Armond White

What the fuck is wrong with him? I swear he better not give the Emoji movie a fresh review

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but muh contrarian king of Sup Forums

I hope he does

our guy

report all e celeb threads

go reddit if you wanna discuss this shit

Armond is our guy though

this board is for movie/television

not wannabees and their fans

he should be gassed in a room contains you and rest of you,RLM and their wanna be equivalents .

He's the hero cinema deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hate him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. The Armond White.

I wonder what score he will give it.




he won't review it

Spotted the Redditor

Would Armond vs Kermode be the film debate of the century?

What I'd give to see them talk about Snyder


He literally thinks Man of Shit and BvS: Dawn of shit is literally kino so he's obviously /ourguy/

it'd be funny if he was the sole fresh reviewer on the emoji movie but that dumb homely bitch gave it a 3/5 so it's too late

More like kang of Sup Forums

Cole Smithy is more of a contrarian than him

Whatever he writes about it, positive or negative, Sup Forums will take it as gospel.

90% of his reviews don't even apply to the movie he's writing about anyway. Everything has to be a political commentary or a soulless exhibition of capitalism. Nigga, just review the goddamn film.

>Everything has to be a political commentary or a soulless exhibition of capitalism. Nigga, just review the goddamn film.

He's just not being a pleb and is instead doing what all intelligent film lovers do and going into the deeper themes and messages of a movie. That's what a critic ideally should do. It's not about just adding a vote to Rotten Tomatoes.

I wonder how he feels about his retard brother is a lot more famous than him.

Your pleb is showing

literally /ourguy/

Kermode is a pretentious, dude transformers is shit because I'm comparing it to Citizen Kane, arthouse, failed director.

White is an actual, unironic contrarian.

Critics were a mistake. These clowns get paid to talk shit that the average Joe doesn't care about.

There's already a fresh review for Emoji movie

Honestly I can't even tell when his reviews are positive or negative, he doesn't give anything a score and the movies RT says he rated positive are filled with negative comments about it.

>criticism should only be about "I like it/I don't like it"

This is why the art of film criticism is dead

But he has to force his conservative worldview into everything.

How many mainstream film critics talked about gay rights when reviewing Toy Story?

>How many mainstream film critics talked about gay rights when reviewing Toy Story?

Is that such an odd thing to do when you're writing for a gay magazine?
>this pleb doesn't know that toy story had homosexual romantic subplot

>Armond White
>Actually super dark black man

Really fired up the 'ol noggin

Midlife crisis


What should it be about then? If you're going to say "[whatever Armond does]" then does that mean film criticism comes and goes with his reviews? Because he seems to be trying to avoid actual film criticism as much as possible.

Too late. Someone else already gave Emoji Movie a fresh review

Is The Emoji Movie kino?

Like I said before it's about actually exploring the film's issues and how it relates to the world around us. If you want to hear some bozo praise a film's special effects, there are a hundred idiots on youtube happy to do that for you. It's the mark of a true patrician to explore a film's political and philosophical themes.

>shits on Dunkirk
>praises Valerian
truly /ourguy/