Atheism is the most destructive tendril of cultural marxism besides feminism when it comes to destroying cultures. It is one of the root causes for the degeneracy and overall moral degredation we see today in western civilization.
It all stems from the fact that atheism is incompatible with moral universalism (i.e. objective morality), which makes it possible to morally rationalize any action (i.e. moral relativism), as can be seen with the LGBTQ movement. This acronym is constantly evolving (currently at LGBTQQIP2SAA if I'm not mistaken), and I believe it's just a matter of time before pedophilia and bestiality are integrated as well (in-before muh slippery slope).
I expect some people to challenge the notion that atheism is incompatible with moral universalism. I've had this debate before, and they usually resort to: "Empathy is in our biology. It's a product of evolution that is innate in all humans." The problem with this argument is that it begets the question: Whose "biology" are we talking about? Not everyone are empathetic about the same things. People seem to have different concepts of what is wrong and what isn't. Who is right? What society? Not to mention that it's irrational and quite frankly intellectually dishonest to assume that there is an ultimate standard of right and wrong that supersedes mere fanciful "ideas" about what is right and wrong at a given time in our ethical evolution (from an atheistic perspective).
I'm not saying that all atheists are amoral, but that has more to do with the intellectual cowardice, hypocrisy and inconsistent logic of atheists than it does with the moral strength of atheism.
Atheists proclaim to be intellectually superior and have an aptitude for logical and critical thinking, yet they fail to understand something so simple.