.
What the hell... no wonder Germany goes down the drain, being triggered by random crap this easily.
Ignoring 3rd world flags.
some of these are true, some of them are not
he's not really flip flopping, his plans are laid bare for all to see, if they would only stop being retards who only listen to cherry picked quotes
if you think flip flopping is a problem, then it's not a negative for trump, because hillary does the same thing
If you think backing more conservative ideas is not what he is already doing, tehn you fell for the cuckservative meme. Remember: the cuckservatives, like liberals, would not support him no matter what he did. Just as liberals will not support a republican no matter how racist they claim they are not
He had the election won until he started shitting on the family of a Muslim US military guy (after McCain).
Everyone cut him slack for making fun of women having menstruation, making fun of a disabled guy and talking about shooting people and still not losing vote.
But he shot himself in the foot and lost the election.
>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer
he needs to stay on message and stop taking poor quality bait like this thread
lol yea because banning all muslims was fine, but the minute you ask why dr. shariah's wife isn't talking? too much for the american people
his strategy should be to win, and win bigly
Crush his enemies.
See them driven before him.
Hear the lamentation of the women. (and cucks)
I'm not even a Trump supporter but I think that'd be great for his public image. I hope his campaign advisors are lurking here and take note of this.
Keep fleecing his useful idiots for cash and saying dumb shit to make sure he doesn't accidentally gain any supporters.
Expose her as a criminal mastermind. A person you should fear getting into the white house because of how insane she is. The average idiot relies on personality more than actual policy. Come out calm but stern and make the public scared of someone that is immune to prosecution.
He could eat a baby on stage and I'd still vote for him at this point.
Nobody is going to change their vote.
The election will be decided 100% by tern out not popular sentiment.
Trump needs to get his people to the election booth, it's that simple.
How does Trump do that?
Liberals will do it by demanding no identification be required, by making sure election spots are on bus routes and in convenient locations for inner city folk, by scaring them that Trump is racist and wants to take all their benefits away.
So how will conservatives do it? The first thing that comes to mind would be to disable the bus routes. Require an id to prevent fraud. Demand adequate parking for large trucks and SUVs. Threaten to release nudes of Hillary Clinton if she is elected.
>keep the focus on Hillary instead of saying controversial shit every day which does absolutely nothing good in a general election when he doesn't more scrutiny
>make a good impression at the first debate
>take advantage of any terrorist attack, PC gone out of control, crime caused by BLM/illegal to show he won't be soft on it unlike Hillary
>actually spend money on ads in swing states instead of hoping media attenton on Twitter will carry you through the entire election
>keep hitting Hillary on ties to donors/Wall Street, that she's the establishment that won't change anything, her failed foreign policy, previous support of TPP, etc.
>emphasize how better you will be for the economy
E . D . G . E .
Apologize to Khan. The healing begins with Khan.