Which religion has more validity? Christianity or Norse mythology?
Which religion has more validity? Christianity or Norse mythology?
What do you trust more?
Something made by white men?
Something made by Arab/Jewish/Semites that caught on because women and slaves could practice it?
>Christians unironically worship a kike on a stick
I'd like to just interject for a moment.
What are you erroneous calling "a dead.kike on as stick" is in fact "the king of Judeans on a cross" or "the lion of the tribe of Jude"
That's what I call a shitpost
How many dumb faggots still worship Odin? If that religion was so great then how come it got BTFO by Christianity?
got sp00ped
nice ruse
Are you white? Then Norse.
Odin may be the best for north europe, but we on the south never had any problem with ice giants.
>Jesus promised the end of all wicked people
No, he didn't
>If racial realism is so good how come it got BTFO by egalitarianism
The norse exterminated and crusaded infidel pagans, go figure.
Christianity, Thor/Odin and all of that are are the children of the fallen ones or Nephilim giants who roamed the earth in ancient days, hell they say Odin was running around fucking human women when he was alive.
Once those nordic heretics heard about the teachings and the paradise that Jesus brought, they abandoned their old religion and prospered under Christ.
People were sawyed into believing bullshit, not an argument.
And then proceeded to worship a kike on a stick. Don't forget to give up 10% of your income and get nothing out of it!
The Germans/Vikings nations were the strongest addition to Christendom.
The one that's an actual religion practiced mostly by Europeans, and not just a comic book character.
we exterminate everything, whoever paid up
>Pagans unironically worship a fucking dead tree
IMHO Jesus was right. Fuck Christianity and any other religion, too many political interests and mistranslations.
come on man, just pick the less intrusive/time consuming one and be done with it
>religious people do stupid shit
Wow! Who woulda thunk it?
>picture of Thor
I feel more closely related to the norse religion.
I was raised in a atheist household, but have always taken an interest in all types of mythologies.
I dont take the religions preaching to be literal but I try to look at the moral of what theyre trying to teach, and forewarn the people about. Norse mythology is all about being a strong individual who leaves behind a reputation that can never die. Norse is all about empowering the men of a community and being a respectful person. They warn that the end times will come, but encourage all men to grow and be as powerful as possible in preparation.
Kike-on-a-stick religions are all about the fact youre born flawed and must make up for it. Its a lot of guilt and fearmongering bullshit. Also the fact that christianity, judaism, and islam are all basically the same religion.
tldr; norse religion is for strong white men. sand nigger religions are for anyone whos willing to be a cuck for the church.
K...so what achievements were made by these Norsie people? What great monuments stand as testament to their devotion? What did they ever do besides make some boats, raid some undefended monastaries, burn a bunch of shit, and generally get BTFO by the better religion?
I'm sure you could probably find a lot of cool shit that cavemen did for worship, and it'd be "hella metal yo", and by all means feel free to pound rocks in your head because of it.
But people who unironically do that norse mythology bullshit are either inbred stormfags or dirty hippies rocking their shitty dreads and never shaving their legs/armpits
>kike on a stick
Anyone who actually believes this doesn't understand who Jews are or why they should be hated.
At one point they were both religions.
The Norwegian Crusade was a crusade that lasted from 1107 to 1110, in the aftermath of the First Crusade, led by Norwegian king Sigurd I.[2] Sigurd was the first king to go on crusade to the Holy Land. The crusaders did not lose a single battle during the Norwegian Crusade.
I also honestly believe that the Norse people had a great thing going, and the jews cucked them into throwing away their history for christianity.
You are a role-playing atheist who worships Marvel comic book characters.
Norse mythology:
>Sacrifice children, worship plants, muh odin
>"I came not to bring peace, but to bring a sword"
> "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
>His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
>And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
>And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean
>And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God."
>"Then the young hero (who was God almighty)
>Got ready, resolute and strong in heart.
>He climbed onto the lofty gallows-tree,
>Bold in the sight of many watching men,
>When He intended to redeem mankind.
>I trembled as the warrior embraced me.
>But still I dared not bend down to the earth,"
The Jews have nothing to do with Christianity, the ones who preached Christendom were Italians and Franks a German tribe.
and at one point "Jews" were Mesopotamian pagans. We are no longer at that point.
You are a buttmad Christcuck
Turn the other cheek so that I might slap it.
Christians on this board are so deluded.
Don't bother explaining it to them, people who get a chub for Chris Hemsworths golden locks are in a constant state of denial.
They're no more comic book characters than your precious holy trinity burgerboy.
Christianity/Islam/Hindi/Buddhism will be tought of the same way once it falls.
Yes theyre currently mocked in the mainstream and erased with comics and (((hollywood))) that only makes me feel theyre more valuable.
I never said I am role playing or worshiping anyone, Ive read a lot of holy texts from quaran, to buddhist texts, to asatru books, and the poetic edda. I said I think the values encouraged by the norse mythologies are the most encouraging.
Wrong. I'm an atheist who doesn't feel the need to role-play and doesn't get his knowledge of theology from Sup Forums memes created by Jews.
Norse. Christianity led to the decadence of the Roman Empire. The only reason Christianity ever became anything was because the last Roman Emperors were cucked by the prodigal jew and spread it all over the Empire. Then Christian culture and Roman superiority were associated together to attract people to it similar to how the Quran appeals to corrupt men to spread.
swedes need to get crusaded by Norway again.
The Norse mythologies you read are filtered through the ideology of Christians as Christians were the ones who wrote them down.
The way WHAT all falls my cultural marxist friend?
Like a man who is very knowledgeable in a trade reads a newspaper article which is related to his work and acknowledges that it is full of error and bias, then proceeds to read the rest of the same newspaper and trust it to be factual.
People on this board are so skeptical of things like the holocaust (and rightly so) and then somehow believe that other parts of (((history))) are perfectly accurate the way they were taught in school.
The poetic edda was written by the people of iceland before christianity ever reached it.
m8, this hamburglar who bathes in mountain dew and rides his mobility scooter thru the drive thru at micky d's will never grasp the thought of a religion that promotes self improvement and the communitys greater good. It's better for him to believe that when he lies on his deathbead at 38, due to diabetes and cardiac sickness caused by his ursa major like body shape, he can just accept jesus and get into heaven.
Your christian traditions are mostly borrowed from pagan traditions as the church couldn't force Europeans to really adopt to a foreign jewish faith.
lol there he is.
So, a fancy way of saying dead kike on a stick. Christians are cucks for the jews.
Yes, when All Father walked in our home and ruled it all, he bore several children. One being Skjold of which the danish royal lineage came from, for instance. He died in Sigtuna, and was burned there. Before he died he let him self be marked by a spear, and said that those who did the same, or died in battle would join him there in the godshome(gudaheim is used here). When he was burned the smoke went far far up into the sky, which they considered an omen of a great man.
Frey and Freyja were the last two of the twelve diars to walk, they lived when your jesus lived. This can be accounted for that a great King named Frode ruled Denmark. He broked peace with the romans there about year 0, so here this was called the Frode peace. It was good years during these years and good harvests.
When Frey died, the swedes burried him in a gravemound as the credited him for the good years, so they didn't want to tell the swedes this. They kept pooring in gold, bronze and silver from taxes into 3 windows in this mound, til they finally admitted it.
Dan the Great of Denmark, was a good friend of Frey, and he let such a mound be built for him. When he died, he let him self bury here. This is the start of what we call haugöld/moundage in denmark, brinnöld/burnage kept longer in Norway and Sweden. Custom was to rise a bauta for each man who had mans courage, and spread his ashes on the sea, wind etc.
I sidetracked as fuck kekk...1:35..noice.. and I haven't worked out ffs.
I bet you think the christmas tree is there because jesus was conceived under one.
Christians hate Jews.
>not cucked jewish rapebabies
pick 1
This shit is on par with those pictures of rocket pyramids and magic melanin
And he said there will always be poor people...
Norse men were the elite bodyguards of the Roman Emperor.
If you paganfags want to light a candle for something other than Christianity, and since you're all basically atheists cosplaying "le white relijin" meme, why the fuck don't you bow down for something that was productive, like Roman or Greek mythology? I mean for fucks sake the Parthenon is still around, so is the Temple of Poseidon.
>like Roman or Greek mythology
All European paganism is the same. Names change, but the messages are the same.
>The poetic edda was written by the people of iceland before christianity ever reached it.
The poetic edda were not written. They were an oral tradition.
>Poetic Edda is the modern attribution for an unnamed collection of Old Norse anonymous poems, which is different from the Edda, written by Snorri Sturluson. Several versions exist, all consisting primarily of text from the Icelandic mediaeval manuscript known as the Codex Regius.
>Codex Regius (Latin: Cōdex Rēgius, "(The) Royal Book"; Icelandic: Konungsbók) or GKS 2365 4º is an Icelandic codex in which many Old Norse poems are preserved. It is made up of 45 vellum leaves, thought to have been written in the 1270s. It originally contained a further 8 leaves, which are now missing. It is the sole source for most of the poems it contains.
>Iceland was Christianized in the year 1000 AD, when Christianity became the religion by law
Iceland was Christianized in the year 1000 AD.
The only written source for these poems is a codex compiled by CHRISTIANS over two hundred later. CHRISTIANS preserved the Norse poems that they felt were valuable, and we have no idea what was left out.
So I reiterate.
Your conception of old Norse culture is the Christian conception of old Norse culture, as Christians were the ones who wrote it down.
muh irish mythology :^)
>Jesus promised the end of all wicked people
Christianity won and killed of Nordicism
Jesus promised salvation and nothing more.
a recent invention of Protestantism, it could be the same as Christians for Atheists or Christians for Muslims.
So in other words Christianity is a European creation. The "foreign jewish faith" was entirely irrelevant beyond providing a far away neutral holy land that no European tribe could claim sole control over.
>killed of Nordicism
Are you retarded? The Norse had their own Churches and their own bishops.
Neo-pagans are nothing more than edgy faggots that think following a dead religion is cool.
>Dead religion
>All of the traditions of europe comes from paganism
come on nigger.
Regardless, what Ive explained to you is that I have read all holy texts I could with an open mind, and I like the norse texts the most.
I don't believe you've read anything outside of your own thought tunnel with an open mind.
I never said one was right and one was wrong, I said I preferred one over the other. The fact you're so butthurt makes me think you're somewhat insecure about your own beliefs anyway.
The holy land was firmly in the hands of the Roman empire.
And yes, Christianity is mostly based on St Paul teachings at Rome and in Greece, Jesus is the center of the faith but not the center of the teachings.
The religion itself is dead. People don't praise Odin, Thor or Tyr anymore. Traditions are something else entirely. Considering Christianity forms a core part of Western values, maybe you should have more respect for it.
Exactly I wasnt sure of the exact details but, Odin like many of the old gods, had supernatural/extraterrestrial/divine heritage how ever you want to look at it. Odin actually did walk upon this earth as a living breathing man of old
Not the one you replied to but where does atheist hate on the internet stem from? No, I'm not a fedora wearing numale and my girlfriend isnt a blue haired degenerate. Most people in my social circle don't fuck with religion. I dont see how a board like Sup Forums with a ton of intelligent people can be so vehemently religious. I'm conservative and I recognize the ethical benefits of christianity (I'm against abortion) but how can you guys really believe in a creator?
They praise odin thor týr as much as KeK is praised right now,.
It's fine if you take inspiration from them, that's your business.
I just want you to acknowledge that you're not actually breaking away from the Christian ethos by being inspired by them, as you are inspired by the same poems that ancient Christians felt were inspiring and worth preserving.
European Christianity is more than the Bible and more than the church. It is an emergent manifestation of the collective culture and ethos of Europe.
>Sup Forums
Don't be fucking ridiculous.
If it were factual, it wouldn't be religion.
I refuse to believe Kek is being worshipped unironically. It's simply too dumb.
Saying nothing came from nothing is just as crazy m8! Cheers!
greco-roman polytheism is where its at
What is up with those pre digital deitys? You mean they exist in the physical world?
Neither, seeing as how there is no reason to think that either faith is actual based on anything other verifiable/falsifiable.
Christian europe is dead and isn't coming back.
Christians worship a dead jew who got nailed to a tree. Not much practical difference I'm afraid.
>Christians worship a dead jew who got nailed to a tree
>The holy land was firmly in the hands of the Roman empire.
This is true but the Roman empire collapsed before Christianity became the unifying religion of Europe.
in 1939 a ww2 pilot saw a ice giant
Both are valid as both are white religions. So long as we're in the same boat as far as the welfare of our race is concerned, splitting hairs does no one any good. I feel the same towards WN atheists/agnostics.
You poor heathens and your lesser gods.
Well considering Christianity is based on an actual historic event I'd have to say Christianity. Also St. Boniface has already eternally btfo the Norse religion when he chopped down Thor's tree and converted Scandinavia.
>The only written source for these poems is a codex compiled by CHRISTIANS over two hundred later. CHRISTIANS preserved the Norse poems that they felt were valuable, and we have no idea what was left out.
You also have no proof that anything was left out, besides neo-pagans aren't limited to christian sources, there's this thing called comparative mythology.
>Norse mythology
This was all written by a christian monk funny enough because the norse never wrote shit down and the only account of this religion was again a christian monk who admitted to rewriting norse paganism to be christian like
>set-up conversation to go exactly as you want it to
>haha pagans BTFO
Come on man
>>christian theologians didn't like jews so therefore worshiping a dead jewish dissident isn't cucked.
Nice (((logic))) you got there, Rabbi.
Celtic paganism is the most valid since we have proof of the gods' existence