when will this corrupt bastard be out of our lives?
When will this corrupt bastard be out of our lives?
>Irish call anyone bastard
You're simply mountain english.
When the IOC finds out he's been taking steroids.
why are you defending a rooskie
Ruskies don't revolt against their leaders much. So, except to see him for a long time.
Also, when he leaves power, he'll just install his own pawn there, to make sure nobody will be able to do shit to him. So he can enjoy all the bilions he stole from his country. He'll probably live in a luxury villa and run a big oil company after that.
I don't defending this cookie.I just want to say he is ruthless,tyrannical,alpha and manly dictator.Every country needs a leader like him.I just hate to see leftist coward woman who leading a country.
You can hate even swear on him but you have to respect his charisma.
cant believe I actually agree with a roach but this is definitely true
Shortly before his nationalist countrymen will nuke you to atlantic bottom...
(this is Russian peace-maker... there are also war-mongers on the east, just now they are the weaker side. Manage to homicide their president and you'll see, how angry bear looks like...)
About president corruption -- there is a class of men, who you cannot corrupt - if they have whatever they like... Think on it some time...
There may be corruption at lower levels. There is absolutelly no sense for the corruption at the (locally) highest level.
> when will this corrupt bastard be out of our lives?
>of our lives?
you are due to finish up a course of antidepressants
sino-russian alliance WHEN
Once he gets on Trump's bad side
I'm more worried about the corruption in the White House. The Kremlin is far away.
You notice it's only the millenials who support Putin, because muhh savior of Christianity. Ask your grandfathers what they thought of Russia.
Our governments have supported jihadists with weapons and training since the 80s, all to spite Russia. Look where it has gotten us. Maybe the Kremlin would be more valuable to America as a friend than as a rival/bogeyman/space taxi
Basically yeah. Putin can't just retire or he will end up being arrested. I'm not even anti-Putin or anything but Russia is a low trust society full of crime, violence and corruption. If he ever does retire he needs to replace himself with someone who will cover for him. I expect though that he will be dictator for life.
Other possibility is Hillary deposes him and he ends up being sodomized and gutted like Gaddafi.
What use does Russia even have as a nation. They have nothing but natural resources which they're to retarded to exploit.
>a low trust society full of crime, violence and corruption.
so kind of like america?
Playing "regime change" and trying to foment rebellion (like in Libya, Syria or Ukraine) in a nuclear power like Russia would be a mistake fatal to the human race.
I'm too young to remember the Cold War, it ended when I was 3. But my Dad hates Russians because of the Cold War. Always will. It is a shame.
I think the Russians were actually more victims of Communism than anybody else.
They also produce weapons and technology, but the natural resources are the base of their economy. And of course military cooperation would be the main thing if we could have a good relationship with the Kremlin.
Uhh you dor ealize how the Russia elections work. There is no term limit but you can't be president 2 times in a row so he switches with the medved guy.
>Playing "regime change" and trying to foment rebellion (like in Libya, Syria or Ukraine) in a nuclear power like Russia would be a mistake fatal to the human race.
>thinking the US can't overthrow any country they want
We have an intelligence agency that controls half the world
What kind of possible influence does Putin have in Russia?
Western idiots should stop watching CNN and reading Reuters, fix your own damn countries first before you act worried about Russia
Wtf are you talking about their military is super shit and all that technology they have they can't even afford to make.
>comparing shitholes with the Russian bear and KGB emperor Putin
>We have an intelligence agency that controls half the world
Then why is America and life for the average American consistently getting shittier? >we Don't control anything, there are other people that control you
stfu stupid
>controls half the world
Okay user, sure, but in reality playing those kinds of games with Russia is something no POTUS would ever be retarded enough to do. Except Hillary, but the military would stop Clinton from sparking nuclear war.
>their military is super shit
In what way? Massive land army, loads of tanks, loads of aircraft and anti-air defense, and a full nuclear triad... their miltiary is number two on earth man.
Putin is the only person that prevents russia from going to shit T B H . I feel sorry for the Russian people , when he will leave/die , it s gonna be a mess
Where did Mr. Putin touch you Ireland?
When he dies, Poklonskaya will take over and retake Constantinople
hes the fuckin man
They prbably never listened to a Putin speech . they just go " LE EBIL RUSSIA , LE EBIL PUTIN IS A DICTATOR"
Yeah I remember the whole Medved thing. Putin took some other position and Medved "ran" the country until the next election.
True, but you have to keep in mind Russian government and most Russian people, minus intellectuals, hate America, always have and always will. It's been that way since after WWII. They're always scheming our downfall. I'm not even paranoid or anything, it's the same way with China. Alpha predator always will have someone willing to overthrow them, and since we are the sole hyperpower...
So what do you think about your leader, Gollum?
He ain't half bad there is a lot worse. Could have pussy Obama selling off your country
Naw I been to Russia had a ex that lived there they don't give to shits about your nationality. It's just TV and mindless zombies who think that
>Russian people, minus intellectuals, hate America
Fox news much?
>They prbably never listened to a Putin speech
Obama makes nice speeches too and says lots if good things. Don't mean much. Judge by actions, not speeches.
Their media portrays the American government the way the Russian government is portrayed by our media, but most Russians don't hate Westerners in my experience. If anything we are exotic and sexy, as they are to us.
Noice. Hyperpower now?
Out of yur life?
I just don't get since when is Russia a boogeyman for the whole planet - having limited regional ambitions.
I don't watch TV. I learn from experiences people share with me as they've visited places like Moscow, St. Pete (sorry Ruskies I'm from Florida we always call it this), Novosibirisk, Vladivostok and Arkhangelsk. Overwhelming anti-American stance. One of my friends who is American (actually an immigrant from Armenia or whatever but you get the idea) got attacked for wearing a t-shirt with the flag on it.
I don't know, man. All I've been hearing are bad things. Also troubles me when their government starts making a ruckus over Guam and Alaska, that saber-rattling isn't just for show, is it?
Its banter for shillary's banter over Crimea.