How are you gonna celebrate when Trump wins, and we become a glorious, filthy rich nation again?

How are you gonna celebrate when Trump wins, and we become a glorious, filthy rich nation again?

Other urls found in this thread:

shitpost on Sup Forums

Being not american I don't get, isn't he just a meme?

>when trump wins

fuck off shill

Go to reddit and read about their travesty while drinking wine

I'll try to impregnate a woman.

by drinking the tears of the left, and some beer.

Make fun of every fag and niggerlover I can.


the only way one should

eating a burger

>we become a glorious flithy rich nation again

Oh my sweet, summer child

>0.05$ deposited to your account

>become filthy rich by imposing up to 45% consumer tax on US citizens and raising the minimum wage


desu trump's economic policies are liberal as fuck, his trade policy is basically the same as birdie sanders

>rich nation again

fucking kek

I'm going to absorb the tears like a sponge and enjoy every minute of it

Eventually wake up from that dream to the living nightmare of Trump's defeat by fuckin crooked scummy Hillary.

Trump girl thread?


>filthy rich nation
>$8 an hour

Ready 4 -> H (2016-2024)

> Being not american I don't get, isn't he just a meme?

Those who slander the name of our great God Emperor shall perish.

>when Trump wins
Good luck with that.

I see no babes, just two used up sluts


Lol faggot Britbong


>when Trump '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''wins''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Enjoy watching chimpouts in November.


>when Trump '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''wins''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Change my wifi router name to "HillaryBTFO"

niggerz b cellbratin wid crack n hoes, yo

make like a tree and leaf please

>> Hates racists
>> Uses racist slurs to insult people

Typical racist democrat

wow im defiantly voting for Hillary now thanks friend :^)

Kek wills it for Trump to win. Because I sacrificed my asshole to Kek by allowing him to stick his burning-hot, cactus-thorn dick in it! My body has physically absorbed the essence of Kek.

>by drinking the tears of the left, and some beer.
Trump has no chance in hell. When the whites are gone, you will be next. You are not in controll

>tfw my gf is blond and smart as hell(for a woman) and her and her whole family are trump supporters

Feels good mayne


Thats a great web m

brag to all my friends that want to move to Canada

Harvest all of the salt from the left and open up my own business to MAGA.

Drive all around town with the windows rolled down with Springsteen playing "glory days" and "born in the USA"

Got him! He has no girlfriend!