My catholic parents are still fucking livid, but the best decision in my life was converting to buddhism and listening to his words.
Name a more inspiring and enlightened world leader.
pro-tip: you can't.
My catholic parents are still fucking livid, but the best decision in my life was converting to buddhism and listening to his words.
Name a more inspiring and enlightened world leader.
pro-tip: you can't.
Other urls found in this thread:
Adolf Hitler
No arguing with you there man
He also shares our opinion on the refugee crisis and Islam.
I think he takes the correct middle path
Buddhism is best -ism.
Nice blog post fag
Pope Benedict Xvi (The pope before Francis) called Buddhism that next challenge to Christianity after Marxism.
In 1997 Cardinal Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI) suggested that in the future Buddhism, rather than Marxism, might be the principal challenge to the Church.
This guy gets it.
>converting to buddhism
Oh, my fucking sides
That's a fine meme you have there sir
I, too, played Age of Empires.
I'd say dealing with systematic child rape is a bigger challenge for rome
Enjoy your crypto-Marxist religion
based Germany right here
Good job thinking for yourself, OP.
Catholicism is for monarchists and boytouchers.
And guns too.
>If someone breaks into your house with a gun it would be wise to shoot them with your own gun.
Or something like that. The Pope is a cuck while this guy is BASED as fuck.
Not a Buddhist per say , but the lessons of the Buddha saved my life.
Never known a more self hating religion then Buddhism other then Modern Liberalism.
I wish I could also live in complete luxury and be treated like the reincarnation of Jesus by stupid liberals by spouting platitudes about how peace and love conquer all
why does he get to represent Buddhism? There were a lot of llamas, and he isn't even the last one I think.
How? I can't even wrap my mind around the dark and frightening threat that Buddhists somehow represent to Christianity.
He's right about Hitler though.
The Dalai Lama spoke out against the mass migration to Europe, and was even called a "racist" because of it. Cant say the same for Pope Francis and the Vatican.
t. Ex-Catholicuck
Buddhists are pedophiles.
sure is trendy fags in here
do you guys practice yoga too?
kys my dudes
Buddhist are giant cucks
They teach submissiveness and being cuck to other people
Pope Francis cucked the church the previous pope was a strong traditionalist
he's pretty based
Buddhists all over South-East Asia are rising up against the Muslim menace. Theyre attacking Muslim villages and burning down Mosques, I shit you not. One of those countries (Thailand maybe?) is the only country in the WORLD (IIRC) where the Muslim population is falling instead of rising.
He is very cool. Im not religious; if i was, id follow him.
also the Dalai Lama is pretty based he said european countries should remain european meanwhile Pope Cucktius is all about rapefugees welcome
This isnt the year 2003 anymore.
Lao Tzu.
Taoism is a surer path to happiness in the modern world.
Lol no that's the original teachings of Jesus. Buddhism doesn't have absolute laws, instead it's tenants are worded "avoid" this and that, eg. Avoid killing others or avoid eating meat. So it would not be acceptable to join an army unless in defence of one's nation, but it would be fine to kill in self defence. Likewise if you were starving in the woods and you had to kill a deer to live that would be fine, but buying meat from a butcher would not
what if the Llama is secretly a muslim? what then? go ahead tell your parents
There are Buddhist militia's in burma right now removing kebab meanwhile pope francis is kissing muslims feet stay cucked faggot
Based Buddhist
Also a buddhist here. Tibetan buddhism had a profecy that in 300 years the world will fall to the muslims and the armies will rise out of shambala and btfo them ushering a new utopian era. I am kidding you not.
are the sirens that I hear for those fat women wearing police gear running at you? pretending to be poliz is illegal
>Avoid killing others
>avoid eating meat
Buddha was the original vegan hipster
FPBP and from German. This is what they talk about with the meme magic kids. This is it.
He is absolutely great
How do you convert to Buddhism? Do you go to a Buddhist priest or what?
Google it
You need to go to a buddhist teacher and take refuge in the buddha, dharma(the teaching) and sangha (religious community). You obviously also need to agree with the principles of the teachings of course
No, you just start practicing it. There is no lengthy conversion process.
Buddhism, in some of its forms, does not require you to suspend your disbelief in mythologized nonsense. Modern Buddhism is fully compatible with science and does not ask you to believe in magic. This is why it could be a threat, but it would be a positive threat.
Budhism is garbage its not a white mans religion also budha is in hell
A budhist monk seen him there.
how the fuck do you consider this guy enlightened? hes not even a vegan. hes a shit-tier buddhist.
>From a moral point of view
Sounds like a "holier-than-thou" hipster
Do not listen to those talking shit about buddhism in this thread, they are jews and americunt christians.
Based leaf speaks true. The current Dalai Lama seems sort of phony in the same manner as the current Pope. They've both signed that Religious Unity Accord, or whatever the fuck it's called. Paving the way for that one world religion. Protip: the new religion will not be Christian or Buddhist, just Lucifer worship.
He is the Dalai Lama, of course he is holier than us
This!!!Fucking this!!!!
Sidhartha Guatama thinks that you're an idiot then.
"Don't just blindly believe everything someone tells you.Go and check if what they say is true,then make your mind up.Even if it's me that tells you" Buddha said this.
Moral =/= ethical
Learn meditation from someone who knows and practice it.
Go to Bronkhorstspruit
Pic related is found there
lol true. If you "convert" to buddhism you've already failed buddhism.
>Name a more inspiring and enlightened world leader
1 Confucianism
2 Daoism
3 poolooism
>I converted to Buddhism! Mom's gonna freak XD!
I swear western Buddhists are the biggest fucking fedora cunts. You just want to look "deep" without having a real moral code.
The Dalai Lama is a CIA shill.
There is no systemic child rape in the Church. The only diddlers were homos who were only allowed in after Vatican II.
.thinking for yourself
It's a fad religion for trendy idiots.
Buddhist temples are hotbeds of child abuse.
Inspiring, sure I'll give you that. But enlightened? He's got to be the biggest head-in-the-sand president in generations.
Lamaist Buddhism turned Tibet into a hellhole.
The Dalai lama is nothing more than a CIA shill and actually made things worse for his people by being such an overt puppet.
>Once we look behind the veil, we see that champions of freedom and democracy like the Dalai Lama are nothing but frauds who are used to undermine countries opposed to Anglo-American hegemony, mainly Russia and China and its supported allies (e.g. Iran/Syria).
>The Dalai Lama represents Western degeneracy, which dupes idealistic people to follow a cause which is eventually usurped and used for a greater evil. The Dalai Lama is nothing but a money hungry, evil narcissist who enjoys duping the masses and enjoying his celebrity status while living the big life. We need to realize that these supposed purveyors of justice are manufactured frauds who serve as henchman of the global elite.
>What has the Dalai Lama actually achieved for Tibetans inside Tibet?
>If his goal has been independence for Tibet or, more recently, greater autonomy, then he has been a miserable failure.
>He has kept Tibet on the front pages around the world, but to what end? The main achievement seems to have been to become a celebrity. Possibly, had he stayed quiet, fewer Tibetans might have been tortured, killed and generally suppressed by China.
t. gook
>There is no systemic child rape in the Church.
Fucking Canadians, man.
Hope you find your way back to the one true faith, my man.
hello chinese diaspora
Buddhism is an Indo-European religion you thick fuck.
It's a lot closer to our people than Christianity is.
Dalai Lama hangs with Hitler's pals
Prove me wrong, faggots.
It was never a pedophile problem, it was a homo problem, and it's disappeared since they kicked all they gays out.
It was made out to be a bigger problem than it was because of media jews slandering the church.
Buddhism was invented by a poo-in-loo long after our people migrated west.
I only like him for saying that he doesnt travel to africa because niggers are hopeless.
Same here user if I hadn't heard his story and tried to apply it to my thinking I for sure was gonna an hero
>in the US
9/10 chance you are a spic
build wall
True. Many of the ancient buddhist teachers are reported to be blue-eyed.
>Provides tinfoil-hat tier sources.
> Asks others to disprove him
A fucking leaf.
The Dalahi Lama is pretty based. I recommend read some of his books, no matter your religion
Buddha had deep blue eyes.
The Chinese fucked Tibet, Buddhism had nothing to do with it.
I'm a convert.
>Many of the ancient buddhist teachers are reported to be blue-eyed.
Reportd by who? Buddha lives atound 400 BC. His only contemporaries were street-shitters.
>Asks others to disprove him
So you're admitting you can't. The Dalai Lama is a CIA shill who turned his country into a hellhole.
Wow, what convincing photographic evidence you have.
It's not helping.
His Nazi connections make him even more inspiring to me.
Hi Zhang.
Only Bodhisattva I'd follow is Hijiri-sama desu
Tibet can stay mongol.
It was an absolute land grab and political steamrolling by the Chinese. Only an idiot would expect a religion like Buddhism to somehow combat the Chinese.
>So you're admitting you can't. The Dalai Lama is a CIA shill who turned his country into a hellhole.
Your sources suck. Nobody is going to find a source saying the opposite since they are preposterous.
I can also say that there is a secret alien base on the moon and give as a source "history channel". You won't find anyone disproving it, since it is so ridiculous that it is not worth the effort.
good choice
wrong priest m8
There are christian militias removing kebab in Central Africa, there are also christians militias like the Dwek nashar emoving Kebab in Middle-East removing Kebab.
And christian militas of South Sudan removed kebab and became independant.
i meditate and do pilates regularly. yoga is nice too.
Catholicism technically doesn't conflict with buddhism since buddhism has no gods.
So buddhism is useless for national or cultural defense?
Read my sources again. The second one was from a mainstream news site.
>Not one person in this thread pointed out that the current Dalai Lama is a fucking communist
The numale starter pack.
fuck of i'll wololo your own priests into oblivion.
Get that man a wall pass.
Buddha ate meat that was offered to him. He was cool with it as long as the animal didn't die with him as a direct cause.
Buddha is heaven and hell. You're in heaven and in hell, more so in hell because you're on the 4chins but you get my drift. Everything has buddhanature.
>expecting a population who subscribe to a passive religion to somehow counter the Chinese army
Nice bait, Zhou