Canada has less olympic ability than north korea

>canada has less olympic ability than north korea

wew boy

Other urls found in this thread:

usa has 10x our population but only 4x the medals.. not to mention we've kicked your ass in the winter olympics every year since 1952

We are all losing to North Korea.

If more of us were allowed to compete we would have 50 more medals

there are 4 Canadians for every 40 Americans are there are 15,000,000 more niggers in America than there are people in Canada. Perspective is good to have my little poor as shit police state islamic mother country.


>can't beat starving rice farmers
Canada is officially a meme

to be fair...they excel at the winter sports so give them a chance

When your enemies beat you, you win.
you won.

Canacucks on suicide watch

truly the canadian is a tormented, terrible creature

one cannot interact at length with a canadian "person" without being overwhelmed by a unique mix of loathing and overwhelming pity

>OP is talking about canada losing to a nation of starving gooks
>B-but b-but america has more people then us
Canadians are truly pathetic

>shoving Ireland out of the way

>country gets 2 months of summer a year
>"why dont they win more medals in the summer olympics?"

wew lad

North Koreans get put to death if they fail, of course they are going to do good.



>tfw an entire nation gets banned from the olympics and they're still beating us

And you are worse than us. :)

I'm starting to think canada has lost it. they don't even know who's insulting them anymore.

inb4 shart in mart

>1 Russia (RUS)* 13 11 9 33
>2 Norway (NOR) 11 5 10 26
>3 Canada (CAN) 10 10 5 25
>4 United States (USA) 9 7 12

russia doesnt count they have been banned for cheating and bribe every judge

in other words the ONLY nation that can talk shit to us is norway

You have 2 golds, we have 28. Most of your medals are bronze


>24 Australia (AUS) 0 2 1 3

>they don't count because they're better than us

i have never seen snow my entire life and often fantasize about going overseas and seeing it

>All this damage control

If you compete in the olympics, the olympics win...

>bragging about the wnba of the olympics

>"Our short summer restricts us from playing:"
>diving (indoor pool)
>swimming (indoor pool)
>ping pong
>countless other indoor activities with no weather restrictions
>countless other outdoor activities that can be played in winter/spring/fall

w e w

go to the Snowy Mountains or whatever the fuck they're called

my Aussie friend was there lately.

>bogan autist almost comprehends empathy

theres more than 1 olympics fuck and we raped you in the other way

1/10th the population and we got more golds than you

suck my ice cold dong faggot

we don't threaten athletes with the death penalty for subpar performance like they do in NK or islamic countries like Britanistan, Abu

t. weak cuck

We're good in Winter Olympics.

the only summer sports any Canadian cares about are the rowing ones. Most people probably don't even realize the Olympics are happening right now

>his athletes need forced to train

Take first next time to redeem yourselves for electing Trudeau.

At least we beat India.

Australia has way more medals than Cuckada

muh medals per person ratio
how butthurt do you have to be to fall back onto this, insignificant non countries need not apply (100 million pop plus only)

there's literally nothing wrong with Trudeau

The introduction of the winter Olympics was essentially affirmative action:
"Lets give these non-countries a chance to win some medals" KEK


t. Muslim

Hope our jumping dude can jump the highest
MFW starving braindead NKers better than us.

t. unironically cares that tax dollar welfare queen do stupid flips in the air and run fast

also reported to Scotland Yard for hate speech have fun in jail Abu

>believing Western Propaganda about North Korea

kek we beat your hockey team so bad in 2014 that some of them started fucking crying and refused to shake hands
get cucked

Stop making threads about us if you hate us so much. You fuck heads are cucked its embarrassing. CANADIAN COCK.

Is that from the state sponsored North Korean news website?

>bogan autist almost comprehends empathy
but senpai

i am surprised we even go to the winter olympics at all

the "summer" olympics is like all weather sports

i mean you're not even clutching at straws you're clutching at cocks because you're being that much of a faggot

How you star tho

Everyone in Canada will admit we're only good at the Winter Olympics

NK beating us is pretty bad tho even at summer sports

>"Our transgender knitting team beat yours!"
Winning in non-sports isn't anything to be proud of senpai

The ratio stat would only matter if every country rigorously scouted every citizen for the Olympics.
>Implying every citizen ought to be less productive and run around all day
Medal magnitude is the only measurement

Pretty much this

Summer Olympics are boring.

Here you go Ameribro ⭐

The only reason leafage do so well in winter Olympics is because Aussies goto whistler and fuck their women, giving them our master race seed to breed such glorious atheletes. We also train the Canadians because of how shit they all are.

sick damage control

I know this is bait but I like arguing so lets make a short list shall we?

>he cares more about refugees than the military

>he plans to bring in more migrants despite the fact his budget is already looking grim and migrants are costly

>he sold all your remaining gold within 4 months of being in office
>this was being done slowly in order to counter the budget deficit in the past
>he didn't care

>he is a feminist

Feel free to add to this, I can't be bothered atm

>le anime poster
>calling others faggot
jejs wew

When you win gold, you lose silver.


lol all the bogan fucks that come here do it to take the nigger jobs that white people dont want to do

you are literally mexico tier bogan cuck

>Canadians really thinking anybody but Canada, Finland, Sweden, or the Soviet Union take hockey seriously
Miracle on Ice was neato tho traitor

yea we aren't great at the summer olympics.

I hope you have cancer and then suffer in hell for eternity.

Being good in sports is racist

Canada rarely does good in the Summer Olympics desu. This isn't an epiphany or anything new.


Cry the fuck more leafshit
Don't you have some children to molest
Faggot ass puckhead

Thread started by a Brit, Canada poster immediately starts making comparisons to America. And you wonder why they say we have an inferiority complex.

Ssshhhh no more tears leafcuck.

hello lereddit

I believe you can be based again, Leafbro.

I love you cunts I really do.
But you need to fix yourself.
We're too busy fixing ourselves to fix you atm, but I believe in you.

It's effin hot out dere, eh? Take off an call us when it's proper cold.

i'm not understanding why ireland is in the anglofeels-verse, they are literally niggers.

English and Germans are literally niggers


Depends on what you considered based desu. Compared to America or UK, Canada has it pretty well off in comparisons. We haven't been hit by third world immigrants nearly as hard as any EU nation or our southern brothers desu.

But yeah, we really need to do something about Trudeau. Trudeau actually only one mostly due to a massive anti-harper campaign and misinformed majority. More canadian news sources bash or question trudeau's policies than praise them.


Yeah the cold keeps the niggers out but Trudeau is trying to change that and fast.

You guys are way too lefty for your own good as it stands, it won't last.
We're a stage ahead of you with everything breaking down but you're right behind us.


Cuckdeau's policies lean more on pandering to special snowflakes, faggots and feminists more than it does towards niggers, asians and mudslimes.

Part of the reason nobody does anything about Trudeau is because the stereotype of Canadians being too nice is true, and the stereotype of Canadians not giving a shit about politics is true, since federal politics literally only effect two provinces most of the time, Canadians don't give a damn if a conservative or a liberal gets into power because half of the time it never effects them.

Canada's just started walking down the cuck path recently but there's still time to turn back. I think Cuckdeau realizes that he can't just open the floodgates to any random muslim like the EU has, because he only brings in mudslime women, mudslime children, and very rarely upper class mudslime men from time to time, and all of these people have to wait on wait lists for years. He does seem like the kind of faggot who will go full retard some day and start accepting any random literally who from the middle east with a sob story though.

Most of Canada doesn't realize how bad Trudeau truly is because only Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and Ottawa have these giant SJW movements and gay filipino pride parades. To every Canadian outside of these cities, trudeau just looks like that goofy faggot who makes funny faces posing with half naked queers who shouldn't be prime minister but people don't give a fuck because "he's funny as a prime minister" anyways. Meanwhile the mentioned cities are on life support while the rest of oblivious white canada just laughs at trudeau for being that whacky drama teacher who crawls out of caves and photobombs weddings.

fair enough user, glad to hear you're a lot better off than I thought

Its always nice getting good news from the (former) colonies

>all these cucks just DYING to talk about canada because their pathetic nigger infested countries are so boring


It's largely because of the oceans that keep us relatively uncucked compared to EU countries. Germany and Sweden accept millions of mudslimes per fucking year, whereas Canada's only accepted 50,000 syrian refugees in total over the past two years, and australia 25,000.

>because he only brings in mudslime women, mudslime children, and very rarely upper class mudslime men from time to time, and all of these people have to wait on wait lists for years
Got any proof of that? Trusting officials when they said that they were doing that was exactly what got Europe into the shit heap of a mess they're in now.

shame about gooks being able to into ships and planes for Aus, dunno how bad that is for Can

Two elections my "toronto" riding went conservative when Harper ran on his majority platform. I would hope we don't end up the eternal Liberal as all the "natural governing party" cucks want.

*elections ago

I would rather suck at the Olympics than have to live with 100 million niggers

It's just the way Canadian immigration laws work. Canada's immigration laws are actually really strict in comparison to a lot of other Western countries. Even Americans who want to move to Canada have to wait a while and a good chunk of them get turned down. This is why Canada only took in 50,000 syrian refugees whereas Germany took in a 1,000,000+. The oceans make it nearly impossible for them to immigrate legally and our system allows us to cherrypick mudslimes with diplomas and educations, which is why you don't see news of mudslime riots and terrorism in Canada.
Toronto nignogs have chimped out a little bit recently though, largely because of BLM movements in the states.

Canada has been hit HARD by gooks. Chinese, Filipino, Korean, Japanese, you name it. Half of them are tsunami, earthquake or typhoon refugees. Asians are to Canada as Mudslimes are to Europe. We have millions of them. They're not nearly as bad as mudslimes but they only keep to themselves. They've turned entire cities and towns into "chinatowns", only speak their gook languages and outright ignore Canadians.

Sup Forums needs to change it's Canuckistan memes into Hong Canada memes.

I want to move to Canada, I prefer cold weather and not getting cancer just for putting the bins out.

How many Aussies are there in Canada?

Especially in banf and whistler

immigrate illegally*

If you know how to teach people how to snowboard you can live in Banff, Whistler, or if you're feeling dangerous in Québec.

Also any Canadian who memes the olympics should be watching high-jump.

No, it's fake.


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Ahead of NK now this thread is kill