True Detective season 3


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whoever is in charge of casting, i have faith in them.

>the criminal was...myself

S2 showed that S1 was just lucky accident.


Yep. Mahalalala can act but so could Vince. If the script is triple refined shit it's pointless.

It was inevitable I suppose

if im gonna have a token modern black guy in my show, it should be mahershala ali. i dont need more idris elba god dammit.

he really should have gotten that oscar

Good, he was the only good thing in Moonlight.

i dont get this

season one's mystery wasnt a big reveal but it was more about existentialism and being.

season two had no mystery, again, but instead had multiple characters with their own problems. vince always relied on himself, the cocaine cowboy wanted to redeem himself and do right, and the other two had some other shit as well. im not really gonna get into it.

i liked S2 mainly for vince. the others were kinda unlikeable. regardless, it was still produced well.

i have faith theyll be more careful in the third season